
Re: the
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 17 Jan, 2011 7:36 PM Quote
monkey wrote:
In 2010 somebody pissed me off to the point i'm bringing this thread back from the dead. Louis Spence could well be the most irritating and annoying prick to ever be on TV. Fot the lucky ones who don't know who he is...

I just got a chance to watch this. Before he even opened his mouth I understood. Anyone who wears a shirt that like is immediately a douche in my mind.

So how did he become a celeb?
Re: the
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 17 Jan, 2011 8:02 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
monkey wrote:
In 2010 somebody pissed me off to the point i'm bringing this thread back from the dead. Louis Spence could well be the most irritating and annoying prick to ever be on TV. Fot the lucky ones who don't know who he is...

I just got a chance to watch this. Before he even opened his mouth I understood. Anyone who wears a shirt that like is immediately a douche in my mind.

So how did he become a celeb?

Isnt everyone in the UK a celeb somehow? They will throw anyone on tv/newspapers!
Re: the
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 17 Jan, 2011 8:57 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:

Isnt everyone in the UK a celeb somehow? They will throw anyone on tv/newspapers!

Oi !!

Let us not forget that you guys gave the world Brian Adams and Avril Lavigne !!

Re: the
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 17 Jan, 2011 9:32 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
minnmess wrote:

Isnt everyone in the UK a celeb somehow? They will throw anyone on tv/newspapers!

Oi !!

Let us not forget that you guys gave the world Brian Adams and Avril Lavigne !!


Oi indeed! Because Bryan Adams is awesome. Avril on the other hand is NOT MY FAULT!
Re: the
Posts: 1580
monkey Posted Tue 18 Jan, 2011 1:27 AM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
minnmess wrote:

Isnt everyone in the UK a celeb somehow? They will throw anyone on tv/newspapers!

Oi !!

Let us not forget that you guys gave the world Brian Adams and Avril Lavigne !!


Lets not forget Nickelback and Justin Bieber
Re: the
Posts: 1580
monkey Posted Tue 18 Jan, 2011 1:29 AM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
monkey wrote:
In 2010 somebody pissed me off to the point i'm bringing this thread back from the dead. Louis Spence could well be the most irritating and annoying prick to ever be on TV. Fot the lucky ones who don't know who he is...

I just got a chance to watch this. Before he even opened his mouth I understood. Anyone who wears a shirt that like is immediately a douche in my mind.

So how did he become a celeb?

As far as i know he was the host of some reality dance show
Re: the
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 18 Jan, 2011 7:24 PM Quote
The gobshite Eco-Mentalist on Eco Eye on RTE1. Duncan Stewart.

He's basically going around old people's houses and bullying them because they have coal fires, The old guy on it 5 minutes ago looked totally confused. He burns coal as it's his cheapest option, he has to bring a bed into the living area in the winter because his house is so cold. This wanker starts telling him he's destroying the environment by burning coal and he should use alternate fuels, also if he buys a Wood Burning Stove and gets his place insulated it'll be a lot warmer and in the long term he won't spend as much money. No Fucking Shit Sherlock are you going to give him the outlay to have his place insulated and buy a stove, No I din't fucking think so you smug arrogant wanker, The guy didn't look as if he's got many years left in him and you're encouraging him to spend what he has left of his life in debt and poverty. Wanker. Older people especially those who live lone have a habit of believing this sh!t without questioning the practicalities or finances involved. My Gran had auldtimers disease in her later years and used to get sucked into this kind of crap all the time, It used to really piss me off. Duncan Stewart is taking advantage of these people and even if he thinks he's doing it to save the planet, he's still a bullying wanker.

I agree that the world needs to change and we need to stop burning unhealthy fuels like coal etc. but pick your fucking targets, this won't change overnight but if you educate the younger, more active & less set in their ways generation then these practices will die out, We will end up with an environmentally concious society.

Re: the
Posts: 90
strongbow1 Posted Tue 18 Jan, 2011 7:51 PM Quote
I bet he going around old peoples homes dictating about coal fuel fires drives the biggest gas guzzler around. Failing that uses a wood burning stove.
Re: the
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Tue 18 Jan, 2011 10:13 PM Quote

Several times.

And whoever voted him to stay as FF leader. Not that Fine Gael are any better..

Can't wait to see him owned in an election. Or not... in which case... good luck Ireland!
Re: the
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 18 Jan, 2011 10:17 PM Quote
kiwi wrote:

Several times.

And whoever voted him to stay as FF leader. Not that Fine Gael are any better..

Can't wait to see him owned in an election. Or not... in which case... good luck Ireland!

The problem is the alternative is this fucking waste of skin...

He's born with a face for slapping.

C'mon Irish Government Get it Sorted, gies an alternative !!

Re: the
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Tue 18 Jan, 2011 10:29 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
kiwi wrote:

Several times.

And whoever voted him to stay as FF leader. Not that Fine Gael are any better..

Can't wait to see him owned in an election. Or not... in which case... good luck Ireland!

The problem is the alternative is this fucking waste of skin...

He's born with a face for slapping.

C'mon Irish Government Get it Sorted, gies an alternative !!


I know.. there's not even a lesser evil. Still, voting yes in a confidence vote for a leader with 10% approval, who is leading a party with 14% approval is embarrassing. No wonder Ireland is in such a state... not surprised though, we did have Bertie all those years.

Makes me want to fly back just to vote for some random, but I can't cope with ryanair either.
Re: the
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Thu 20 Jan, 2011 10:23 PM Quote
"More-Than Free-man", It's not funny, it's not clever and if I was Morgan Freeman, I'd be suing your fucking shitty insurance company. Wankers


Re: the
Posts: 1018
Sunny Posted Tue 03 Apr, 2012 9:21 PM Quote

Keith Lemon

Re: the
Posts: 251
missmoo Posted Sat 14 Apr, 2012 8:28 PM Quote
Sunny wrote:

Keith Lemon

Ohhh! Me too! me too!
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