
Re: Stop being offensive
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 12:10 AM Quote
Nell wrote:

It's more how you guys are doing this.

Even if it's bullshit! Ok?`Senseless Bullshit - who are you to judge - and if so - do it nicely!

You really thinks these other threads are better? Songs with the word "jeans"? or the top 3 females/males?

It's shit! But this is leasure time we spend's supposed to be silly..

This is the second time you have made a direct assualt on myself, exactly the thing you are championing against (ironic??)

1. There is a difference between typing out the next line of the lyrics to a song you all have heard about 15 million times and me placing a comment about Jeans, if you had bothered to read the board you would notice that (a) I got the idea for someone else (b) It's fucking simple to google how man songs have the word Jeans in them but that was not the point of the thread, I wanted the people replying to think of the songs they knew not "google it" obviously this goes way above your fucking head (yes I am being directly offensive... but then you did start it!!)

2. It is a public forum, I or anyone else on the interweb has the complete freedom to say/judge/reply how they fucking like, That's who I am to Judge, Stevie the Judge to be precise.

3. I am Scottish at heart and as such probably do not hold back as much as I should, I speak my mind, when I say something is Gay/Shite/Fucking Awful it's supposed to be taken with a "pinch of salt", I try never to personally insult anyone (except Bongo, Fuckley & McCnutney), I will disagree with what is said, even disagree with who said but I endeavour never to attack said "postee" as a person. I have disagreed with just about everybody on this board at one time or another, but I still respect every single one of them and I think/hope they also respect me.

4. This is the interweb, I don't think you are meant to take it as seriously as you seem to do.

5. that said if you don't like what I say, that is up to you. but if you want to take it personally and to heart when I slag something/someone that you like, and then decide to take it personally that is not my intention but if you are too fucking braindead or shallow to see that then you can FUCK OFF!! (that also is meant to be offensive).

Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 1190
frandougeil Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 10:33 AM Quote
TheBoyWithAName wrote:
And if you have something to say, why not go for doing it in a decent way?

Great point there Alex.Though it seems these boardies who are mockers by nature can't seem to get the point.Cynics will always stay cynics.

And that's the point u missed there Aida..Or maybe u just don't like losing and prefer to be oblivious to other people's opinions and views in those threads that u have tainted with your uncivilized rude talking.

Aída wrote:

Ohyeah? a weirdo and 'special' aborrescent like you is going to teach manners to Steve and Dave? pphahhahhhahhhahhhaphahhahhhhahhhhhahhhhaaaaaaaa

Please, go on with your arguments, I'm doubling up with laughter with your stupid nonsense arguments, Alex.

Ur just plain rude Aida..seriously.U tend to wanna piss off people u have some sort of issues with.Just because Alex is a weirdo to u doesn't mean he doesn't deserve any respect. And ur behaving all bitchy to fuck up people's thread doesn't seem respectful at all.But then again when u do,u always have ur pissed off boardie friends to back you up..
So i'm guessing this debate is just gonna get worse and worse with boardists like u around.Say all u want Aida but I'm sure what most of us wants here is for you to leave disrespect out of your replies.period.
Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 11:17 AM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Nell wrote:

It's more how you guys are doing this.

Even if it's bullshit! Ok?`Senseless Bullshit - who are you to judge - and if so - do it nicely!

You really thinks these other threads are better? Songs with the word "jeans"? or the top 3 females/males?

It's shit! But this is leasure time we spend's supposed to be silly..

This is the second time you have made a direct assualt on myself, exactly the thing you are championing against (ironic??)

1. There is a difference between typing out the next line of the lyrics to a song you all have heard about 15 million times and me placing a comment about Jeans, if you had bothered to read the board you would notice that (a) I got the idea for someone else (b) It's fucking simple to google how man songs have the word Jeans in them but that was not the point of the thread, I wanted the people replying to think of the songs they knew not "google it" obviously this goes way above your fucking head (yes I am being directly offensive... but then you did start it!!)

2. It is a public forum, I or anyone else on the interweb has the complete freedom to say/judge/reply how they fucking like, That's who I am to Judge, Stevie the Judge to be precise.

3. I am Scottish at heart and as such probably do not hold back as much as I should, I speak my mind, when I say something is Gay/Shite/Fucking Awful it's supposed to be taken with a "pinch of salt", I try never to personally insult anyone (except Bongo, Fuckley & McCnutney), I will disagree with what is said, even disagree with who said but I endeavour never to attack said "postee" as a person. I have disagreed with just about everybody on this board at one time or another, but I still respect every single one of them and I think/hope they also respect me.

4. This is the interweb, I don't think you are meant to take it as seriously as you seem to do.

5. that said if you don't like what I say, that is up to you. but if you want to take it personally and to heart when I slag something/someone that you like, and then decide to take it personally that is not my intention but if you are too fucking braindead or shallow to see that then you can FUCK OFF!! (that also is meant to be offensive).


I didn't offense you - with "it's shit" I meant - all the threads - including ours - not especially yours - you missunderstood me .... and I meant that ironicly? I do not think it's shit stop feeling offensive over nothing!

but nice way of responding - see what I mean?

And no I didn't take it personally to protect someone I like but because I actually was enjoying the thread - til you started fucking around with us - including me - as anyone else in there - so I don't know where get this stupid idea..

Thanks for the insults
Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 11:48 AM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

I don't think you are meant to take it as seriously as you seem to do.

This. To every single person who has written in this thread. Simple.
Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 12:08 PM Quote

well then let's just end this

put it back to the other threads on the graveyard ;)
Posts: 568
Aída Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 2:34 PM Quote

Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 2:40 PM Quote
Aída wrote:


Oh dear. I feel quite sorry for you.
Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 2:41 PM Quote
Come on people... stop being so bloody negative... either way...

No Kind Words - The Maccabees
Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 2:42 PM Quote
Ahhhh, flipping mammy-feckin' double post!!
Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 217
Wolfy Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 2:52 PM Quote
The point is:
Saying something considered slightly contraversial is very far away from offending.
I started this thread to make things better, not worse....
And yeah, people can be weirdos, stupid, idiotic or anything else...
But do they really bother you??? Are they harmful to your organism??? Let me guess...
Probably not...
So why are you saying all these shit??? Maybe its you the weirdos??? Maybe you get no attention at home???
No one of these weirdos is having problem with different opinions.
But, hell yeah, why not spending my precious time on laughing at other boardies and pissing everyone off???
Oh that's a great idea!!!
Let's call names!!!
If you think that's the way it goes, its fine with me...
Have your miserable conversation, I wont bother you anymore...

And if you don't like the existing threads, open yours.

Some people can disagree the nice way and/or have a point on what they say... Some others are just calling names...

Have a great day everyone.
Posts: 568
Aída Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 3:12 PM Quote
Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 1580
monkey Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 4:30 PM Quote
if we are going to start saying what we think in the form of t-shirts then.......

Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 4:42 PM Quote
ok this is bullshit..
why not settle this down?
I'm giving in

edit: better?
Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 1580
monkey Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 4:51 PM Quote
Nell wrote:

ok this is bullshit..

why not settle this down?

I'm giving in







Re: Stop being offensive
Posts: 3572
Rammsfer Posted Tue 24 Feb, 2009 8:26 PM Quote
Haters are lame
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