
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 765
erikausagi Posted Wed 02 Apr, 2008 3:44 AM Quote

congratulations!! Dougie!! Kelly!! it's awesome!! a new baby!! you must be happy *and tired!!*

a very big boy!! I hope the converse has been fitting him!!

Welcome Freddie!!!
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 169
genia_gvan Posted Wed 02 Apr, 2008 3:54 AM Quote

Congratulations Dougie and Kell! I know he will be a beautiful and talented boy!
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 243
milos Posted Wed 02 Apr, 2008 12:00 PM Quote
Great news! :) Congratulations!
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 72
peno Posted Wed 02 Apr, 2008 2:04 PM Quote
Congratulations Dougie and Kell. So happy for you....:-))
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 477
mayfly Posted Wed 02 Apr, 2008 3:12 PM Quote
Congratulations Dougie & Kelly. :)
Re: Dougie's Baby
sorry angel
Posts: 712
sorry angel Posted Wed 02 Apr, 2008 4:39 PM Quote
fizzy fizzy fizzy, welcome baby Payne, all the very best to all the family and good recovery for la Maman. Freddy another big boy hey after our Clyde!!
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 815
gladsadmad Posted Wed 02 Apr, 2008 6:56 PM Quote
Moray wrote:
Travis 2:

Lead Vox - Clay Kryst
Guitar - Dylan Green Dunlop
Bass - Freddie Peter Payne
Drums - Lola & Isla Primrose

That'd be so funny!

Congratulations Dougie & Kelly, all the very best.

That would be great!

All the best to Kelly & Dougie on the arrival of little Freddie! That is going to be one cute kid with those parents.

Enjoy the rest of your Paternity leave whilst you can Dougie!
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 11
Florencia Posted Thu 03 Apr, 2008 12:28 AM Quote
Oh my god!

Blonde,blue-eyed baby Panye. :P That means the baby probably looks more like Kelly.

Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Thu 03 Apr, 2008 3:21 AM Quote
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 654
heysupernova Posted Thu 03 Apr, 2008 10:58 PM Quote
OMG! damn college, couldn't read this before! I'm so happy for you, guys! sorry for all the chatting about Freddie (so cute!) before, but we were too excited to stay quiet! CONGRATULATIONS! enjoy as much as you can, hope to see some pics soon! does he look like kelly, or is he a real payne? haha A HUUUUUUUGE HUG TO THE THREE OF YOU! welcome, little freddie :)
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 28
sin Posted Fri 04 Apr, 2008 5:08 PM Quote
awww.. congratulations dougie and kelly <3
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 75
juuuli Posted Fri 04 Apr, 2008 8:07 PM Quote
Congratulations :)
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 712
FranFlower Posted Sun 06 Apr, 2008 3:16 PM Quote
Oh my, I've been out of town for the last week and couldn't get on the internet to read the great news until now!
Congrats on the wee (well, actually not so wee according to your blog) boy! He's probably grown alot already this first week.

Enjoy parenthood whilst you can, they grow up faster than you can say Chinese Blues ;-)

Lotsa love from Edith
Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 13
merla Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 3:10 AM Quote
wow! :D

congrats dougie and kelly!!
beautiful name!

Re: Dougie's Baby
Posts: 48
nuriko_insane Posted Mon 07 Apr, 2008 3:51 AM Quote
[quote="gladsadmad"] [quote="Moray"] Travis 2:

Lead Vox - Clay Kryst
Guitar - Dylan Green Dunlop
Bass - Freddie Peter Payne
Drums - Lola & Isla Primrose

Hey, Travis, the leyend continue!!! But they will play dark metal...

And THAT will be funny!!! +_+

Congratulations to Dougie and Kelly, and to little Freddie, WELCOME!!

And that's the part when I ask for a picture .n_n

Be happy .n_n
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