
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 169
genia_gvan Posted Sun 23 Mar, 2008 9:20 AM Quote
Ok, I must say something: I attended 3 Travis gigs (just Mexico City); feb 2004, august 2007 and november 2007.

It´s not SO hard to choose my favourite... I have my own it's august gig, such as many people who attended the same could think (isn't it?)...

feb 2004 was unforgetable because it was my first Travis gig, and it was really great too! to watch them an listening to every song live for the first time was so exciting, my best memory of that show is Fran singing Flowers in the window, lol!!!!

But honesty, august was better! not just because they played 31 songs, let's talk about quality!!! can't complain! it was a really good gig! I really think it was the best ever Travis gig for me (and for some other girls here).

4 votes for the show: Sports Palace, Mexico City. August 2nd 2007. yeah! =P
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 765
erikausagi Posted Sun 23 Mar, 2008 10:15 AM Quote
galletitabonita wrote:
erikausagi wrote:
aren't you think it was much better in feb 2004?? or it's only me? that gig was AWESOME!!

i was not there
my mind can't imagine a better gig!!!! =0
then, it must have been the GREATEST gig ever!!!
I trust you =P

trust me, that gig was the longest and coolest ever... the guys were so happy... we were so happy... i expected that gig for 3-4 years, and it wasnt dissapointed me...

Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Sun 23 Mar, 2008 10:33 AM Quote
I've been to two gigs but Brighton last month STILL makes me smile. I was so happy that they played Side as it's always been my favourite song but the thing that made it my favourite gig was the fact that I got to immerse myself in Travis-ness all day. I got to listen to the soundcheck, Neil said hello as he arrived, I got to stand right infront of Dougie for the duration of the show where he kept smiling at me (possibly because of the MASSIVE grin on my face lol) and then afterwards I got to meet Fran and Dougie (hence my pic). I smile when I think of when Dougie commented on my dancing (which, it has to be said, isn't the greatest haha!) Neither of the gigs I have been to were particularly near to where I live so I felt really sorry for my Dad who had to drive me there but even he agreed that it was worth driving 70 miles there and 70 miles back just for that moment when I met two of my heros.

Sorry for the immensly long post ;-)

Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 3:31 AM Quote
erikausagi wrote:
galletitabonita wrote:
erikausagi wrote:
aren't you think it was much better in feb 2004?? or it's only me? that gig was AWESOME!!

i was not there
my mind can't imagine a better gig!!!! =0
then, it must have been the GREATEST gig ever!!!
I trust you =P

trust me, that gig was the longest and coolest ever... the guys were so happy... we were so happy... i expected that gig for 3-4 years, and it wasnt dissapointed me...


I liked when Fran sung Flowers in The Window without mic.
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 5
chairninja Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 3:40 PM Quote
16th May 2007
Caird Hall

my first ever Travis gig
where I bought my first ever Travis T (employee of the month - see profile photo)
half way through the gig Fran complained of slippy shoes and stopped the gig to change shoes on stage it was very funny :)))
it was a small hall which made for an excellently intimate gig and I was very near the front it was so awesome
I was already a confirmed life long Travis fan but this just sealed the deal for me no other band could ever really take their place in my heart they are the best band in the world :))))) barr none I'm hooked.....and looking forward to seeing them play their next gig in Scotland with their new album :))) oh boy oh boy so excited *jump jump jump* yippppeeeee!

ninj xox
lv~pec~hop 2 all
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 25
Kirsten Posted Mon 24 Mar, 2008 4:53 PM Quote
I couldn't really pick the best ever Travis gig. All of them have been special. I loved the last Hamburg show as the crowd was very good and that can make a gig truely great. However my first ever Travis gig (Leipzig 05/12/99) will always stand out as that was the night they won me over completely.
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 118
lidia_bj Posted Fri 28 Mar, 2008 2:25 PM Quote
My first and only gig --> November 4,2007 in Chile!!

I traveled from Bolivia to Chile!! just to see them!! and it was great!!!! it was a festival!! starsailor and the killers performed too!! but travis was the best!!!!! I love them!!!
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 1969
galletitabonita Posted Sat 29 Mar, 2008 4:57 AM Quote
genia_gvan wrote:
Ok, I must say something: I attended 3 Travis gigs (just Mexico City); feb 2004, august 2007 and november 2007.

It´s not SO hard to choose my favourite... I have my own it's august gig, such as many people who attended the same could think (isn't it?)...

feb 2004 was unforgetable because it was my first Travis gig, and it was really great too! to watch them an listening to every song live for the first time was so exciting, my best memory of that show is Fran singing Flowers in the window, lol!!!!

But honesty, august was better! not just because they played 31 songs, let's talk about quality!!! can't complain! it was a really good gig! I really think it was the best ever Travis gig for me (and for some other girls here).

4 votes for the show: Sports Palace, Mexico City. August 2nd 2007. yeah! =P

another nice point of view =)

4 votes for aug 2007
2 votes for feb 2004

erikausagi wrote:
galletitabonita wrote:
erikausagi wrote:
aren't you think it was much better in feb 2004?? or it's only me? that gig was AWESOME!!

i was not there
my mind can't imagine a better gig!!!! =0
then, it must have been the GREATEST gig ever!!!
I trust you =P

trust me, that gig was the longest and coolest ever... the guys were so happy... we were so happy... i expected that gig for 3-4 years, and it wasnt dissapointed me...

I expected that gig for 2 years, but nobody wanted to go with me =(
and i didn't want to go alone
I guess I was such a fool ¬¬

at least, the best gigs (for us) have been in Mexico!!!!
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Sat 29 Mar, 2008 5:17 AM Quote
Hmmm well I've been to two TRAVIS gigs (July 23rd, 2007 and November 17th, 2007) and they both were amazing. But I think I'll go with my first Travis gig. It was Fran's birthday and the venue was incredibly undersold, but that made it even better. The show was really intimate and it was a beautiful summer night. After 20 (special b-day performance!) and before Flowers we sang Happy Birthday (Dougie brought out the cake) to Fran and the band threw candy and kazoos at us. Dougie hit me in the shoulder with a Tootsie Roll. The setlist was:
Selfish Jean
Eyes Wide Open
Writing to Reach You
Love Will Come Through
As You Are
My Eyes
Big Chair
The Line is Fine
Good Feeling (complete with Claus t-shirts!)
All I Want Is To Rock
Flowers in the Window
Humpty Dumpty Love Song
Why Does It Always Rain on Me?
After the show me and my best friend Kassandra waited outside the venue with about 15 other fans. Fran and Dougie came out from the basement of the venue and told us to join them downstairs for some cake! I turned to Kassy with a look of, "THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!" We went downstairs and had some cake, I worked up the courage to approach Dougie. When I did, he quickly came over and posed with me. The first words outta my mouth were, and I quote, "YOUR WIFE IS AWESOME!" (<---???) I said I was rooting for her to win the Emmy the year before. He said she had just started displaying it at home.
After our brief chat with Dougie, Kassy said that she thought she heard someone say Nigel Godrich was in the house. I told her that was crazy talk, why would he be here?! Turns out he was and I didn't get to meet him (DAMN!). Before leaving I got a picture with Fran and wished him a Happy Birthday, and we left. Best. Night. Ever.
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Sat 29 Mar, 2008 4:11 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
For the setlist - Wolverhampton Wulfrun Hall, Sept 04, the singles tour. Unique in that I'll likely never hear every single trotted out plus 20 plus Dudes plus Baby One More Time again.

Bullseye! The London equivalent, October 04, for the same reasons. Incorporating the busk in Leicester Square earlier the same day (photos still on the kitchen wall!).

Plus, the 2 Christmas gigs I've been to: Hammersmith - the first time I ever heard 20, and was smitten (Dec 2001), and Happy live for the first time - dedicated in memory of the people of NYC in the aftermath of 9/11.

Plus the Ally Pally gig a couple of years later, when I was on crutches and got there really early to get to the front, then spent the whole gig leaning heavily against the barrier, with the poor long suffering Mr Tonie trying to prevent other fans crushing my badly sprained ankle. (the things we do!). That one's memorable, cos he and I are both in the dvd that came out after! :)

Actually I've seen them about 12 times, and each gig is memorable and special :)

Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 62
Amandabug Posted Sat 12 Apr, 2008 3:04 AM Quote
that's pretty hard to think of, esp. since i've been to 24 shows. every one was memorable for some reason or another, but i think the stars aligned for:

Jul-14-07: Irving Plaza, New York City, NY

something about that venue and travis just works. the afterparty helped too.
Re: Best ever Travis gig
Posts: 1635
Chiito-chan Posted Sat 12 Apr, 2008 9:16 PM Quote

Fàbrica Damm Sunday 23 21.30h Travis
Mercè - Barcelona

It is my first travis gig. It was near from my house and i went with my sister who likes travis too.
And as that gig was my only one gig i think is the best because i have a great night.

Re: Best ever Travis gig
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Sat 12 Apr, 2008 9:38 PM Quote
I've only seen them twice, but both times were amazing! The first was in May 2007 on the UK tour, and I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for about three months in advance!
The second was the intimate-tour of new stuff in Bristol, complete with the awesome medley at the end :D They all looked so happy, especially Neil, I was grinning from ear to ear :D
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