
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 6:34 AM Quote
bogusblue wrote:
Sí, ¿qué pasa con los miles de fans de Travis? No los leo por ninguna parte. Nosotras somos las únicas con aguante xD, o será que somos las únicas que no tienen nada más que hacer? Jajajaja. Como sea un Aguante! para nosotras, jajaja.

Emmm... obviemos la parte de que no tenemos nada más que hacer, así queda más dedicado y heróico lo nuestro xD.
Aguante nosotras! Jajaja.
Aunque ahora lo cambio por un "aguante Alma!", porque yo ya me voy a retirar :oP
Que descanses Al! Nos vemos mañana!
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 3965
bogusblue Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 6:38 AM Quote
Gracias Juli! Igualmente!
Nos vemos! Un besote!
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 210
BlueAngelBlues Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 8:20 AM Quote
Y se vino el séptimo post de "If You're Argentinian Part VII"... Y que mejor que haberlo bautizado con el video...
Dios mio... Los TRAVIS pensaran que estamos algo locos, no?... jajajajaa... Naaaaahhhh
Me encanto la última parte con los cartelitos... GENIAL!!!
Cómo empezaron el año la "Patota Travisera"???...
Yo, metida en la radio...
A ver cuando nos volvemos a juntar (sin cámara de por medio, please) para hablar de esta increíble banda que desde las Highlands nos regala la mejor música del mundo...

Juli, tengo tus discos de Sting en Argentina!!!
Quién me había pedido lo de Keane???

Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 1008
Nacho Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 12:11 PM Quote
BlueAngelBlues wrote:
Quién me había pedido lo de Keane???

yoooooo :P y lo de travis en el acustico con los enojos incluidos o algo asi era :P, nada mas, jaja
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 17
sotronk Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 2:05 PM Quote
Que bueno que a todos les gustó el video :-D Yo pensé que alguno me iba a matar por los escraches.... pero Travis es amorrrr.... Closer Closer...
A difundirlo por doquierrrr

Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 3:28 PM Quote
¡Mola el vídeo! Ya veo cómo trapicheáis con los dvd, jaja. Por cierto, que me ha parecido ver a un chico con la camiseta del Real Madrid, jajaja. Si es que el buen gusto llega a todos los sitios :p
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 4:08 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
ricv64 wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:

Is LA really that bad?

ayup , they steal our water

Uhhh! That's bad! Goosey, stand up for LA xD

how is it stealing?! hahaha we simply transfer water from northern california to southern's within the same state!! hater! hahaha

yes juli! come visit! (bring as many people as you want! haha) we'll drive up to northern california and drink all the water we want! :P
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 4:18 PM Quote
the hippie goosey = enimigo del pueblo . at least to Northern Cali

yeah Argentines can enjoy our clean , sparkly water or Anchor Steam beer & sourdough
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 4:26 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
the hippie goosey = enimigo del pueblo . at least to Northern Cali

yeah Argentines can enjoy our clean , sparkly water or Anchor Steam beer & sourdough

oh yeah!! sourdough!! gotta remember postponed trip to SF is gonna take place within the next three months i think. finally!
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 5:31 PM Quote
hola friends! wondering if you could help me out...i am going to be ordering my iPod (finally!) and i want to get the back engraved....i need suggestions for what to get!

my first thought was to go with a quote by t.s. eliot that says "you are the music while the music lasts"

but i'm open to suggestions...maybe from song lyrics?? so long as they are "music" related...haha of course travis related would be lovely as well! ;P

gracias! :D
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 5:33 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
hola friends! wondering if you could help me out...i am going to be ordering my iPod (finally!) and i want to get the back engraved....i need suggestions for what to get!

my first thought was to go with a quote by t.s. eliot that says "you are the music while the music lasts"

but i'm open to suggestions...maybe from song lyrics?? so long as they are "music" related...haha of course travis related would be lovely as well! ;P

gracias! :D


" keep honking , I'm reloading "
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 5:36 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:

" keep honking , I'm reloading "

definitely under consideration! ;)
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 5:43 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
hola friends! wondering if you could help me out...i am going to be ordering my iPod (finally!) and i want to get the back engraved....i need suggestions for what to get!

English or Spanish? :p
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 5:44 PM Quote
either! :D i'll not limit the boardies' creativity! ;P
Re: If you're Argentinian part VII... nuevo año!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Thu 03 Jan, 2008 6:16 PM Quote
Uh che, estuve pegada toda la noche, vuelvo y ya hay un millón de cosas para contestar! xD

BlueAngelBlues wrote:

Juli, tengo tus discos de Sting en Argentina!!!

Hola Clauuu! (Primer saludo en el 2008 xD).
Miles de gracias che! Cuando quieras decime y nos vemos :o).

Ana, la verdad fue doloroso el escrache, pero bueno, hay que bancársela xD.- Me encantó "Travis es amorrrr... Closer Closer" xDDD.

goosey_84 wrote:

how is it stealing?! hahaha we simply transfer water from northern california to southern's within the same state!! hater! hahaha

yes juli! come visit! (bring as many people as you want! haha) we'll drive up to northern california and drink all the water we want! :P

Lol! Alright, I take your word xD.

ricv64 wrote:
the hippie goosey = enimigo del pueblo . at least to Northern Cali

yeah Argentines can enjoy our clean , sparkly water or Anchor Steam beer & sourdough

Uhh! Enemigo del pueblo xD. Thanks Ric! What's sourdough?

goosey_84 wrote:
hola friends! wondering if you could help me out...i am going to be ordering my iPod (finally!) and i want to get the back engraved....i need suggestions for what to get!

my first thought was to go with a quote by t.s. eliot that says "you are the music while the music lasts"

but i'm open to suggestions...maybe from song lyrics?? so long as they are "music" related...haha of course travis related would be lovely as well! ;P

gracias! :D

I'm not creative, sorry! But I like this one line from a Hanson song (since we're being openminded xD, I still like that line even though I haven't listened to Hanson for a year or so jaja). "Music is a place to hide".

Em... creo que ya hice el parte informativo del thread, como Alma jajajaja. Mucha dedicación!
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