
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 4:24 PM Quote
thewishlist wrote:
ok, non-English-language films aside*

- Billy Elliot
- Match Point
- Gosford Park
- The Full Monty

Seriously, these are "must see" films ??

I'm not denying they are good films (not to my taste admittedly) but they are not exactly Citizen Kane... Sorry

Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 4:28 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
thewishlist wrote:
ok, non-English-language films aside*

- Billy Elliot
- Match Point
- Gosford Park
- The Full Monty

Seriously, these are "must see" films ??

I'm not denying they are good films (not to my taste admittedly) but they are not exactly Citizen Kane... Sorry


but it Citizen Kane really all it's made out to be? Unless you're a film critic or filmmaker, I guess. But I didn't find it to be that interesting.
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 4:31 PM Quote
Speaking of Orsen Wells,

Citizen Kane

Magnificent Ambersons

The Lady from Shanghi



Touch of Evil

Chimes at Midnight

The Third Man

and from John Huston ,


Treasure of Sierra Madre

The man who would be King
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 4:33 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:

but it Citizen Kane really all it's made out to be? Unless you're a film critic or filmmaker, I guess. But I didn't find it to be that interesting.

See it then decide . whats to lose ?

Bend it like Beckham
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 4:36 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
minnmess wrote:

but it Citizen Kane really all it's made out to be? Unless you're a film critic or filmmaker, I guess. But I didn't find it to be that interesting.

See it then decide . whats to lose ?

Bend it like Beckham

I have. Hence the 'I didn't find it that interesting.'
Ha, I don't know if that was a dig, but I like Bend it like Beckham
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 4:42 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
thewishlist wrote:
ok, non-English-language films aside*

- Billy Elliot
- Match Point
- Gosford Park
- The Full Monty

Seriously, these are "must see" films ??

I'm not denying they are good films (not to my taste admittedly) but they are not exactly Citizen Kane... Sorry


but it Citizen Kane really all it's made out to be? Unless you're a film critic or filmmaker, I guess. But I didn't find it to be that interesting.

That's kinda my point, Citizen Kane can be disected and analysed, we can set up discussions on the development of carachters and plot, etc., etc. For example The Full Monty is a romanticised version of the actual shit that went down with Thatcher's Britian, nothing that actually matters is dealt with in any detail the other three mentioned are just as guilty. The only one of these type of films I would recommend that you see is "Brassed Off" to paraphrase Pete Postelthwaite "I thought it mattered, I thought that entertainment mattered. But does it Bollocks not compared to how people matter"

Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 5:02 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
minnmess wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
thewishlist wrote:
ok, non-English-language films aside*

- Billy Elliot
- Match Point
- Gosford Park
- The Full Monty

Seriously, these are "must see" films ??

I'm not denying they are good films (not to my taste admittedly) but they are not exactly Citizen Kane... Sorry


but it Citizen Kane really all it's made out to be? Unless you're a film critic or filmmaker, I guess. But I didn't find it to be that interesting.

That's kinda my point, Citizen Kane can be disected and analysed, we can set up discussions on the development of carachters and plot, etc., etc. For example The Full Monty is a romanticised version of the actual shit that went down with Thatcher's Britian, nothing that actually matters is dealt with in any detail the other three mentioned are just as guilty. The only one of these type of films I would recommend that you see is "Brassed Off" to paraphrase Pete Postelthwaite "I thought it mattered, I thought that entertainment mattered. But does it Bollocks not compared to how people matter"


But that was the point of this thread. Movies that people think you should watch in your lifetime. It doesn't necessarily have to be something that changed the world. It could be some buddy cop film that you thought was really funny.
The Full Monty is on Lil's list, qualifies
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 5:19 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
minnmess wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
thewishlist wrote:
ok, non-English-language films aside*

- Billy Elliot
- Match Point
- Gosford Park
- The Full Monty

Seriously, these are "must see" films ??

I'm not denying they are good films (not to my taste admittedly) but they are not exactly Citizen Kane... Sorry


but it Citizen Kane really all it's made out to be? Unless you're a film critic or filmmaker, I guess. But I didn't find it to be that interesting.

That's kinda my point, Citizen Kane can be disected and analysed, we can set up discussions on the development of carachters and plot, etc., etc. For example The Full Monty is a romanticised version of the actual shit that went down with Thatcher's Britian, nothing that actually matters is dealt with in any detail the other three mentioned are just as guilty. The only one of these type of films I would recommend that you see is "Brassed Off" to paraphrase Pete Postelthwaite "I thought it mattered, I thought that entertainment mattered. But does it Bollocks not compared to how people matter"


But that was the point of this thread. Movies that people think you should watch in your lifetime. It doesn't necessarily have to be something that changed the world. It could be some buddy cop film that you thought was really funny.
The Full Monty is on Lil's list, qualifies

Totally agree, but it is also a forum, a place for discussion and debate, therefore I can disagree with Lil (hopefully without hurting her, or anyone else's, feelings... Afterall it's only my opinion and I have been known to be an arse now and again)

Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 504
thewishlist Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 5:29 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
thewishlist wrote:
ok, non-English-language films aside*

- Billy Elliot
- Match Point
- Gosford Park
- The Full Monty

Seriously, these are "must see" films ??

I'm not denying they are good films (not to my taste admittedly) but they are not exactly Citizen Kane... Sorry


but it Citizen Kane really all it's made out to be? Unless you're a film critic or filmmaker, I guess. But I didn't find it to be that interesting.

well those 4 might not be Citizen Kane, but they're all, well, social commentaries. on a small scale, maybe, but still. I think a movie that makes you...think...deserves to be watched. For example, I didn't "love" Match Point, but it's a great story, a chilling tale on human nature, and one of the best Woody Allen movies I know.
And Billy Elliot is just a gem of a film ;) but that's my very personal opinion ... I will admit that I added The Full Monty because of Robert Carlyle :)

btw, the films on that AFI-list are not exactly 100% Citizen Kane material, either, are they? ;)

P.S.: Dubz, you did NOT hurt my feelings by criticising my list, just to make that clear :) it's my personal taste.
I could've added My Name Is Joe to my list, too, but I didn't - partly because you already mentioned it and partly because I know I only liked it after writing about it in my thesis - I really didn't "get" it the first time I saw it...
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 5:34 PM Quote
thewishlist wrote:
minnmess wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
thewishlist wrote:
ok, non-English-language films aside*

- Billy Elliot
- Match Point
- Gosford Park
- The Full Monty

Seriously, these are "must see" films ??

I'm not denying they are good films (not to my taste admittedly) but they are not exactly Citizen Kane... Sorry


but it Citizen Kane really all it's made out to be? Unless you're a film critic or filmmaker, I guess. But I didn't find it to be that interesting.

well those 4 might not be Citizen Kane, but they're all, well, social commentaries. on a small scale, maybe, but still. I think a movie that makes you...think...deserves to be watched. For example, I didn't "love" Match Point, but it's a great story, a chilling tale on human nature, and one of the best Woody Allen movies I know.
And Billy Elliot is just a gem of a film ;) but that's my very personal opinion ... I will admit that I added The Full Monty because of Robert Carlyle ;)

btw, the films on that AFI-list are not exactly 100% Citizen Kane material, either, are they? ;)

Ohh definately not, Die Hard for example ??

I feel that's the problem with some of those mentioned is that they are not social commentaries but a "clean", "sanitized" social commentary. But as you say that's only my opinion and you have yours... if we all agreed on everything the world would be very boring place.


Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 5:44 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
mili wrote:
Let's recommend something Finnish, then:

Steam of Life, a documentary of men in various saunas talking about life + a tame bear…
Man Without a Past, or most of the other Aki Kaurismäki's films. I haven't seen his latest, Le Havre, yet.

the pathfinder

Don't know that one, but the scenery looked sort of familiar :^P And the bear!
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 504
thewishlist Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 5:54 PM Quote
yup, personal opinions :)

I could ask people to watch Sweet Sixteen or My Name is Joe... but I know I only "liked" them after seeing them for the 3rd or 4th time. And I'd never recommend them to everyone (I did that with a few friends, also recommended Comfort&Joy, but they hated everything. So now I'm a little more cautious with recommendations and "you must see..."-comments ;D)

oh, btw, you CAN analyse The Full Monty. I read an excellent thesis on Brassed Off & The Full Monty once when I was doing research for my own thesis :) The fact that they're often seen as "sanitized" social commentaries can be interpreted as a social comment itself etcetera ;)
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 6:01 PM Quote
thewishlist wrote:
yup, personal opinions :)

I could ask people to watch Sweet Sixteen or My Name is Joe... but I know I only "liked" them after seeing them for the 3rd or 4th time. And I'd never recommend them to everyone (I did that with a few friends, also recommended Comfort&Joy, but they hated everything. So now I'm a little more cautious with recommendations and "you must see..."-comments ;D)

I saw Comfort & Joy when video players first came out (Yes, I am that old) it was horribly dubbed into "American" (not even English).

I deffo see where you are coming from with My Name is Joe it's not an easy film to watch, I suppose different people want different things from films, some want to feel happy or to be entertained in a "bright lights & big noises" type of way or a "feel good" way, I like these type of films but I do think that every now and again you should watch a "Nil by Mouth" (the most harrowing & uncomfortable film I have ever sat through). I know people who hate American History X simply for the "kerb" scene.

Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 8:13 PM Quote
If you like arty stuff outside the box I can recommend "The Wall". that's "must see" in my book, maybe because I'm a music nerd.
Re: Movies and Books I should have seen/read
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Tue 10 Jan, 2012 8:31 PM Quote
TheBoyWithAName wrote:
If you like arty stuff outside the box I can recommend "The Wall". that's "must see" in my book, maybe because I'm a music nerd.

I haven't seen that, but I've heard it has a lot of symbolism that I might not understand, not being a die-hard Floyder.

I haven't seen "A Hard Day's Night" either. I've always wanted to see it.
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