
Re: Hay Fever
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Fri 06 Jun, 2008 5:15 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
I think my bf has this!!!

Poor fella is waking up with banging heads in the morning because his sinuses are so bunged up. He's sneezing and coughing and sounds like the cold! He can cope with everything thing except the pain in his head. I thought it could be more just sinus probs than hayfever. What you think? Any of you guys get symptoms like that???

maybe he's sick of you
Re: Hay Fever
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 06 Jun, 2008 8:48 PM Quote
Oh I know how you feel. I take medication from March to August - nose spray, eyedrops and tablets *sigh*

When it's really bad, I look like I haven't slept for days. Not very nice.

I'm allergic to birch and grass. Mostly grass, but birch has the nasty side effect that you can become allergic to certain foods. For my part, I became allergic to kiwis a few years ago. I used to love eating them, but now my throat and mouth itch like h*ll if I even attempt to eat them.
Re: Hay Fever
Posts: 487
haz Posted Fri 06 Jun, 2008 8:49 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
Oh I know how you feel. I take medication from March to August - nose spray, eyedrops and tablets *sigh*

When it's really bad, I look like I haven't slept for days. Not very nice.

I'm allergic to birch and grass. Mostly grass, but birch has the nasty side effect that you can become allergic to certain foods. For my part, I became allergic to kiwis a few years ago. I used to love eating them, but now my throat and mouth itch like h*ll if I even attempt to eat them.

wow, so people from new zealand are a delicacy in your country then. good to know.
Re: Hay Fever
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 06 Jun, 2008 9:00 PM Quote
haz wrote:

wow, so people from new zealand are a delicacy in your country then. good to know.

The moment I wrote 'kiwis' I just knew that someone was gonna get this wrong... And if it isn't dear Haz :o)

In any case, I just think I ensured that there will be no visitors from New Zealand any time soon *sigh*
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