
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Fri 20 Feb, 2009 8:59 PM Quote
I can hardly write pretty with my normal handwriting, cursive writing is just overkill for me.
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Fri 20 Feb, 2009 10:31 PM Quote
I couldn't find capital letters, but here's an example of lower-case letters:
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Sat 21 Feb, 2009 2:00 AM Quote
I hate cursive writing! The only time I do it is when I sign my name and even then I hate because my name is long and it takes forever.
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Sat 21 Feb, 2009 12:21 PM Quote
Oh memories!!!

We used to have handwriting classes (part of English) and I believe I came 2nd in my class for my joint writing (yeah we don't say Cursive writing, just joint).

I used to hate it because as some have said, you had to stick to what was on the page...I wanted to do it differently and fancy and add swirls and stuff. I got to do all this when I took up Calligraphy. lol

However as time went on I found my own style that I prefer. It's a mix of print/joint. Plus my handwriting changes ALL THE TIMES! The direction/style etc just depends on my mood. Just thinking, my signature isn't really joint it's more spikey and I love writing though!
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Sat 21 Feb, 2009 2:50 PM Quote

Hahaha :)

In time before my studies now, I was trained to be a teacher. So we had to learn how to write and then how to teach cursive writing - all over again.

It was so funny - because suddenly actually you've got to give a damn about how it looks ;)

We also learned that the Germans (I've been trained in Switzerland) and Austrians have a different cursive-writing ;)

But I like the cursive writing, I also think it's ways faster to write something downt that way, and I don't really approve children writing in block letters - as seems to be the trend now.

But, well, it's their decision, isn't it?

Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Sat 21 Feb, 2009 4:04 PM Quote
it's part of the curriculum i teach.
studies have shown that it helps kids with dyslexia learn spellings because it helps the shape of the word enter their muscle memory.

its completely counteractive for some children as they wreak their hands by developing really stressed grips, over forming letters or just developing over-stylised script.

it looks very nice but most children in ireland will drop it completely once they hit secondary because the teachers there don't have time to go get aquainted with children's different handwriting and tell them to print instead.
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 719
MusicGirl99 Posted Sat 21 Feb, 2009 10:21 PM Quote
DAKOTA wrote:
I don't know if it's important or not, but I like it. I decided last year that I was going to start writing in cursive for everything (Except where it tells me not to, of course) I write a lot of stories and they're pretty much all handwritten before I type them out.

This is my (everyday) handwriting. :)

Are you a Torchwood fan?
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 719
MusicGirl99 Posted Sat 21 Feb, 2009 10:46 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
Oh memories!!!

However as time went on I found my own style that I prefer. It's a mix of print/joint. Plus my handwriting changes ALL THE TIMES! The direction/style etc just depends on my mood. Just thinking, my signature isn't really joint it's more spikey and I love writing though!

Yeah mine's a mix too. Well, actually I've got 3 or 4 types of handwriting. I used to be left handed when I was younger but broke my arm and had to switch. My teachers were so sad cos they'd say she has such great handwriting with the left. Still I'm ambidexterous, so something good came of it. :)
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Sat 21 Feb, 2009 10:49 PM Quote
Haha, yes. I was wondering who was going to catch that. ;)

Was talking about handwriting a few months ago so I had this example on hand (partially to prove I was actually handwriting it ;) ) It is an excerpt from the one and only piece of fanfic I am probably ever going to write. It's about grommets. :D
Posts: 568
Aída Posted Sun 22 Feb, 2009 1:10 AM Quote
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Sun 22 Feb, 2009 11:57 AM Quote
I had trouble learning to write (I wrote in mirror when I started writing) so I was late learning it at my first school, and when I moved to a state school at 8, they didn't teach it. So I never learned 'joined' (as we called it when we were little).
I think I might have to learn to at least read it properly since for my degree/career we have to use historic documents etc... plus it looks quite nice.
Re: Is Cursive Writing Important Anymore?
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Sun 22 Feb, 2009 1:24 PM Quote
When I was growing up in England, we learnt how to join our letters but it wasn't cursive writing. My 10 year old who's now at school here in France is learning to write like this. I have to say that compared to my own, his handwriting is beautiful because of this particular style. The only problem is that I can't help him with his homework because I don't know how it's done!!! It's definately an art and is still going strong in French Primary schools.
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