
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 906
spid Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 10:34 PM Quote
WHo is the real power behind the president? I mean Bush has the IQ of a twig so someone must be pulling the strings (or leaves) - will they really let go for a new president? Politics is just such an insideous game to those who are in it - and hell for us dumbwits (that's me i'm tallking about not anyone else (just in case anyone takes offence)) who can't do anything about them making policy desicions we didn't know they were going to do when we voted.
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 10:38 PM Quote
Cheney and his cabel
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 10:39 PM Quote
Jesus H Samuel, what a total car crash thread, summed up in one picture :-

Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 906
spid Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 10:40 PM Quote
stop doing that Spid! - Double post again!
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 906
spid Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 10:40 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
Jesus H Samuel, what a total car crash thread, summed up in one picture :-

Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 10:41 PM Quote
My baby shot me down?
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 10:49 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Nikki wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

if past politics is anything to go by... do you really think any of these fuckin', cheating, lying scumbag excuses for humanity are gonna make a single iota of difference.

Um, yeah. It DOES make a difference who you choose to vote for or if you choose to vote at all. Just as Moz was saying, he's still trying to figure out how Bush got elected...twice! Well...obviously the majority of Americans were ill-informed about what a scumbag he turned out to be. He started a war and thousands of people are dead. I think that matters. So it does make a difference. Just my opinion.

Please don't shout at me!!
So that's democracy? Either people were ill informed, who's fault is that? or They didn't give a shit and still voted the fucker in. I don't think it's as clean cut as Bush started the war. Do you honestly think if another president had been in charge of the world's largest superpower he/she/it would have sat back and done nothing after 9/11, also do you honetly think he said to himself "hmm fuck it, I'm going to war" without advice from his cabinet/backroom/advisors/congress or whomever. II personally think Bush is a complete fuckwit but I don't believe any of the other candidates are any fucking better!!


Sorry Dubz. I wasn't shouting at you. When I say "Bush" I mean Bush and his whole screwed up cabinet and administration. I think we agree that he's a total idiot, but the difference is I do believe there are better candidates them him out there.
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 119
pablob Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 11:07 PM Quote
spid wrote:
Politics is just such an insideous game to those who are in it - and hell for us dumbwits (that's me i'm tallking about not anyone else (just in case anyone takes offence)) who can't do anything about them making policy desicions we didn't know they were going to do when we voted.

Well, I do believe that there are some things we can do. One of them is not to expect politicians do exactly what they said during their campaigns, not because they want to, sometimes because they have to, specially when consensus is needed. It's frustating sometimes but it happens in every democracy around the world. But anyway, it always matters who's in the Government
For instance, in Chile (yes, we have a woman as President and yes, I voted her) we've had the same coalition of center-left oriented parties for the last 18 years, and all of this time they've had to make agreements with right parties in order to get laws and projects aproved, which had meant that there have been a lof of ideas that didn't see the light.
One could say that then it doesn't matter if you have a left or a right President, but I do think that there's a huge difference between both, at least in my country and so it's still important to vote. You just can't expect it will make such a big change.
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Wed 09 Jan, 2008 11:08 PM Quote

In fairness, I really do hope that you are right and I am proved wrong on this.

Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 1129
mozman68 Posted Thu 10 Jan, 2008 12:10 AM Quote
I'm voting for Ross Perot......
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Thu 10 Jan, 2008 1:17 AM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
mozman68 wrote:
So...someone convince me (the undecided, independent voter)who I should vote for.

Personally, I've never really like Hillary and still don't understand where she is on the issues....but that's not surprising for me as I like things to play out a little closer to the election before I decide.

Personally, I tend to lean towards a figure that has had success in their personal a business sense...lifetime politicians/lawyers like Clintons just don't do it for me...I don't trust them.

Although I'm still trying to figure out how the Hell Bush got elected....

Well bush got elected the first time because some people in Florida voted Nader . 2nd time cause some screwball west coast mayor tried to appease a small but powerful group in his city and the Rebulicans ran it to the Christain conservatives who showed up to vote . I voted indie in 80 and Reagan won . Reality is we're still a two party system. Trying to vote whats right is gonna cost .

but again it's so early to decide outside of fuck it i'm voting Democrat

Ya damn right! Voting independent only takes votes away from the dems which is why we get stuck with shit ass presidents like Bush.

And for the record I'm more of an Edwards fan although it doesn't look good. Second choice is Obama with Edwards as VP ;)
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 119
pablob Posted Thu 10 Jan, 2008 1:29 AM Quote
mozman68 wrote:
I'm voting for Ross Perot......

Why not Dukakis ???
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 10 Jan, 2008 1:31 AM Quote
pablob wrote:
mozman68 wrote:
I'm voting for Ross Perot......

Why not Dukakis ???

I voted Dukakis
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Thu 10 Jan, 2008 1:31 AM Quote
pablob wrote:
mozman68 wrote:
I'm voting for Ross Perot......

Why not Dukakis ???

Cos it's not 1988 ;)
Re: C'mon Democrats !
Posts: 119
pablob Posted Thu 10 Jan, 2008 1:35 AM Quote
I voted Dukakis [/quote]

Yeah, world would have been sooooooo different
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