
Re: Teeth - The Film
Posts: 1580
monkey Posted Wed 11 Jun, 2008 2:09 AM Quote
they sure as hell beat knock knock jokes
Re: Teeth - The Film
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Wed 11 Jun, 2008 12:35 PM Quote
monkey wrote:
Why did the guy buy his wife a coat and a dildo for her birthday?
He figured if she didn't like the coat she could go fuck herself

mouhahahaha ! merci sexy monkey
Re: Teeth - The Film
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Wed 11 Jun, 2008 7:30 PM Quote
monkey wrote:
they sure as hell beat knock knock jokes

Exception to the rule is Tom Hanks in "Catch Me if You Can"

Knock Knock
Who's There?
Go Fuck Yourself.

In a weird way, to see "Teeth". Apparently it's just a bunch of cocks falling off.
Re: Teeth - The Film
Posts: 1681
champagnesupernova Posted Wed 11 Jun, 2008 11:46 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
Sorry, I am watching the trailer for the new film Teeth, and am not sure if I am misunderstanding...

Has this girl got gnashers in her fanny??

Ha haa! I happened to see this movie in the FESTIVAL (how lame of a film choice for an indie film festival, eh?) this past winter. Almost the whole audience was in tears of laughing. Not that the movie was meant to be funny. Mostly because of it being nerve cracking and well ridiculous.

Interesting acquired feature for a female body, I have to tell though. :-P
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