
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Tue 02 Oct, 2007 11:05 PM Quote
My US version only has one as well..."Sailing Away."

But I downloaded "Say Hello" and "Perfect Heaven Space." All really great tracks.

PS: Glad to know I'm not alone in my thoughts about TBWNN :)
Re: Not In The top-40 again
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Tue 02 Oct, 2007 11:21 PM Quote
Thanks, Nikki!! :o)
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 64
hail_fran Posted Tue 02 Oct, 2007 11:57 PM Quote
bring out a cd full of Bsides and 1922, this love and village man will all reach number one! in that order!
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 190
jambut Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 5:35 PM Quote
A whole CD of Travis B-sides from every single ever that would be amazing. Maybe a few live recordings, i wonder if they ever played "Blue Flasing Lights" live at Parr Hall loads of ppl tryed to make Fran play it. Great track

I actually a fan campaighn would get the record company to put out a B-side album actually.
Re: Not In The top-40 again
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 6:00 PM Quote
Taralyn wrote:
Good to see some possitive posts abot TBWNN i am with you NIKKI a certain persons so called honest freedom of speech was way to harsh on the band, Simon Cowell she may think she is but at least he knows what he is talking about!!!!!!!!!!

I also am very pleased, although unsurprised, to see posts in favour of TBWNN. It's a very good album. However, do you not see that by posting this, you are verifying Sara Anna's original statement that if she posts her honest opinion, then everyone turns against her.
She is as welcome to an opinion as the rest of us and has at least made a very interesting post by deviating from the expected and normally accepted.
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Sara Anna
Posts: 36
Sara Anna Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 6:03 PM Quote
Ursina wrote:
Sara Anna wrote:
I've been a fan of Travis for many years, I used to post on here a lot, debates and honest opinions both positive and negative and then I was told I wasn’t allowed to post anything negative! First I would just like to say, I don't give in to bullies, then again said person said they weren't going to read my posts anymore so it doesn't matter what I say anyway.
Being a fan is about the music and giving honest feed back so here are my thoughts whether people agree or not.

who told you that ?? this is just not on ! We used to have some great discussions here but sadly this has almost all gone. I'm so glad to see you here again.... so please stay and keep voicing your opinion.. I'm sure the lads actually appreciate it.

Sina :)

Thanks Sina, Tonie and Sorry Angel, I appreciate what you say, yes i'm sure the lads appreciate honest feedback ;-)
I used to enjoy the disscussions too!
Who told me I was negative Sina? The same person who also said I was creepy, they were extremely rude! I'm not mentioning names as I wouldn't want to lower myself to their level but you’d be surprised!
I’m still waiting for an apology.
Anyway, if you guys don't find me negative and creepy and like what I post then i'm happy to keep posting.

Re: Not In The top-40 again
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 6:05 PM Quote
jambut wrote:
Point of interest: on the bus to college today i must of heard atleast five people play MY Eyes on their way too loud MP3 players/I-pods. Problem I think is people "my age aka 16" aren't buying singles or downloads i do admit to sending "my eyes" via msn to encourage ppl to buy the album most did but yaknow.

You're very lucky! I don't talk about my music interests much because my friends are all into Muse and the Chili Peppers and there is no point trying to convince them otherwise.
Good on you for trying to spread the Travis love! :) This is what Fran wants people to do, keep trying!
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Sara Anna
Posts: 36
Sara Anna Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 6:13 PM Quote

Thank you for your replies, some good answers both for and against, that makes a great debate.
My reply to Jambuts’ initial post (good post by the way) was based on my honest opinions and observations and the idea was to get you thinking, talking and debating about the music. This section is about Travis but has been lacking a good music debate of late. I agree music is a personal thing but If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t bother to say anything about it in the first place.
If you love the music great, shout it from the rooftops as some of you have, nice post Nikki. If you don’t then say something also, again good post The Boy with the Cryptic name, nice to meet you.
People shouldn’t be afraid to tell the truth or told they can’t tell it like someone did to me.
It’s good to keep your feet on the ground and this band is supposed to be grounded so I’m sure they welcome some honest feedback, some Ying to the Yang.
I’m sure Fran who cares about his music and being the grounded guy he’s portrayed to be would welcome honesty as critic goes with the territory of being in a band.

Thanks for reading

Sarah x

Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 6:31 PM Quote
Question for you Sarah: do you think that your lack of love for the album stems back from that first gig this year, which some folks, including yourself, criticised?

I wouldn't be surprised if it did. I'm just curious, cos I know it disappointed a number of people, and left them with a huge sense of anti climax after the long wait.

And for the record, I wasn't at said gig, but went the next night to the one in Koko (I think***), and they were pretty wonderful. And Sarah will hopefully testify to that too.... ;)

***Possibly factually dodgy, remembering that I'm the berk who'd forgotten Travis had a song called Somewhere Else, and asked in the public forum if it was a Razorlight cover...(still blushing)

Anyways, everyone should feel entirely free to express their opinion, and they're totally allowed to say they don't like everything.

And once more, I really like TBWNN, but am disappointed with this particular single choice. Some agree with me, some don't - and hope I don't get my head bitten off for saying what I think....

Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 6:45 PM Quote
Sara Anna wrote:

Thank you for your replies, some good answers both for and against, that makes a great debate.
My reply to Jambuts’ initial post (good post by the way) was based on my honest opinions and observations and the idea was to get you thinking, talking and debating about the music. This section is about Travis but has been lacking a good music debate of late. I agree music is a personal thing but If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t bother to say anything about it in the first place.
If you love the music great, shout it from the rooftops as some of you have, nice post Nikki. If you don’t then say something also, again good post The Boy with the Cryptic name, nice to meet you.
People shouldn’t be afraid to tell the truth or told they can’t tell it like someone did to me.
It’s good to keep your feet on the ground and this band is supposed to be grounded so I’m sure they welcome some honest feedback, some Ying to the Yang.
I’m sure Fran who cares about his music and being the grounded guy he’s portrayed to be would welcome honesty as critic goes with the territory of being in a band.

Thanks for reading

Sarah x

Fair dos to you for saying how you feel. Your not being nasty about it and your not kissing arse either. Like you said, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 9:40 PM Quote
Sara Anna said:

" Anyway, if you guys don't find me negative and creepy and like what I post then i'm happy to keep posting."

Why dont you tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth then, miss honesty ?

About how your constant , shit stirring , derogatory and very personal comments about the Band ,on the old message board, got the deserved response from the 'one' you are waiting for an apology from????

I doubt very much whether you will ever get an apology because most of what you say is vindictive manipulating crap.

Your comments on the Bands music makes NME look friendly, so dont make out they make good useful reading.

Its not that you wont take a hint but you dont even accept it from the horses mouth .

That is very creepy.

Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 486
Trevis Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 9:57 PM Quote
Question for Sara Anna: Do you think The invisible band is better than The boy with no name?
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 162
Craig Posted Wed 03 Oct, 2007 11:54 PM Quote
Sara Anna wrote:
I've been a fan of Travis for many years, I used to post on here a lot, debates and honest opinions both positive and negative and then I was told I wasn’t allowed to post anything negative! First I would just like to say, I don't give in to bullies, then again said person said they weren't going to read my posts anymore so it doesn't matter what I say anyway.
Being a fan is about the music and giving honest feed back so here are my thoughts whether people agree or not.

I don't follow the charts but I’ve just had a look at the official top 75 for the UK. People on here say that they don't care about the charts and what position Travis get to and I’ve heard the band say that too, that chart positions aren't important. In a recent quote from Fran while hitting out at celebs putting status before music, he says,

“Music shouldn't be about the band or the personalities. It's about the songs. As long as the songs are out there making people happy that's what it's all about.”

Yet people are quick to defend if they're not in the charts. Last week they were number 60, this week they've completely dropped out of the top 75, the worst chart position ever for one of their singles, why? Ok, maybe this is none of my business but I am a music fan so I will give my thoughts on the subject.

Marketing, I don’t work in the music industry but I know people who do and yes the marketing is crap as a few of you have pointed out. You can’t blame the British music buying public if they don't get to hear the music in the first place. I've seen/heard very little publicity for this single, Radio 2 had it on their A play list but Radio 1, XFM and Virgin who are probably the main commercial radio stations, especially amongst the younger generation did not have the song on their play list at all for some reason. That's very strange for Virgin who normally gives the band a lot of support so that begs the question why?
People can’t buy it if they haven't heard it so it fails to chart.

Marketing Plan B, release the single as part of a compilation CD free in a Sunday newspaper, it gets it out there so people can hear it and the band would get their money back as the paper would have done a very nice deal with the band I’m sure as with the Prince album. The public get to hear their music for free which is something Fran seems to encourage and another medium as well as radio and the internet, so every ones happy. Whether or not the CD gives them more publicity and has everyone rushing out to buy the albums and current singles is another matter, only time will tell.
The song itself, well I’ve just scanned over the charts and noticed that the chart has the Foo Fighters, Air Traffic, Stereophonics, KT Tunstall, Annie Lennox, Pigeon Detectives, White Stripes and re-releases like Phill Collins (love the Gorilla advert) and Joy Division and Snow Patrol are 'STILL' in there with chasing cars, and dare I say it, James Blunt, all of which in my opinion are far better and stronger than the Travis song.

My Eyes is a nice little song but it's not single material, it's not strong enough and had no chance with the little publicity it had. Unfortunately for me, the whole album is disappointing and uninspiring compared to their earlier material and I only say that because I really did love their music and miss the Travis magic that to me is now absent from their current material. Of course, Fran will probably take what I’ve said about the album/single out of context and see it as a personal insult against his family seeing as the song/album is written for his son ;-)

XFM are doing documentaries by the way on the most inspiring albums of the last decade and you know what's coming up, The Man Who. So from Man Who, one of the most inspiring albums to well, what more can I say, so perhaps it’s not the marketing but the material itself that needs improvement for it to get publicity and air play.
One thing I will agree with though is that they are the best live band I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen hundreds of bands over the years. They are a live band, that's what they do best, that's why they sell out gigs, that’s where the Travis magic is but unfortunately the magic has gone from the song writing, I don’t care about chart positions but I do care about the music and I find myself longing for the magic of the early days and The Man Who once more.

Apoligise for the long reply, I had a lot to say.
Feel free to comment, i'm sure you will

Sarah x

hello sarah id like to share my views with your comments about the TBWNN and the singles released. im formerly travis rocker and i was at the oxford gig with you back in march, i wasnt impressed with that gig no but i went to 3 gigs on the tour back in may met the band too, the reading hexagon gig blew me away. i believe that the choice of singles arent correct it should have been selfish jean single one. closer single two. big chair single 3 and eyes wide open as possible single 4. there is so much crap in the charts at the moment and i always ask myself this question why don't travis get more recognintion for there music because yes i believe that all there singles knock the spots off the music in the charts from other bands eg snow patrol, james blunt. selfish jean deserved top five. i bet you if coldplay did a song like that it would get top 5, my eyes deserves to be in the top ten too its a lovely song, yes the man who, good feeling,tbwnn are all great albums. i always have sed that the invisible band is the worst album after the first 3 tracks as it were way to mellow for my likeing do u see where im coming from?
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 19
Barbara Posted Thu 04 Oct, 2007 7:16 AM Quote
I didn't like 12 memories a lot but about TBWNN I was thinking that it was amazing that after all these years (oops sorry guys didn't mean to make you sound old, hehe ;)) a band produces a brilliant album like this. There are so many bands who get worse and worse from album to album but Travis have proved to me that this doesn't have to be the case always. TBWNN is actually my favourite Travis album now. And I can't wait to hear the songs live. 2 weeks to go :D

P.S. And of course everyone is allowed to say their opinion. I don't think it's right to just say "oh this album's so great" just because it's one of your favourite bands.
Re: Not In The top-40 again
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Thu 04 Oct, 2007 9:38 AM Quote
Sara Anna wrote:
Ursina wrote:
Sara Anna wrote:
I've been a fan of Travis for many years, I used to post on here a lot, debates and honest opinions both positive and negative and then I was told I wasn’t allowed to post anything negative! First I would just like to say, I don't give in to bullies, then again said person said they weren't going to read my posts anymore so it doesn't matter what I say anyway.
Being a fan is about the music and giving honest feed back so here are my thoughts whether people agree or not.

who told you that ?? this is just not on ! We used to have some great discussions here but sadly this has almost all gone. I'm so glad to see you here again.... so please stay and keep voicing your opinion.. I'm sure the lads actually appreciate it.

Sina :)

Thanks Sina, Tonie and Sorry Angel, I appreciate what you say, yes i'm sure the lads appreciate honest feedback ;-)
I used to enjoy the disscussions too!
Who told me I was negative Sina? The same person who also said I was creepy, they were extremely rude! I'm not mentioning names as I wouldn't want to lower myself to their level but you’d be surprised!
I’m still waiting for an apology.
Anyway, if you guys don't find me negative and creepy and like what I post then i'm happy to keep posting.


good so ! expecting to see your soap box more often again.

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