
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:29 PM Quote
Cannot F-ing wait! :D

I thought it'd never happen. Now all i need is a Jim Morrison resurrection and a Floyd reunion and i can die happy!
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 144
alramon13 Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:33 PM Quote
Els* wrote:
reformed? i hope its true. i'd love to see the verve but i'll always have a dvd to watch. luv luv luv the verve!!!

This is BIG! Never thought i'd see the day. I thought they were over and done with and thank god for the DVDs, but now???? hohoho

May have to change my mind about going out of the country this year. Holy mole!!!
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:34 PM Quote
Going to Glasgow for uni was the best decision i think i've ever made :D
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 235
Els* Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:35 PM Quote
but how can you get any studying done?
Re: ***the VERVE***
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:38 PM Quote
Els* wrote:
but how can you get any studying done?

Uni's not for studying!!! hahaha
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 144
alramon13 Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:39 PM Quote
paul_c wrote:
Cannot F-ing wait! :D

I thought it'd never happen. Now all i need is a Jim Morrison resurrection and a Floyd reunion and i can die happy!

Dream on. After the Live 8 deal, that pretty much killed a floyd reunion.

And Jim is dead. I believe the rest of the Doors is touring again, but with a new frontman...not Ian. Ian Astbury is back with the Cult, where he should be!!!
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:44 PM Quote
alramon13 wrote:
paul_c wrote:
Cannot F-ing wait! :D

I thought it'd never happen. Now all i need is a Jim Morrison resurrection and a Floyd reunion and i can die happy!

Dream on. After the Live 8 deal, that pretty much killed a floyd reunion.

And Jim is dead. I believe the rest of the Doors is touring again, but with a new frontman...not Ian. Ian Astbury is back with the Cult, where he should be!!!

Jim is dead??? Really!? I thought a resurrection meant something else completely ;)

"the rest of the Doors" aren't The Doors. The Doors were Jim, Robby, Ray and John. Irreplaceable
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 144
alramon13 Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:55 PM Quote
paul_c wrote:
alramon13 wrote:
paul_c wrote:
Cannot F-ing wait! :D

I thought it'd never happen. Now all i need is a Jim Morrison resurrection and a Floyd reunion and i can die happy!

Dream on. After the Live 8 deal, that pretty much killed a floyd reunion.

And Jim is dead. I believe the rest of the Doors is touring again, but with a new frontman...not Ian. Ian Astbury is back with the Cult, where he should be!!!

Jim is dead??? Really!? I thought a resurrection meant something else completely ;)

"the rest of the Doors" aren't The Doors. The Doors were Jim, Robby, Ray and John. Irreplaceable

Oh yeah, thanks Webster! hehehe

The last lawfirm i worked at, one of the paralegals that worked with me met Jim back in the day. He was definitely an a-hole, completely out of it, and even tho I love the Doors, i think i'm happy i was not old enough to see this guy perform. I just wanna remember Jim as this rock god poet and not the idiot that he really was. I might've had to kill him. LOL I think the last dick to cross me was the dude from the Brian Jonestown Massacre. I heckled him to know end and he deserved every bit of it's like shut up and play you f...king idiot.
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 231
coldlove Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 10:59 PM Quote
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 144
alramon13 Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 11:31 PM Quote
paul_c wrote:
alramon13 wrote:
paul_c wrote:
Cannot F-ing wait! :D

I thought it'd never happen. Now all i need is a Jim Morrison resurrection and a Floyd reunion and i can die happy!

Dream on. After the Live 8 deal, that pretty much killed a floyd reunion.

And Jim is dead. I believe the rest of the Doors is touring again, but with a new frontman...not Ian. Ian Astbury is back with the Cult, where he should be!!!

Jim is dead??? Really!? I thought a resurrection meant something else completely ;)

"the rest of the Doors" aren't The Doors. The Doors were Jim, Robby, Ray and John. Irreplaceable

Haha...i should definitely tell you this Jim Morrison story. Jim was high on LSD and was boozing it up with a bottle of JD in his hand. My friend was backstage at a Doors show and Jim walks past her and looks at her and says, "Are you the devil"? My friend was very 18 or something at the time. She's kind of this sweet theatre-type, very pretty back then, but i don't think she shaved under her arms...ahhahaha...anyway, Jim starts yelling at the rest of the Doors and folks that were hanging out there that she had to be the devil and pointed at her and my friend said that she was terrified, so he turns and walks away from her and falls clear down the stairs. My friend walked down to make sure he was okay, he was fine with her after that. As if nothing ever happened. Weirdo.
Re: ***the VERVE***
Posts: 235
Els* Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 11:35 PM Quote
he looked the devil in he eye and then fell down the stairs. ahahaha
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