
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:04 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
goosey_84 wrote:
Esteban wrote:
Hey Goosey McBeal ;-)

what's goin' on?? anything good on the telly? how exactly do you manage to divide your attention between the board and the tube? i'm not that good a multi-tasker. :P

Haha, watching the X Factor right now. Apart from that nothing's going on really, been at work all day so feeling like I need to completely chill myself out.

How's your weekend so far?

How did you find the X Factor tonight? Few strange ones on there huh!?!
Re: Saturday night and.....
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:05 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
Sanne (nl) wrote:
goosey_84 wrote:

...what do you mean by "fan"? if you're asking whether i just watched the trilogy again last weekend and loved every second of it or whether i have a legolas pillowcase then i suppose i could be called a fan. hahaha

exactly! AND have you watched all the extra's?
Love the one with Viggo's photo's on it:) I even went as far as visiting the mordor site in New Zealand, how sad am i?! :)

oh you win...sigh...i haven't watched the extras or the extended versions...i'm jealous..i would have followed in your (and the fellowships! LOL) footsteps had i been in New Zealand! good call! ;)

Saying that makes me feel like dwight on an episode of the american version of the office! haha

The best thing about the extra's is that there is a lot of footage on how they made all the armours, wapons, masks, and costumes. Loved to have been part of that!!!
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:06 PM Quote
Tracey982 wrote:
Esteban wrote:
goosey_84 wrote:
Esteban wrote:
Hey Goosey McBeal ;-)

what's goin' on?? anything good on the telly? how exactly do you manage to divide your attention between the board and the tube? i'm not that good a multi-tasker. :P

Haha, watching the X Factor right now. Apart from that nothing's going on really, been at work all day so feeling like I need to completely chill myself out.

How's your weekend so far?

How did you find the X Factor tonight? Few strange ones on there huh!?!

Totally. That family band were fucking shameful, no dignity whatsoever.
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:08 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
Haha, watching the X Factor right now. Apart from that nothing's going on really, been at work all day so feeling like I need to completely chill myself out.

How's your weekend so far?

...never seen's a show on MTV isn't it??

my weekend so far is 'blah'...i'm struggling with all this g-damn heat!! when i got in my car (after having breakfast with a friend) the thermostat said it was 108 degrees fahrenheit! eff you blasted heat! haha...i'm getting crankier by the minute! :/

EDIT: maybe it's not a show on mtv the way you guys are talking about it! hahaha
EDIT pt 2: my bad!! on mtv there's a show called the X effect!
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:08 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
Tracey982 wrote:
Esteban wrote:
goosey_84 wrote:
Esteban wrote:
Hey Goosey McBeal ;-)

what's goin' on?? anything good on the telly? how exactly do you manage to divide your attention between the board and the tube? i'm not that good a multi-tasker. :P

Haha, watching the X Factor right now. Apart from that nothing's going on really, been at work all day so feeling like I need to completely chill myself out.

How's your weekend so far?

How did you find the X Factor tonight? Few strange ones on there huh!?!

Totally. That family band were fucking shameful, no dignity whatsoever.

I know, they kinda made an arse of themselves when they were begging for a second chance, and that lassie was in tears. Thought Simon was a bit cruel for walking away and letting Danni and Louis face the music!!!
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:10 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
Do you have enough material to write your lecture ?
Is it the project you're kinda nervous about ?

Yes, I know exactly what I'm going to do, it's just that the motivation isn't there. And yes, this is one of the projects that make me nervous. I'm going to teach didactics to former classmates who didn't exactly like me (I passed the exams the first time around but some of them have failed for the third time running so that's why I'm going to be their teacher now) and I'm worried they won't take me seriously. Plus I get on really well with my supervisor and some people were talking two years ago (even if there was nothing to talk about really - they were just making things up to fill their boring conversations), I don't even want to know how they're going to react when they find out he got me a job!!

I'm interested in krav maga.
Practising sports for free ! How awesome !
Do they have kayaking ?

I don't think kayaking is an option in Lyon! But as far as I know there's a wide selection of sports going from gymnastics to swimming or from boxing to horse riding. What is krav maga exactly?
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:12 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
Esteban wrote:
Haha, watching the X Factor right now. Apart from that nothing's going on really, been at work all day so feeling like I need to completely chill myself out.

How's your weekend so far?

...never seen's a show on MTV isn't it??

my weekend so far is 'blah'...i'm struggling with all this g-damn heat!! when i got in my car (after having breakfast with a friend) the thermostat said it was 108 degrees fahrenheit! eff you blasted heat! haha...i'm getting crankier by the minute! :/

EDIT: maybe it's not a show on mtv the way you guys are talking about it! hahaha
EDIT pt 2: my bad!! on mtv there's a show called the X effect!

Aww! Poor hot Goosenberg =(

Was breakfast nice?
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:18 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:

Aww! Poor hot Goosenberg =(

Was breakfast nice? *shrug*...we ate at a restaurant that anytime i've ever eaten there i always regret it. the food is nothing to rave about. it's the kind of place to go for breakfast at like 2 in the morning after a night out with your friends (read: mates) that's the only time ppl should go. an error on our part. haha
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:19 PM Quote
Sanne (nl) wrote:

The best thing about the extra's is that there is a lot of footage on how they made all the armours, wapons, masks, and costumes. Loved to have been part of that!!!

oh you're the man!! i don't think i can call myself a fan in your presence! :D
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 1062
audrey Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:37 PM Quote
oi. im here for the mo.
having a dinner tonight. should be fantastic.
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 9:38 PM Quote
Lucile wrote:

Yes, I know exactly what I'm going to do, it's just that the motivation isn't there. And yes, this is one of the projects that make me nervous. I'm going to teach didactics to former classmates who didn't exactly like me (I passed the exams the first time around but some of them have failed for the third time running so that's why I'm going to be their teacher now) and I'm worried they won't take me seriously. Plus I get on really well with my supervisor and some people were talking two years ago (even if there was nothing to talk about really - they were just making things up to fill their boring conversations), I don't even want to know how they're going to react when they find out he got me a job!!

Jealousy at work...i experienced it too.
Some co-workers tried to give me shit because i got on well with our boss. What they didn't realise (or maybe they did i don't know) is that i was better skilled, worked better than them and shared similar work ethics with our boss.
I cared about their comments and then stopped caring when i decided to leave the company.

Lucile wrote:

I don't think kayaking is an option in Lyon! But as far as I know there's a wide selection of sports going from gymnastics to swimming or from boxing to horse riding. What is krav maga exactly?

Krav maga was originally a self-defence technique developped in Israel. Now it is taught to all kind of publics (le GIGN par exemple).
Boxing ? Try it ! Volleyball would be nice too.
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 10:03 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
Jealousy at work...i experienced it too.Some co-workers tried to give me shit because i got on well with our boss. What they didn't realise (or maybe they did i don't know) is that i was better skilled, worked better than them and shared similar work ethics with our boss. I cared about their comments and then stopped caring when i decided to leave the company.

I'm in the exact same situation. I passed those exams because I worked really hard and my supervisor was extremely proud of me because 1/ I was his only linguistics student who passed the agrégation and 2/ it had been 8 years since someone passed that exam in linguistics and the last person was him! I don't really care about their comments either but I'm worried he might get in trouble for something that never happened...

Krav maga was originally a self-defence technique developped in Israel. Now it is taught to all kind of publics (le GIGN par exemple).
Boxing ? Try it ! Volleyball would be nice too.

Oh I know what Krav maga is, now that you've explained it. My brother would like to learn a few techniques.
I won't try boxing, I'm too much of a wimp! And I'm not allowed to play volleyball anymore (or any other sports involving a ball) ever since I sprained my thumb badly playing volleyball in highschool.
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 10:15 PM Quote
Lucile wrote:

I'm in the exact same situation. I passed those exams because I worked really hard and my supervisor was extremely proud of me because 1/ I was his only linguistics student who passed the agrégation and 2/ it had been 8 years since someone passed that exam in linguistics and the last person was him! I don't really care about their comments either but I'm worried he might get in trouble for something that never happened...

Well, the person i'm talking about was a lady in her 50's - not a guy. This i think makes it even harder to deal with.
The other girls at work were total bitches with me....
One day my N+1 (a guy) told me he had a problem with me coz i was too good at my job and the other girls were jealous...he said it wasn't my fault, that i should ignore their bad behaviour and keep on with my work..and he tried talking to them with no avail, it didn't help i was the newbie in the office..

Bravo for the aggrégation - it is awesome.

Lucile wrote:

Oh I know what Krav maga is, now that you've explained it. My brother would like to learn a few techniques.
I won't try boxing, I'm too much of a wimp! And I'm not allowed to play volleyball anymore (or any other sports involving a ball) ever since I sprained my thumb badly playing volleyball in highschool.

Your brother is interesting in it ? how cool !
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 913
Lucile Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 10:30 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
Well, the person i'm talking about was a lady in her 50's - not a guy. This i think makes it even harder to deal with.

Yes, that and the fact that he's only 33 and kinda good looking (though not my type). It's always made me smile how girls would queue up at the end of his lectures just to talk to him or ask him silly questions which inevitably led him to come talk to me about the latest linguistics article he'd read. (The guy's a workaholic and few people are interested in linguistics so I guess that's why he enjoyed my company).

Your brother is interesting in it ? how cool !

Yeah, my brother's weird! ;-) Just kidding!
Re: Saturday night and.....
Posts: 1129
mozman68 Posted Sat 01 Sep, 2007 10:39 PM Quote
mmmm...just got back from the grocery store. Having a lovely bourbon salmon for dinner with a caesar salad and sweet Bourne Identity though, wife just wants to attack me (which is good also...)
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