
Re: The
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 4:53 AM Quote

A) Which is best: dark, milk or white chocolate?

Dark chocolate all the way. It's the best thing everrrr! I love eating dark chocolate bars or making "submarines" (hot milk with a bar or two of dark chocolate... delicious!).
I don't really like white chocolate much, as Kayte says, it's not even chocolate. Milk chocolate is ok.

B) If you were to visit any planet which would it be?

Jupiter or Neptune. I like the names?

C) What makes a better pet: a rabbit, a hamster or a guinea pig?

I had to google what a guinea pig is and found out it's a cobayo :oP. I wouldn't choose one of those animals, but I'll go with the guinea pig.

D) What was the last album or song you purchased and is it any good?

Technology ran over me a long time ago, so I don't buy music on the internet, I buy cds. And I can't remember which was the last one I bought... ah! I know! Turn and Walking In The Sun singles :o). I'm very happy with them, I'd never had a single in my life haha.

E) What's the meaning of life? Ok, maybe that one's a little advanced.

Why does it have to have a meaning? I think it doesn't have a meaning, which is not a bad thing at all.
Re: The
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 5:05 AM Quote
I do like White Chocolate too. These days I find it a bit too sweet for my tastes.
Re: The
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 6:52 AM Quote
A) Which is best: dark, milk or white chocolate?

All in one?

B) If you were to visit any planet which would it be?

Poor Pluto when it was still a planet.

C) What makes a better pet: a rabbit, a hamster or a guinea pig?

I used to have a hamster so that would be it.

D) What was the last album or song you purchased and is it any good?

Lemme think... Juno soundtrack and yes, it is good.

E) What's the meaning of life? Ok, maybe that one's a little advanced.

To make someone happy and to really live your life.
Re: The
Posts: 906
spid Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 8:18 AM Quote
1) Dark choclate definately
2) Any class M planet in another solar system where all extra pounds are automatically shed and we women are treated as goddesses by handsome men.
3)Mice - I used to keep them when I was 18 and they are cute little beasties
4)Travis - 12" of Yeah, Yeah, Yeah (a rareish Writing to Reach You) in St Andrews record shop just down the road. I haven't played it as my record player is sitting in the cupboard under the stairs, but I am very proud to own it - so, yes I'm happy with it and like it lots.
5)42 - very,very definately!
Re: The
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 8:29 AM Quote

A) Which is best: dark, milk or white chocolate?
mmm...dark chocolate!

B) If you were to visit any planet which would it be?
haha uranus! ;P ...ok probably saturn or pluto. :D

C) What makes a better pet: a rabbit, a hamster or a guinea pig? ooh a guinea pig but i figure they all smell pretty bad.
D) What was the last album or song you purchased and is it any good? twould be new amerykah by Erica Badu...lovin' a few tracks for sure.
E) What's the meaning of life? love. ;)
Re: The
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 9:01 AM Quote
A) Which is best: dark, milk or white chocolate?

Milk. Dark is too rich and white tastes..... weird

B) If you were to visit any planet which would it be?

The Planet of the Apes. Wait a minute, statue of liberty..... it's earth. You blew it up! You maniacs! Damn you all. Damn you all to hell.

C) What makes a better pet: a rabbit, a hamster or a guinea pig?

I owned a pet rabbit. His name was blossom and he was the dude. White albino rabbit. He lived indoors and was house trained. My parents house still has an inch long nibble out the bottom of all their doors, where he learned to open them with his teeth.

D) What was the last album or song you purchased and is it any good?

Shock horror - I don't pay for albums anymore, because I'm cheap! Anyway, last albums I illegally downloaded a couple nights back were Glasvegas, The Ting Tings, half the new Coldplay one, Flight of the Conchords and Foxboro Hot Tubs. Glasvegas are particularly impressive, and could be huge. I sense a Ronettes revival on the cards.

E) What's the meaning of life? Ok, maybe that one's a little advanced.

to pump and make babies.
Re: The
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 10:49 AM Quote
A) Which is best: dark, milk or white chocolate?


B) If you were to visit any planet which would it be?

Middle-Earth lol

C) What makes a better pet: a rabbit, a hamster or a guinea pig?

Guinea Pig

D) What was the last album or song you purchased and is it any good?

The age of the understatement by The Last Shadow Puppets was the last CD I got, although it was a gift, and it's great!

E) What's the meaning of life? Ok, maybe that one's a little advanced.

Be true to yourself, spend time with good friends, read good books and listen to great music.
Re: The
Posts: 1514
moominbadger Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 1:06 PM Quote
couldn't be bothered to answer the other questions... but I'd want all three of those pets please. Although guinea pigs are the best cos they squeak. These are my old guinea pigs, Starsky and Marmaduke. They live in a new home now cos we had to give them away when we went to New Zealand :(
Re: The
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 1:29 PM Quote
Moray wrote:

B) If you were to visit any planet which would it be?

The Planet of the Apes. Wait a minute, statue of liberty..... it's earth. You blew it up! You maniacs! Damn you all. Damn you all to hell.

best answer ever !!!!!11111111111111!!!!
Re: The
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 1:49 PM Quote
A) Which is best: dark, milk or white chocolate?

MILK! Cadbury's Milk Chocolate mmmm!!

B) If you were to visit any planet which would it be?

Saturn 5 ;-)

C) What makes a better pet: a rabbit, a hamster or a guinea pig?

A rabbit, so you could sing Chas n Dave at it and then eat the fucker when it dies.

D) What was the last album or song you purchased and is it any good?

Oh man, we're going back a while... I think I went on a CD binge and bought fuckloads.

E) What's the meaning of life? Ok, maybe that one's a little advanced.

Re: The
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 2:03 PM Quote
ricv64 wrote:
Moray wrote:

B) If you were to visit any planet which would it be?

The Planet of the Apes. Wait a minute, statue of liberty..... it's earth. You blew it up! You maniacs! Damn you all. Damn you all to hell.

best answer ever !!!!!11111111111111!!!!

Thanks Ric. I'd love to be able to take credit for it, but it is completely ripped from the "Deep Space Homer" episode of the Simpsons:

Reporter: Uh, question for the barbecue chef: Don't you think there is an inherent danger in sending underqualified civilians into space?
Homer: I'll field this one. The only danger is if they send us to that terrible Planet of the Apes.
(Homer thinks for a moment and realises something.)
Homer: Wait a minute, Statue of Liberty - that was our planet! You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!

Absolutely comic genius.
Re: The
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 2:08 PM Quote
Moray wrote:

E) What's the meaning of life? Ok, maybe that one's a little advanced.

to pump and make babies.

wow, that's deep. lol
Re: The
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 2:14 PM Quote
what can i say, I'm pragmatic. Procreation though, if it's not about that then what is it about?!
Re: The
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 2:21 PM Quote
Moray wrote:
what can i say, I'm pragmatic. Procreation though, if it's not about that then what is it about?!

Ah, yes, but then what is the purpose of those babies, but to grow up and have more babies? That would send us into an endless, meaningless loop. There has to be a REASON for having those babies, right? Our work here is not finished, we haven't fulfilled our mission!
Re: The
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Fri 16 May, 2008 2:32 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:

Ah, yes, but then what is the purpose of those babies, but to grow up and have more babies? That would send us into an endless, meaningless loop. There has to be a REASON for having those babies, right? Our work here is not finished, we haven't fulfilled our mission!

I breed, therefore I am.
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