
Re: FAO: Anne!!!
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Mon 11 Feb, 2008 2:09 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
megg_inc wrote:
Actually I think that could be the reason they avoid Poland- that part of Warsaw is kinda terrible, so maybe they think the whole country looks like that. *sighs*

*sigh* Let's hope that's not the case, Megg! Poland is beautiful and they should do a show there!!!! Hopefully, they were able to see other areas of the city when they were in Warsaw. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

But that's true for a lot of places they probably travel. Music venues are usually in the dodgy parts of town. Overall, Michigan is a gorgeous state, but the two main cities Travis has visited here, Detroit and Pontiac, are crap holes. I'd really love for them to come to Pontiac again rather than Detroit though. The venue was much better and it's 25 minutes from my town and a block from where I work now. :O)

Yeah, weren't there two killings in Pontiac recently? I think a stabbing and a shooting or something like that? Why are cultural institutions, museums, theaters, etc. always in such bad parts of town or right next to them? Detroit Institute of Arts, the theaters, Toledo Museum in Ohio, seems like everywhere you go it's like that. I guess it's because they're usually in the "old" sections of town that get run down.

And about the walking--when Don and I went to Europe the last time, we had what we now call "raw meat feet." We had walked all over Paris, then we took the boat to London and spent a few days and by the last day we could barely move. My feet have never hurt so much! Plus, we weren't eating properly. By the time I got back to our home base in Cologne, I weighed 98 lbs!
Re: FAO: Anne!!!
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Mon 11 Feb, 2008 3:04 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
Well, thanks! I didn't expect such a huge response. I just liked the juxtaposition of our fancy clothes and her dirty face. DinoMegg, glad you like my hair but it looks pretty different now. Shorter. But I think I like it better now.

it looks like your little 'un is wearing chocolate lipstick!!
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