
Re: speed dating
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 02 Mar, 2009 3:49 PM Quote
I have no idea about modern dating seemingly there are several different levels these days...

1. Kissing (just someone you meet and decide to kiss, possibly on more than one occassion)

2. Seeing someone (just as it says but not exclusive, each party has the opportunity to "see" as many people as they like)

3. Girlfriend/Boyfriend (exclusively being with someone and agree to be faithful to each other)

there are also various sub levels and stuff but this is as much as I can understand. Dee can probably explain it better. In my day you were either with someone or not end of story, but nowadays everybody wants to have their cake and eat it.


btw that's a stupid saying why would you have a cake and not eat it, what the fuck else are you gonna do with the fucking thing.
Re: speed dating
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 02 Mar, 2009 5:16 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
I have no idea about modern dating seemingly there are several different levels these days...

How old are you again? Is it even allowed to ask anymore?

Scottish Dubliner wrote:

1. Kissing (just someone you meet and decide to kiss, possibly on more than one occassion)

2. Seeing someone (just as it says but not exclusive, each party has the opportunity to "see" as many people as they like)

3. Girlfriend/Boyfriend (exclusively being with someone and agree to be faithful to each other)

Well I'm considering me young - 23 - but all my dates were either a desaster or stupid perverts. So I'm not good at this stuff. I know it's rather personal - but as it was said earlier :P it's just the internet - so one can discuss it - or leave it.
This guy - we were kinda friends -just going out sometimes - having a beer or once a dinner. Just fun you know - then - he kissed me - twice. Now I'm not sure what to do...but I guess I'll be see it then on we...
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

there are also various sub levels and stuff but this is as much as I can understand. Dee can probably explain it better. In my day you were either with someone or not end of story, but nowadays everybody wants to have their cake and eat it.


Nowadays?? How old again?
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

btw that's a stupid saying why would you have a cake and not eat it, what the fuck else are you gonna do with the fucking thing.

Haha - wanted to say the same thing!!!

Re: speed dating
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Mon 16 Mar, 2009 1:50 AM Quote
so i went!

cripes! you would not believe the type of fellas that were at this thing...thankfully it was only 2 minutes per fella! nothing particularly funny or creepy to report but i can say that i did circle 'yes' for one fella...a music journalist! kinda cool right?
Re: speed dating
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 16 Mar, 2009 2:50 AM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
so i went!

cripes! you would not believe the type of fellas that were at this thing...thankfully it was only 2 minutes per fella! nothing particularly funny or creepy to report but i can say that i did circle 'yes' for one fella...a music journalist! kinda cool right?

good for you!
I would have puked on the table
Re: speed dating
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Mon 16 Mar, 2009 5:23 AM Quote
I'm glad you were able to find one that interested you. Hope it works out:)
Re: speed dating
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Mon 16 Mar, 2009 11:58 AM Quote
Nice one you for plucking up the courage. Bet it was a laugh. And I wonder if the music journo will come good!!! Fingers crossed. And let us know, please! :)
Re: speed dating
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Mon 16 Mar, 2009 3:43 PM Quote
Good job, Goosey!! And good luck with the music journalist. :)
Re: speed dating
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Mon 16 Mar, 2009 3:59 PM Quote
it was a laugh and a half my friends...

....but agreed showing up alone is kinda creepy?
Re: speed dating
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Mon 16 Mar, 2009 11:45 PM Quote
oh! and i forgot to mention...i spotted so many cougars there!
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