
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Tue 03 Jun, 2008 3:19 PM Quote
I know. Sorry for my F-bombs, guys. I'm just in a crap mood. AHHHHHHHHHHH! >:O 34 seconds!!!!!! That guy with the white gloves who like lives with the cup got it out and started shining it up. The crowd was chanting: "We want the cup! We want the cup!" Now we gotta go out there again? BOOO!

I blame my brother. We had a huge Red Wings party at our house last night. There were about 12 of us in our basement watching the game on the big screen in high def. We all went NUTS when we scored to make it 3-2 with like seven minutes to go. My brother Dave, who has been growing an out of control playoff beard for good luck since round one, ran upstairs to get his electric shaver. He brought it down and plugged it in and was like: “I’m shavin’ this thing off!!!” Everyone was like: “Don’t do it yet!!!! The games not over!!!!”


Kayte, today we ran a full page ad on the back of the sports section with the championship T-shirts and hats. Oooopps! LOL! The hats are cool though. Can't wait to get one after game 6!!!!!! (there will be NO game 7 ^.^)
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Tue 03 Jun, 2008 6:01 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
I know. Sorry for my F-bombs, guys. I'm just in a crap mood. AHHHHHHHHHHH! >:O 34 seconds!!!!!! That guy with the white gloves who like lives with the cup got it out and started shining it up. The crowd was chanting: "We want the cup! We want the cup!" Now we gotta go out there again? BOOO!

I blame my brother. We had a huge Red Wings party at our house last night. There were about 12 of us in our basement watching the game on the big screen in high def. We all went NUTS when we scored to make it 3-2 with like seven minutes to go. My brother Dave, who has been growing an out of control playoff beard for good luck since round one, ran upstairs to get his electric shaver. He brought it down and plugged it in and was like: “I’m shavin’ this thing off!!!” Everyone was like: “Don’t do it yet!!!! The games not over!!!!”


Kayte, today we ran a full page ad on the back of the sports section with the championship T-shirts and hats. Oooopps! LOL! The hats are cool though. Can't wait to get one after game 6!!!!!! (there will be NO game 7 ^.^)

This is a hockey thread. F bombs are expected and encouraged! Also, bad job by your brother! That is like talking about a shutout with 2 minutes left in a game!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 440
minnesotamary Posted Wed 04 Jun, 2008 1:56 AM Quote
Yes, the series continues. I'm hoping for a game 7 just to extend the season :) What are we to do when it all ends?!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 04 Jun, 2008 2:29 AM Quote
minnesotamary wrote:
Yes, the series continues. I'm hoping for a game 7 just to extend the season :) What are we to do when it all ends?!

well, we will cheer after Detroit wins, and then we will all cry bc the season is over.
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 04 Jun, 2008 12:56 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
minnesotamary wrote:
Yes, the series continues. I'm hoping for a game 7 just to extend the season :) What are we to do when it all ends?!

well, we will cheer after Detroit wins, and then we will all cry bc the season is over.

No, no, no...when it's all over we watch the parade! And then it's summertime. If you're still desperate, you go to the park where some of the Wings play softball and get your fix. My friend used to do that.
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 04 Jun, 2008 5:19 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
minnmess wrote:
minnesotamary wrote:
Yes, the series continues. I'm hoping for a game 7 just to extend the season :) What are we to do when it all ends?!

well, we will cheer after Detroit wins, and then we will all cry bc the season is over.

No, no, no...when it's all over we watch the parade! And then it's summertime. If you're still desperate, you go to the park where some of the Wings play softball and get your fix. My friend used to do that.

We can also follow the cup around all summer! Try to find out which players have it and where they're taking it...Kayte, we should do this!!!! :D It would be "The She-Devil's Summer Quest for The Cup"!! One of my reporter buddies here at the paper told me the Stanley Cup might stop by our office!!!! He's worked here forever and said he got his picture taken with it in the newsroom in 2002. :D OMG! I'm SO EXCITED!!!!! I wanna touch it, lol!

EDIT: Oh yeah...and GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's all over TONIGHT!!!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 04 Jun, 2008 7:26 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
Turtleneck wrote:
minnmess wrote:
minnesotamary wrote:
Yes, the series continues. I'm hoping for a game 7 just to extend the season :) What are we to do when it all ends?!

well, we will cheer after Detroit wins, and then we will all cry bc the season is over.

No, no, no...when it's all over we watch the parade! And then it's summertime. If you're still desperate, you go to the park where some of the Wings play softball and get your fix. My friend used to do that.

We can also follow the cup around all summer! Try to find out which players have it and where they're taking it...Kayte, we should do this!!!! :D It would be "The She-Devil's Summer Quest for The Cup"!! One of my reporter buddies here at the paper told me the Stanley Cup might stop by our office!!!! He's worked here forever and said he got his picture taken with it in the newsroom in 2002. :D OMG! I'm SO EXCITED!!!!! I wanna touch it, lol!

EDIT: Oh yeah...and GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's all over TONIGHT!!!

AKA, stalking!
If you want any player stalking tips, im an expert, let me know! :)
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Wed 04 Jun, 2008 11:19 PM Quote
45 mins to go . Hope Kayte gave her husband a chore , kids left a pile of clothes etc.... Otherwise Nikki will get belligerent.

maybe 4 drinks.

I got out my lucky blanket
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 04 Jun, 2008 11:24 PM Quote
Ummmm, no. I was hoping he was going to a funeral home viewing (that sounds weird to say) but he decided to go to the actual funeral on Friday so he's here. No penguin magazines allowed this time, though.

I do have some laundry, but no whites.

Time for the parade of kid baths before game time.

I am turning Rachel into a hockey fan, by the way. But she has to go to bed after the first period.
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Thu 05 Jun, 2008 2:34 AM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
Ummmm, no. I was hoping he was going to a funeral home viewing (that sounds weird to say) but he decided to go to the actual funeral on Friday so he's here. No penguin magazines allowed this time, though.

I do have some laundry, but no whites.

Time for the parade of kid baths before game time.

I am turning Rachel into a hockey fan, by the way. But she has to go to bed after the first period.

aww, mom! But this is the final! I remember the days when i got to stay up for the Stanley Cup, or when the Toronto Blue Jays won the World Series. I remember my dad telling me we would order pizza if they won, well they did and i dont remember any pizza!
3:45 to go!!
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Thu 05 Jun, 2008 2:48 AM Quote
Congrats WINGS! And congrats Detroit girls! I bet it's going to be a fun night for you guys!
Nikki, your brother can shave now!
Sorry Sid. That trophy's still for grownups!
edit: hmm, zetterberg eh? I like him but thought Osgood would get it. Oh well.
edit x2: "it" = conn symth
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 05 Jun, 2008 3:05 AM Quote
groovy , kick out the jams Detroit
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Thu 05 Jun, 2008 8:39 AM Quote
Well done Wings.

Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 05 Jun, 2008 1:13 PM Quote
Re: The Stanley Cup Final thread
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Thu 05 Jun, 2008 1:27 PM Quote
GOOOOOOOOD Mornin' Cats and Kittens! Well, it was an exciting game last night. Every time I see that "fanny goal" of Fleury's I laugh harder and harder. (Oh, so many funny names we came up with for that goal, which are better off not seeing the light of day.) People were blowing air horns outside, shooting off firecrackers, honking their car horns. It was so fun. It was great to see the Wings so happy. I just wish it could have been at home because it was so weird to see the trophy go up and the crowd so quiet. I'm sure the noise level at the Joe would have been deafening.

I was a tad disappointed that Osgood didn't with the Conn Smythe, but Zetterberg is certainly deserving.

I woke up extra early this morning for some reason and flipped on the radio. Draper and McCarty were doing interviews on WRIF at 6:00 AM; obviously hadn't been to bed yet. I think they got into Detroit Metro at 3:00 AM.

Nikki, if we go on our She Devil's Summer Quest for the Cup, does that mean we get to go to Sweden in August?

Ugh, the parade is on Friday. I can't go. I'll have to watch from home. It's Max's last day of preschool and they are having a family picnic in the afternoon. Why do they always have it on a weekday? It's like they don't want too many people to go.

Anyway, yayyyyyy! We won! We won!

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