
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 7:40 AM Quote
deebee wrote:
Turtleneck wrote:
spid wrote:
good luck and try to take it easy afterwards - sleep when the baby sleeps.

Sleep when the baby sleeps. Ha, I say! Come on Spid. Tell her the truth.

Sleep all you can tonight because YOU WILL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN. You will never have another sound night's sleep. Never. Ever. Again.

LOL! I haven't slept properly now for nearly nine years! I look like I've aged 20 years in that time.

Our first one started sleeping full nights in about 1 month. The second caused trouble at least for a year. I he had been the first one I'm not sure we would have had two...
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 8:00 AM Quote
Mine sleep OK during the night but they are real early birds (well, the eldest is) and I'm not particularly a morning person! Oh the joys of children :-)
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 8:05 AM Quote
Sophie, is this your first baby then? How exciting!
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 8:41 AM Quote
awww all the best Angel :) don't forget to take it easy!


Re: Baby on board
sorry angel
Posts: 712
sorry angel Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 9:16 AM Quote
Thank you so much again, so lovely to read all your posts including the scary ones about sleep haha!!

Yes it's my first baby...I'm 41 and was pretty unlucky until now with repetitive miscarriages and I also had complications with this pregnancy in the first 3 months. But since it's been fine except for the huge fatigue I went through since october. I can't wait to see his face and also for it to be over I must confess. Unlike all these bloody adverts and documentaries you see where women explain that they never felt so wonderful while pregnant, my experience is that pregnancy is everything but NOT pleasant.

I'll tell you soon about the sleep...or not...and as for the photos...I'm a bit ashame but I have never worked out in years on the board how to post them! That's how uninterested by IT I am LOL.
Re: Baby on board
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 9:41 AM Quote
Aw hope it all goes well!
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 710
bara Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 10:12 AM Quote
good luck, dear!
inform us please =)
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 10:58 AM Quote
sorry angel wrote:
Thank you so much again, so lovely to read all your posts including the scary ones about sleep haha!!

Yes it's my first baby...I'm 41 and was pretty unlucky until now with repetitive miscarriages and I also had complications with this pregnancy in the first 3 months. But since it's been fine except for the huge fatigue I went through since october. I can't wait to see his face and also for it to be over I must confess. Unlike all these bloody adverts and documentaries you see where women explain that they never felt so wonderful while pregnant, my experience is that pregnancy is everything but NOT pleasant.

I'll tell you soon about the sleep...or not...and as for the photos...I'm a bit ashame but I have never worked out in years on the board how to post them! That's how uninterested by IT I am LOL.

Yay, another technophobe!!! I'm not alone, hehe. I still haven't got an avatar cos I don't know how to do it *hangs head in shame*
As for the baby, having a first baby is majorly life-changing! I still say that the greatest thing I've achieved so far in life is producing my 2 kids :-)
The youngest has just turned 4 and seems so grown up. Make the most of every moment because it all goes sooooo quickly.
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 11:08 AM Quote
deebee wrote:

As for the baby, having a first baby is majorly life-changing! I still say that the greatest thing I've achieved so far in life is producing my 2 kids :-)
The youngest has just turned 4 and seems so grown up. Make the most of every moment because it all goes sooooo quickly.

Indeed... the previously mentioned baby that kept us awake for a whole year plus just turned ten. His big sister is 12 and almost as tall as I am. I really don't know where all those years went!
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 1184
Edel Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 11:25 AM Quote
Best of luck Sophie. Shall be thinking of you :0)
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 3:01 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
Sleep all you can tonight because YOU WILL NEVER SLEEP AGAIN. You will never have another sound night's sleep. Never. Ever. Again.

My parents never slept when my brother was a baby, but they always tell me that I never cried at nights, and if I fell asleep, I woke up in the morning, never in the middle of the night. So Sophie, maybe you're lucky and your baby does like I did :p
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 3:12 PM Quote
Even though my kids now sleep through the night, most nights at least, I never sleep the way I used to. I always have "one ear open." I can hear the slightest peep. From talking to my friends, it is a mom thing. The dads can usually sleep through anything, same as before. But I can hear the faintest, "Mama" in the night.
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 3:39 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
Even though my kids now sleep through the night, most nights at least, I never sleep the way I used to. I always have "one ear open." I can hear the slightest peep. From talking to my friends, it is a mom thing. The dads can usually sleep through anything, same as before. But I can hear the faintest, "Mama" in the night.

Definately a mum thing! My other half could sleep through a hurricane and definately wouldn't wake up unless they were screaming. I'm a very light sleeper nowadays.
Re: Baby on board
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 3:41 PM Quote
mili wrote:
deebee wrote:

As for the baby, having a first baby is majorly life-changing! I still say that the greatest thing I've achieved so far in life is producing my 2 kids :-)
The youngest has just turned 4 and seems so grown up. Make the most of every moment because it all goes sooooo quickly.

Indeed... the previously mentioned baby that kept us awake for a whole year plus just turned ten. His big sister is 12 and almost as tall as I am. I really don't know where all those years went!

Hey, your "little ones" are not so little after all! Does it get easy when they become more independent or do you then have to face the hormones, arghhhhh!
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