
Re: An Apology
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Fri 27 Feb, 2009 8:19 PM Quote
I forgot I'm staying away from here... and just signed on. Need to break the habit!

Aside from anything else, the fact that you felt you had to apologise suggests you don't really have anything to apologise for... though I'm sure people appreciate it.

While we're at it, I'm sorry that I caused so much grief for the board... even though I certainly didn't ask for it, I'd sooner ask for a broken leg. + A group 'cheers' for all the lovely messages on facebook and support and all that...

Re: An Apology
Posts: 3572
Rammsfer Posted Fri 27 Feb, 2009 9:04 PM Quote
Cheers dude!

Beside all, l think you're a very good and cool person.
You can be kinda mean with others, but that's the way you are, we cannot change you.
l mean, you're unique!
Re: An Apology
Posts: 1181
alanistradi Posted Fri 27 Feb, 2009 9:34 PM Quote
It's just me or the atmosphere here is a bit less annoying?
that's good :D

beer has left us a serious doubt (for now haha), so I invite a round of these ...


Rammsfer wrote:

Beside all, l think you're a very good and cool person.
You can be kinda mean with others, but that's the way you are, we cannot change you.
l mean, you're unique!

agree :D
(Fernando! Serves a couple of tequila bottles too! XD)
Re: An Apology
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 27 Feb, 2009 9:38 PM Quote
Meridith wrote:
SamuraiSandy wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:

I don't know what to say without repeating what Anne and Kristy have already said. I agree with them.

Ditto! And, I'll have a pint on that too!

Another ditto here!

And yet another!
Re: An Apology
Posts: 3572
Rammsfer Posted Sat 28 Feb, 2009 2:39 AM Quote
alanistradi wrote:
It's just me or the atmosphere here is a bit less annoying?
that's good :D

beer has left us a serious doubt (for now haha), so I invite a round of these ...


Rammsfer wrote:

Beside all, l think you're a very good and cool person.
You can be kinda mean with others, but that's the way you are, we cannot change you.
l mean, you're unique!

agree :D
(Fernando! Serves a couple of tequila bottles too! XD)

Thanks :D
Re: An Apology
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Sat 28 Feb, 2009 7:29 AM Quote
I agree with most of the other boardies when I say that lets move forward and put being rude and disrespectful to each other in the past. There have been a couple of threads where I thought about posting something but I didn't want to get in the middle of it. Personally Dubz, I find most of your threads and posts interesting or funny. I also think most boardies appreciate your honest opinions when you post. I think a few people took it a little to far but hopefully things will turn around. You've actually responded very kindly to me when you started a thread around Christmas and I replied and you wished me happy holidays. Anyways, just wanted to say that and hope you won't tell me off for it:P

Re: An Apology
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Sat 28 Feb, 2009 10:56 AM Quote
mili wrote:
Meridith wrote:
SamuraiSandy wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:

I don't know what to say without repeating what Anne and Kristy have already said. I agree with them.

Ditto! And, I'll have a pint on that too!

Another ditto here!

And yet another!

And another!!!!!!!

Oh and this is for you!!! YES YOU!!!

Re: An Apology
Posts: 275
Kristy Posted Sat 28 Feb, 2009 11:14 AM Quote
DavesUrMan wrote:
Don't think you (or anyone else) has anything in the slightest to apologise for but the sentiment of a communal board is appreciated.
But I agree with the above as well /// this is just the internet, its about the only real place these days where you can express an opinion or an idea without getting tied up in p.c. gone mad. That said we can (and as far as I know all do) have respect for each other anyway.

I'm not able to respect a person who can't show the slightest bit of empathy for a person asking a serious health-related question, not matter what they'd said in a previous thread.
In fact, empathy wasn't even needed ... perhaps sitting on your hands would have been better for all.
Re: An Apology
Posts: 275
Kristy Posted Sat 28 Feb, 2009 11:14 AM Quote
Double post.
Re: An Apology
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 01 Mar, 2009 11:19 PM Quote
Nell wrote:

Haha to that comment way above mine: Does that mean I'm officially a boardie? He told me ;) Get a free beer then?

and yeah back to the beer: Why on earth should ther be fish in it? Ugh!

At least not in "our" beer ;) Well....I don't know what you guys do with it... :p Maybe that's why the Guinness is so dark..


NO FISH men :) and as you'd be cracking if you ate fish - so just drink beer and you'll be fine...hehe -

don't fish & driv...erm don't drink and drive...

Hmmm, I don't know about this.

However, if you ever get the chance to visit Dublin (or Covent Garden, London). There is a chain of pubs set up by some Irish guys who wanted to drink decent beer. these are call The Porterhouse (4 in Dublin and 1 in London). Now my favourite drink in the porter house is Oyster Stout, It's a stout like Guinness (tastes slightly burnt as they burn the hops as they make it or something like that) but they also put Oysters in it during the brewing process, This sounds totally disgusting, I myself was very sceptical, but I can assure you when you taste this stuff it's absolutely gorgeous. But it is very filling you couldn't drink it all night. If any boardie ever makes it to Dublin, I will meet you in a Porterhouse and buy you a pint of Oyster Stout.

btw they also do a seasonal Chocolate Stout also which I've never tasted but Dee had a bottle of Double Chocolate Stout a while back but I never got the chance to taste it.

Oh and also I drank a pint of Guinness in one go in 8 seconds last night with the lads after Ireland's victory in the Rugby. However I was beaten by a very good Czech friend who drank a pint of Budweiser in 6 seconds.

Re: An Apology
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Mon 02 Mar, 2009 11:53 AM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

Oh and also I drank a pint of Guinness in one go in 8 seconds last night with the lads after Ireland's victory in the Rugby. However I was beaten by a very good Czech friend who drank a pint of Budweiser in 6 seconds.


And now, Dubz, you are my hero.
Re: An Apology
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 02 Mar, 2009 12:39 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

Oh and also I drank a pint of Guinness in one go in 8 seconds last night with the lads after Ireland's victory in the Rugby. However I was beaten by a very good Czech friend who drank a pint of Budweiser in 6 seconds.


And now, Dubz, you are my hero.

haha same here

you can drink a Budweiser like water - but a's like a meal! hehe I'll be going out tomorrow and try to get Guinness ;)

When I lived in Bournemouth - they beer we all most drank was Budweiser - shameful- though - as you are in the UK and you drink an American beer....

We have here somethig called "Feldschlösschen Naturtrüb" which is a great unfiltered beer!

But back here in Switzerland - when I drink beer - it's mostly either a mix of soda and beer or some Heineken beer...

When you buy a tin of Guinness - why has it a stone inside - would it seriously agglutinate?

Re: An Apology
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 02 Mar, 2009 2:54 PM Quote
Nell wrote:
haha same here

you can drink a Budweiser like water - but a's like a meal! hehe I'll be going out tomorrow and try to get Guinness ;)

When I lived in Bournemouth - they beer we all most drank was Budweiser - shameful- though - as you are in the UK and you drink an American beer....

We have here somethig called "Feldschlösschen Naturtrüb" which is a great unfiltered beer!

But back here in Switzerland - when I drink beer - it's mostly either a mix of soda and beer or some Heineken beer...

When you buy a tin of Guinness - why has it a stone inside - would it seriously agglutinate?


I find the opposite, Guinness is easy to drink quickly because it's less gassy, Budweiser and most lagers are very "bubbly" which means they expand quicker. Bud is brewed under license by Diageo (the company that also owns Guinness) over here and as such it really is muck, is also a good bit weaker back in the UK it's 5% whereas over here it's only about 4.5%. I much prefer Budweiser's brewers, Anhauser Busch's (Spelling??) Michelob Beer but it's difficult to find over here.

I'm always open to trying new things and that Swiss Unfiltered stuff looks quite nice.

I never heard of stonein a can of Guinness but when you buy draught Guinness in a can it has a little plastic thing inside called a Widget, when you open the can it releases gas to give you a more "draught" taste like you get in the pub. If it is a widget you can tell as it makes a whistling sound when you open the can. Lots of different brewers use them these days.

Happy Drinking and as the say in Ireland... Slainté (Slan che = Health)

Re: An Apology
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 02 Mar, 2009 3:16 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

I find the opposite, Guinness is easy to drink quickly because it's less gassy, Budweiser and most lagers are very "bubbly" which means they expand quicker. Bud is brewed under license by Diageo (the company that also owns Guinness) over here and as such it really is muck, is also a good bit weaker back in the UK it's 5% whereas over here it's only about 4.5%. I much prefer Budweiser's brewers, Anhauser Busch's (Spelling??) Michelob Beer but it's difficult to find over here.

I'm always open to trying new things and that Swiss Unfiltered stuff looks quite nice.

I never heard of stonein a can of Guinness but when you buy draught Guinness in a can it has a little plastic thing inside called a Widget, when you open the can it releases gas to give you a more "draught" taste like you get in the pub. If it is a widget you can tell as it makes a whistling sound when you open the can. Lots of different brewers use them these days.

Happy Drinking and as the say in Ireland... Slainté (Slan che = Health)


You really prefer those beers?

This sounds strange to me, since here (ok for us dumm people over here) The UK - is (except for Bavaria) the Kingdom of Heaven to all beer drinkers ;)
And you prefer a eurpean beer? (I think is a bohemian beer - aboriginal?)

I don't really like the real bitter beers - but those with a special taste in it (can't describe) like an unfiltered one - I like.

It seems the Bavarians don't like bitter beers either. A friend of mine once ordered a Pils (real bitter) in a restaurant in Munich - and was told by the service. "We don't drink that in Bavarian - you can have a Lager though"

We don't even have these Pubs over here - just a few...but not like in the UK...Pubs are reserved for the Kindom of Beer :)
Re: An Apology
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Mon 02 Mar, 2009 4:56 PM Quote
Have I missed something while I was away??
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