
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Fri 13 Feb, 2009 12:24 AM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
You Swedes need more hugging in your life!
What about kisses?
Here the normal behaviour is to give people you know a kiss on the cheek when you meet and when you leave. Unless it's a more formal situation, then you shake hands.
I kiss (on the cheek) everyone I know when I arrive somewhere and when I leave.

It's a normal behaviour in Poland as well.

Yep. I had to get used to this when I was in Poland. In America, we hug and kiss family and some close friends, but not to the same extent as the Poles. Americans need a certain amount of personal space because everything is so spread out and big here! In Europe I had to get used to not having any personal space and feeling cramped all the time. And it's not just a kiss on one cheek. It's always both. :) I liked it. It's cute.
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Fri 13 Feb, 2009 11:16 AM Quote
haz wrote:
50 facts too much, and that's a fact.

Haha yes, that's probably true :)

Yes Nell come and visit us, you're more than welcome! Ehhhrm whatta heck, you're all invited!
I'll take you out for lunch on IKEA(no that's not a date ;))
We can go to Kålmårdens Djurpark too, it's like Skansen! =)
And Nikki I can hook you up with some hawt hockey players while you're here!
Nah I'm just jealous of the ABC now....
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