
Re: Do You Believe In God?
Posts: 427
feri Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 9:59 AM Quote
harry potter wrote:

Thom Yorke is not a deity. Bono is.

New Order put it best calling him a false messiah
Re: Do You Believe In God?
Posts: 427
feri Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:02 AM Quote
emmahealy wrote:

Religion NO

and yes there is a difference..

One is all knowing and forgiving etc..

Except, Eastern religions tend to be openminded and accepting. It's mostly the Western religions like Islam, Christianity, etc. that aren't that accepting of other beliefs. Buddhism is accepting, but then again you can argue with me that they don't really discuss the concept of 'God' lol...

Also, I think religions get a bad rep. 'Religion is the root of all evil' and statements like that really irritate me, because I don't think it's religion but power and money that is the root of all evil.

The idea of a religion is a good thing and people who are religious can still be openminded. Church and state shouldn't mix.
Re: Do You Believe In God?
Posts: 625
Joe Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:12 AM Quote
Money is an innanimate object; how can it be the root of all evil? Was there no evil before currency ame into effect?
Surely, it's the fact that some people are either idealists or just plain scum that is he root of all evil.

Come to think of it, "all evil" is, in itself, a subjective judgement that contributes to conflicts.
Re: Do You Believe In God?
Posts: 427
feri Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 10:16 AM Quote
Joe wrote:
Money is an innanimate object; how can it be the root of all evil? Was there no evil before currency ame into effect?
Surely, it's the fact that some people are either idealists or just plain scum that is he root of all evil.

Come to think of it, "all evil" is, in itself, a subjective judgement that contributes to conflicts.

lol wow way to get detailed..I was referring to the present situation in the world. A lot of people blame it on religion, and I was trying to say that I don't think religion is the reason for the current world issues.

IE (China's role in Darfur, Occupation of Iraq, etc)
Re: Do You Believe In God?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 12:36 PM Quote
I believe in God (kinda as a spiritual guide and higher being)

I don't get religion and think it SUCKS that everyone fights with each other trying to "prove" their religion is the only true and "proper" one! grrr

I believe we all have a spirit and we must make the most of our lives on earth, that there must be some reason as to our purpose on earth, no matter how small.
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