
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 10 Sep, 2007 8:30 PM Quote
Joana wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
GotChrist wrote:
I haven't been reading about the McCann case for a while now, but from what I heard, the police found sedatives in the blood found in the apartment and that's why they're accusing her parents of murder. Is this true?

I hate shit like this, name one single kid who doesn't have a "sedative" in their system, Calpol, Benilyn and any other medication you shove down their throats when they are that age, Kids are constantly on medication... Athlete's can't take cold medicine cause it fucks up their dopeing samples, what sorta tests do you think they are running here???

Just a thought

Really??Is it normal in UK you give children sedatives?!Not in Portugal...that is not an ordinary procedure here.. to give to kids drugs for them to sleep!

No, that was the point I was making, you don't deliberately dope your kids up but most medicines do contain mild forms of sedatives
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 10 Sep, 2007 8:42 PM Quote
According to Sky News they've found DNA in a car the parents hired 5 weeks after her dissapearence??

mind you, they are her parents so there has to be a certain amount of "transfer"

Nemo me Impune Lacessit
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Somewhere Else
Posts: 1726
Somewhere Else Posted Mon 10 Sep, 2007 10:53 PM Quote
Strange how if the crucifiction and resurrection took place today, I doubt whether christianity would get off the ground.

If , ( and we dont know) the evidence is , that it is actual bodily fluid from Madelaine , then , given the xposure of the apartment and the vehicle , just about anyone could have put it there , including the police or policeman, butcher, baker , candlestickmaker.Who knows who had access and when?

The Mccanns should have been suspected and eradicted from the start , not now. If the Police drive this prosecution home then it is suspicious , as there are other avenues still to be answered.
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 190
KevInSweden Posted Mon 10 Sep, 2007 11:42 PM Quote
The phone and email taps suggest they have always been suspects.

It makes the utmost of sense that the Police would want to keep some things under their hat. Though I guess most people aren't satisfied if they don't get a up to the minute progress report.

I blame Sky News.
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 7:42 AM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
mozman68 wrote:
The mom is way to hot to be NOT GUILTY.

life according to mozman

hahahahahaha good one Absy :-D
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 10:32 AM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
mozman68 wrote:
The mom is way to hot to be NOT GUILTY.

life according to mozman

Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 206
Joana Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 12:16 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
According to Sky News they've found DNA in a car the parents hired 5 weeks after her dissapearence??

mind you, they are her parents so there has to be a certain amount of "transfer"

Nemo me Impune Lacessit

Actually the portuguese police denies that the blood found in the car is full match!!They say that the results are not that conclusive and that just helps to continue in a certain way of the investigation!!So I don't understand the point of all those headlines on the english press!!
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 1:18 PM Quote
A question for you on the subject of the parents leaving the kids in the hotel room: have any of you been on a Mark Warner holiday before? As parents?

I have.

I am not passing judgement either way, but please consider this. It is the Mark Warner "ethos" (if you like) to put the children to bed at their normal home bed time, and for the adults to have "adult time" in the resort dining room. (and for the cynics, by adult time, I mean uninterrupted conversation, and nothing more!) The rooms are patrolled by Warner employees constantly during the evening. If a child cries, the restaurant is radioed, and the parents are informed instantly. The time lapse is negligeable.

There are certain expectations and conditions. The main one being that you cannot use this service, if you don't eat in the designated restaurant. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think it's been confirmed either way if the McCann's choice of restaurant was the resort one, or not.

In any other resort/ holiday package, to leave kids in a hotel room would be shocking, and I can see why anyone who hasn't experienced a MW holiday would say so. But in this instance, trust me on this, it is the norm. It is expected of the guests to conform to this. I did it, and had I any doubts about my kids' safety, I wouldn't have. Simple.

(one big difference between my vacation and the McCanns' is that the resort we stayed at was not on a public road, and only guests and staff could access the property)

Like the rest of the world I'm praying and hoping against hope for a happy outcome. I'm also desperately hoping that the parents didn't cause this (beyond the "leaving them in the room" issue).

As (I think) Sina said, you have to despair of humanity if they are directly responsible.

But please, on this occasion, & if nothing else,try not to judge them negligent for the decision to leave their kids in the room. Taken at face value, and in the context of the vacation, they did what thousands of other families have done in Mark Warner resorts. Mine included.

Finally, about the Portugese police. I'm sorry to Joanna, and don't take it personally, but the way it's been portrayed here in the British press is that the police did not respond in a timely manner to the missing child report. And as has been mentioned here, the decision to accuse the parents seems very much like an act of desperation, to justify their salaries!
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 1:35 PM Quote
I saw this on a thread on another website, quite interesting.

"I've been intently watching all of this too.

Only days after Madaline disappeared. I watched an interveiw with a person who was in an Orphanage in Protugal 20 or 30 years ago............ He told us of how all the children were sexually abused there .......... and it was an officially organised thing.. The children even had regular examaninations by Doctors to check that they hadn't contracted any STD's.......... and the children were being sexually abused, by Judges, Lawyers, and Priests... etc. etc...

Then, only one or two days after Madaline went missing I saw TV footage of the Portuguese Police at the check points they had set up, to try to prevent her from being taken out of the Country.. and those police were standing smoking, while lots of cars just drove by the checkpoint.. then it lashed rain and the police got in to their cars out of the rain, and again lots of cars drove on by the check-point without being checked at all............... and the TV news even pointed out one car that went by with blacked out windows.. while the Portuguese Police stayed inside their cars sheltering from the rain..

A couple of days ago, on Sky News I saw an image of a woman with her eyes bulging and black and blue from a beating.. She told the news reporters that she was beaten by the Portuguese Police into confessing that she was involved when her own child went missing............... some years ago!!

In my opinion the Portuguese Police have a LOT to hide........... Kate and Gerry Mc Cann are honest and real and tenacious people...

They have the capacity to control their emotions becasue they are both Doctors and have got to deal with suffering and death and the pain of that with their patients, and so they are adept at controllling their emotions and it's just how they conduct themselves..... I feel sure that when they are in private they give vent to their feelings ..

Another interview I saw on the TV a few weeks after Madaline went missing was with a couple of Portuguese Families who had children abducted, and they told the media that the Portuguese Police only looked for their children for a few weeks and then the investigations were dropped and they have had to get on with theri lives never knowing what happened to their children....

But Gerry and Kate Mc Cann are courageous and determined people... and they mounted their own campaigne to "FIND MADALINE"...................

Thye will not just "go away" .......... as I think the Portuguese Police now wish they would... and just be compliant, like other poor parents have been........

They were just about to leave Portugual with the express intention of continuing the search for answers about what happened to Madalline and then....... juat at that time the Protuguese Police hauled them in and began these accusations that they had something to do with the disappearence of their daughter.. in my opinion this was an attempt to demoralise and discredit them.. and so try to take their POWER away from them.

That hasn't succeeded....... and I applaude Kate and Gerry for their strength and Fortitude..

I'm 100% in support of them and one day, I believe they will find out what happened to their daughter.. but I suspect they will end up, uncovering a lot of other secrets and corruption before it's all over.... "

Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 206
Joana Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 1:43 PM Quote
About what Tonie said...

I have heard of that but no one ever confirmed that the family McCann used it!!In all these months no one ever said that a person of the resort was checking the children, otherwise things could have been different!!
It is very serious to leave children alone for hours, especially in a place that's not familiar to you!It is negligence we like it or not!

About the critics about the portuguese authorities, I see them as a way that british media has to manipulate the peoples opinion about the subject.
I sincerely think that PJ is doing a good work, they have all the possibilities open and they are doing the investigation in a serious and a calm way!
Besides it's the police and even the portuguese people opinion that the McCanns are just suspects, and that doesnt mean anything more than that, and that everyone is innocent until it is proven that they are guilty!So...I dont understand all this hostility of the media against the police and even the portuguese people just because they are trying to do their job, which is, find the truth!
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 206
Joana Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 2:05 PM Quote
Tracey982 wrote:
I saw this on a thread on another website, quite interesting.

"I've been intently watching all of this too.

Only days after Madaline disappeared. I watched an interveiw with a person who was in an Orphanage in Protugal 20 or 30 years ago............ He told us of how all the children were sexually abused there .......... and it was an officially organised thing.. The children even had regular examaninations by Doctors to check that they hadn't contracted any STD's.......... and the children were being sexually abused, by Judges, Lawyers, and Priests... etc. etc...

Then, only one or two days after Madaline went missing I saw TV footage of the Portuguese Police at the check points they had set up, to try to prevent her from being taken out of the Country.. and those police were standing smoking, while lots of cars just drove by the checkpoint.. then it lashed rain and the police got in to their cars out of the rain, and again lots of cars drove on by the check-point without being checked at all............... and the TV news even pointed out one car that went by with blacked out windows.. while the Portuguese Police stayed inside their cars sheltering from the rain..

A couple of days ago, on Sky News I saw an image of a woman with her eyes bulging and black and blue from a beating.. She told the news reporters that she was beaten by the Portuguese Police into confessing that she was involved when her own child went missing............... some years ago!!

In my opinion the Portuguese Police have a LOT to hide........... Kate and Gerry Mc Cann are honest and real and tenacious people...

They have the capacity to control their emotions becasue they are both Doctors and have got to deal with suffering and death and the pain of that with their patients, and so they are adept at controllling their emotions and it's just how they conduct themselves..... I feel sure that when they are in private they give vent to their feelings ..

Another interview I saw on the TV a few weeks after Madaline went missing was with a couple of Portuguese Families who had children abducted, and they told the media that the Portuguese Police only looked for their children for a few weeks and then the investigations were dropped and they have had to get on with theri lives never knowing what happened to their children....

But Gerry and Kate Mc Cann are courageous and determined people... and they mounted their own campaigne to "FIND MADALINE"...................

Thye will not just "go away" .......... as I think the Portuguese Police now wish they would... and just be compliant, like other poor parents have been........

They were just about to leave Portugual with the express intention of continuing the search for answers about what happened to Madalline and then....... juat at that time the Protuguese Police hauled them in and began these accusations that they had something to do with the disappearence of their daughter.. in my opinion this was an attempt to demoralise and discredit them.. and so try to take their POWER away from them.

That hasn't succeeded....... and I applaude Kate and Gerry for their strength and Fortitude..

I'm 100% in support of them and one day, I believe they will find out what happened to their daughter.. but I suspect they will end up, uncovering a lot of other secrets and corruption before it's all over.... "


Some of the cases you mentioned are about some really serious crimes that happened here!
There was the case "Joana" where the mother of the child(named Joana)killed her own daughter and destroyed the body!Apparently she has very serious neurological problems and the bruises that she had were not because of the police but from other inmates of the prison where she was in!!
There is "Casa Pia" case, a case of pedophily, where a bunch of influent and rich people like lawyers, senators are involved in sexual abuse of childen of a state institution that collects orfan children!The case is still on trial after 3 years!
There are several cases of kidnapped children that never had the privileges that the Maddie case have had!PJ have given much more attention to McCanns than they have given to all other portuguese mothers that lost their childs!!

And yes the portuguese police made mistakes, I'm sure of that, but british police aren't perfect either, you have thousand of missing kids and I don't see the police finding them!

And at last, if Maddie was really kidnapped, when her parents showed her picture for all the world to see, they putted her in a very dangerous situation, because no one would want a little girl that everyone was looking after!It could be her sentence to death!!
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 2:21 PM Quote
Joana wrote:
About what Tonie said...

I have heard of that but no one ever confirmed that the family McCann used it!!In all these months no one ever said that a person of the resort was checking the children, otherwise things could have been different!!
It is very serious to leave children alone for hours, especially in a place that's not familiar to you!It is negligence we like it or not!

Unless things have changed (which I accept is possible) since I went there with my girls, the room patrolling service was a given -automatically offered, provided, as I said, that you were in the MW restaurant.

And if you read my words, I agree that it looks like negligence to an outsider. However, by MW standards, and in keeping with their operations, it wasn't.

This is not taking into account all the subsequent reports about sedatives, d & a in hire cars, police activity etc etc. Mainly because there is too much that we do not know, and will never know. I was simply giving a piece of information, with the confidence of experience, about MW holidays.

I'm entirely open to the suggestion that the McCanns are guilty, should evidence prove it. I'd prefer to think that this cannot be possible.
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 206
Joana Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 2:44 PM Quote
Tonie wrote:
Joana wrote:
About what Tonie said...

I have heard of that but no one ever confirmed that the family McCann used it!!In all these months no one ever said that a person of the resort was checking the children, otherwise things could have been different!!
It is very serious to leave children alone for hours, especially in a place that's not familiar to you!It is negligence we like it or not!

Unless things have changed (which I accept is possible) since I went there with my girls, the room patrolling service was a given -automatically offered, provided, as I said, that you were in the MW restaurant.

And if you read my words, I agree that it looks like negligence to an outsider. However, by MW standards, and in keeping with their operations, it wasn't.

This is not taking into account all the subsequent reports about sedatives, d & a in hire cars, police activity etc etc. Mainly because there is too much that we do not know, and will never know. I was simply giving a piece of information, with the confidence of experience, about MW holidays.

I'm entirely open to the suggestion that the McCanns are guilty, should evidence prove it. I'd prefer to think that this cannot be possible.

As I told you, no one ever talked of any vigilance on the kids that night!Actually it is said that was offered a baby-sitter to the McCanns but they didn't want any!
As I said, they are still innocent, they are just suspects!!And almost that it's said is speculation!
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 3:06 PM Quote,,91210-1283521,00.html

Just breaking now.
Re: an unexpected turn of events ?
Posts: 1979
Ursina Posted Tue 11 Sep, 2007 3:11 PM Quote
interesting conversations ....... :)

I would just like to add that it is easy to say they should not have left the kids on their own... after all they were inside and the flat was broken into.

I never left our daughter without a babysitter but if I think of the times she could have been abducted (I mean you can't tie them to you), I'm just soo glad that she is now an adult and never had to experience anything like this.
The thought is just too awful....
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