
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Fri 13 Nov, 2009 8:26 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:

meet you at Topshop? I'll bring coffee.

Yep, the Oxford Street one!
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 13 Nov, 2009 8:31 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
minnmess wrote:

meet you at Topshop? I'll bring coffee.

Yep, the Oxford Street one!

do it on a Saturday, please *ROFL* ;P
Re: 43 Things
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Fri 13 Nov, 2009 8:40 PM Quote
lilly wrote:

I SO won't comment on the "meet Goosey and Almond in Glasgow" thing *tsk* ;P, but:

1: I'll have my last exams next Feb., too! (economics and business-studies. arrrrrgh. I hate cost accounting.) But you're SO MUCH YOUNGER than me (aren't you?)... sigh.

2 &10: You should do your Master's in Europe. if you do it in Italy, you'll learn Italian, too :D

12: oh man. my first English professor at uni did one of the old CPE exams with us. of course it included answering questions on a text, and sometimes HE wasn't sure about the answer LOL. after that, I never approached a CPE exam sheet again ;D Good Luck with it, though! I'm sure you'll master it :)
(Sigh, I'm still in love with that professor. Martyn. He had such a cute accent *drools*, but he left my uni in 2005, so I haven't heard it for quite a while...)

We should meet when I go to Germany, Lilly! I'm definitely going. My friend lives in the north (Buxtehude), but it's not a long trip to Munich I think, right?
I'm obviously planning on meeting as many boardies as I can when I go to Europe, of course. You won't get rid of me that easily :oP.

Cool! We'll be graduating together! We should have a virtual graduation party! Hehe.
Am I that much younger? I'm 23. What are you studying?
This year I'm taking the finals of the two subjects I'm currently doing: "Latin American Social Thinking" and "Computering and Social Relations".
And then in Feb. I've got my last finals: "Sociology of the Middle East" and a Research paper on symbolic appropriation of an ex-concentration camp.

Yes, I'm considering Europe, but I should have a deeper knowledge of the language in order to do a Masters in another country. So far it could only be in Spanish or English :oP. But considering I'm an Italian citizen, I really should learn Italian :oP.

LOL @ you being in love with your professor xD. I'm definitely going to take a year course before taking CPE. I took FCE some years ago and it was far too easy. I'm skipping CAE :oP.
Re: 43 Things
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Fri 13 Nov, 2009 8:46 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
lilly wrote:

I SO won't comment on the "meet Goosey and Almond in Glasgow" thing *tsk* ;P

and Megg. don't forget Megg. I know it's really easy to forget about me but still...

It's not easy. You're that cool polish chick! See you next year! *Hugs*
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 13 Nov, 2009 8:48 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
minnmess wrote:

meet you at Topshop? I'll bring coffee.

Yep, the Oxford Street one!

its on, sugarplum
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Fri 13 Nov, 2009 10:32 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
megg_inc wrote:
lilly wrote:

I SO won't comment on the "meet Goosey and Almond in Glasgow" thing *tsk* ;P

and Megg. don't forget Megg. I know it's really easy to forget about me but still...

It's not easy. You're that cool polish chick! See you next year! *Hugs*

I like this!!! :D
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Fri 13 Nov, 2009 11:00 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:

We should meet when I go to Germany, Lilly! I'm definitely going. My friend lives in the north (Buxtehude), but it's not a long trip to Munich I think, right?
I'm obviously planning on meeting as many boardies as I can when I go to Europe, of course. You won't get rid of me that easily :oP.

Cool! We'll be graduating together! We should have a virtual graduation party! Hehe.
Am I that much younger? I'm 23. What are you studying?
This year I'm taking the finals of the two subjects I'm currently doing: "Latin American Social Thinking" and "Computering and Social Relations".
And then in Feb. I've got my last finals: "Sociology of the Middle East" and a Research paper on symbolic appropriation of an ex-concentration camp.

Yes, I'm considering Europe, but I should have a deeper knowledge of the language in order to do a Masters in another country. So far it could only be in Spanish or English :oP. But considering I'm an Italian citizen, I really should learn Italian :oP.

LOL @ you being in love with your professor xD. I'm definitely going to take a year course before taking CPE. I took FCE some years ago and it was far too easy. I'm skipping CAE :oP.

She lives in Buxtehude? :D :D That's so funny! I've never met someone who actually lives in Buxtehude. Not that the city was so funny or famous because of itself, but, err... okay, I'll try to explain it:
whenever a German (usually one living more towards the south of the country) wants to say that a place is really VERY(!) far away, they will refer to it as "Buxtehude". These days, some choose Timbuktu instead *ROFL* (I think it's because for a long time, people didn't quite believe in the existence of a "Buxtehude" on this planet *lol*)

Buxtehude-Munich is about 6,5 hours on a train :(
But if you come to Germany, you HAVE to come to Bavaria, too - to see the castles and the mountains! It's the most beauuuutiful part of the country, of course! Some even say Bavaria is its own country (well, we HAD the mad king and everything)

"Latin American Social Thinking" sounds really interesting! And your research paper, too.

I'm 27 *sigh*... I'm studying a 5-year course, sth like "International Business and Cultural Studies". We have to pick a cultural area (I picked English-speaking countries, so I basically did American & British Cultural Studies & a bit of history and politics), plus two languages (in my case English & Spanish), and we also have to do courses and exams in Economics and Business Studies (they're the only exams I haven't taken yet). Most of my friends at uni graduated when they were 25 or 26.

Anyway, YES, let's have a graduation party!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well you could also go to Spain and move in with Italians there ;D they can learn Spanish from you and teach you Italian :)

Yes, skip the CAE.

(maaan I need to go to bed now. this post is far too confusing and too LONG! lol)
Re: 43 Things
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Fri 13 Nov, 2009 11:47 PM Quote
lilly wrote:

She lives in Buxtehude? :D :D That's so funny! I've never met someone who actually lives in Buxtehude. Not that the city was so funny or famous because of itself, but, err... okay, I'll try to explain it:
whenever a German (usually one living more towards the south of the country) wants to say that a place is really VERY(!) far away, they will refer to it as "Buxtehude". These days, some choose Timbuktu instead *ROFL* (I think it's because for a long time, people didn't quite believe in the existence of a "Buxtehude" on this planet *lol*)

Buxtehude-Munich is about 6,5 hours on a train :(
But if you come to Germany, you HAVE to come to Bavaria, too - to see the castles and the mountains! It's the most beauuuutiful part of the country, of course! Some even say Bavaria is its own country (well, we HAD the mad king and everything)

"Latin American Social Thinking" sounds really interesting! And your research paper, too.

I'm 27 *sigh*... I'm studying a 5-year course, sth like "International Business and Cultural Studies". We have to pick a cultural area (I picked English-speaking countries, so I basically did American & British Cultural Studies & a bit of history and politics), plus two languages (in my case English & Spanish), and we also have to do courses and exams in Economics and Business Studies (they're the only exams I haven't taken yet). Most of my friends at uni graduated when they were 25 or 26.

Anyway, YES, let's have a graduation party!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well you could also go to Spain and move in with Italians there ;D they can learn Spanish from you and teach you Italian :)

Yes, skip the CAE.

(maaan I need to go to bed now. this post is far too confusing and too LONG! lol)

LOL @ the Buxtehude thing!!! I have to tell my friend about this. I've seen photos of it, so it really exists, haha. And it's quite beautiful I must say! I think it's funny that you consider it a place that's VERY far away when it's only 6.5 hours away! Lol!

I haven't got my "Europe scheadule" set yet, but I'll definitely try to go to Bavaria. It sounds amazing.

The course you're doing sounds really interesting! Very cool. You're not old at all, Lilly! There's not much difference between 25/26 and 27!

We talked about this on the chat, lol. But I'll repeat it here in case anyone's interested (I doubt it, but still, haha). What I'm doing is also a 5 years long thing, plus an extra year for the introductory course. You become a "licenciado en SociologĂ­a"... that'd be like a "Sociology bachelor's degree" in English I think.
From what we've been chatting and what I've been seeing on the net, it looks like in other places you could finish in three or four years. But then I remembered some exchange students from Yale that shared a class with me last year. They told me that they don't read as much as we do here. So I guess we study more things, and that's why it takes longer. The university system in Argentina is quite old fashioned, I guess.

I'm excited about our graduation party already, lol!

And yes, going to Spain is a good option. But first, I need to know what I want to study and how much it would cost me xD.

God, this answer is very long too xD.
We've hijaked the thread. SORRY!!! I'll shut up now.

Buenas noches, Lilly! Sleep tight!
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Sat 14 Nov, 2009 2:31 AM Quote
1. Storm chase a tornado
2. Drive around a racetrack
3. Go to Europe (hopefully within the next year or two)
4. Drive across America
5. Own a house

That's all I have right now. I will try to add some as I think of more.
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Sat 14 Nov, 2009 6:18 AM Quote
hennypenny wrote:

2. Drive around a racetrack

I like this one Lindsay!
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Sat 14 Nov, 2009 10:46 AM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:

LOL @ the Buxtehude thing!!! I have to tell my friend about this. I've seen photos of it, so it really exists, haha. And it's quite beautiful I must say! I think it's funny that you consider it a place that's VERY far away when it's only 6.5 hours away! Lol!

I wouldn't normally say that, the Buxtehude-thing is special, lol. It's because nobody knows people living there, so it's like a made-up place on the moon or something ;D And sadly enough, a 6,5 hours train ride within Germany can be more expensive than a flight from Germany to Spain or to the UK :(

I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:

I haven't got my "Europe scheadule" set yet, but I'll definitely try to go to Bavaria. It sounds amazing.

you HAVE to go to Bavaria (Although, if you come in September/October, Munich might seem like "Little Spain, Italy and Australia"). Oohhh, I think your Europe-trip will have to be at least 2 months long just to "cover the basics" ;)
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 261
melissam3173 Posted Sat 14 Nov, 2009 7:00 PM Quote
You guys have so many amazing things that I have to agree I would love to do. I will definately try the site, it will take some time to seriously think about my life goals. I did always want to be in two places at once.
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 1531
lilly Posted Sun 15 Nov, 2009 11:49 AM Quote
melissam3173 wrote:
I did always want to be in two places at once.

that reminds me of that horrible movie I had to watch with a friend a few years ago. mandy moore was in it, lol ;P
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Sun 15 Nov, 2009 12:46 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
Some of mine:

*trek the Andes and see Machu Picchu
*go to more concerts
*have a baby
*learn photography and take more photos
*get my library masters degree
*become Manager in my work
*learn to drive and get my own car
*travel to Nepal/Tibet/Himalayas
*Go to Venice and ride a gondola
*eat pizza and pasta in Rome
*Road trip down the West/South coast of Ireland
*Go to a proper Christmas Market in Brussels (or anywhere in Europe like that)
*Ice-skate in Central Park/NY in Winter
*Visit New England in Autumn/Fall
*Own a pair of Louboutins :)
*See Sigur Ros in Concert, preferably in Iceland.
*Go to Iceland and soak in the natural spa
*Swim with Dolphins

That's all for now, will think of lots more no doubt!

I read this guys, very funny!!!

100 thing to do before you die

WOW I had totally forgotten about this. I still want to do all that. Only thing that's updated is that I did pass my driving test and now waiting for a car, so it's nearly completed. My list is a little unobtainable but if money and time were not an issue ALL that would be possible :)
Re: 43 Things
Posts: 261
melissam3173 Posted Sun 15 Nov, 2009 4:41 PM Quote
that reminds me of that horrible movie I had to watch with a friend a few years ago. mandy moore was in it, lol ;P

To LILY: lol I don't believe I know what you mean, I sorta don't watch movies with Mandy Moore in them (but I do know who she is). Cool if thats what she said tho (and I figured it was kind of one of those standard things everyone wanted to do)... Sorrry...
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