
Re: Sad News
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 5:18 PM Quote
moo_the_evil_boffin wrote:

Possible names maybe Edward Scissor Claws (Random lol) or something else suitably amusing?

ahahah it is quite strange reading this as i have just watched Sweeney Todd with Johnny Depp and he's in Edward Scissor Hands toooo ;)

i'm liking the name :P
Re: Sad News
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 5:45 PM Quote
rebekah wrote:
moo_the_evil_boffin wrote:

Possible names maybe Edward Scissor Claws (Random lol) or something else suitably amusing?

ahahah it is quite strange reading this as i have just watched Sweeney Todd with Johnny Depp and he's in Edward Scissor Hands toooo ;)

i'm liking the name :P

Sweeny Todd rocks! Although it's best not to watch it at say, 11PM then having disturbing dreams lol.
Re: Sad News
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 5:55 PM Quote
ahahahaha :D i totally agree :)
I quite liked it! and was quite impressed how Johnny Depp could sing pretty decent :)
ahahah i can't beliveve there's like the whole cast of Harry Potter in there though!! i mean there was Snape, Petter Pettigrew! seriously!!! :D
Re: Sad News
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 6:11 PM Quote
rebekah wrote:
ahahahaha :D i totally agree :)
I quite liked it! and was quite impressed how Johnny Depp could sing pretty decent :)
ahahah i can't beliveve there's like the whole cast of Harry Potter in there though!! i mean there was Snape, Petter Pettigrew! seriously!!! :D

I know lol... Lol It's quite scary that Timothy Spall was playing another servant-like roll in another film with Alan Rickman...
Re: Sad News
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 6:16 PM Quote
ahahaah sooo truee!!!
and it's quite strange how the other day i was watching sleepy hollow and that has Johnny Depp in, along with Alan Rickman AND is directed by Tim Burton!! crazyy stuff!!
Re: Sad News
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 6:34 PM Quote
Lol have you been having a Depp/Burton/Rickman fest lately Rebekah?

So many films lol
Re: Sad News
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 6:38 PM Quote
ahahahah lol that would bee soooo much fun!!!
It's just cos sleepy hollow was on film4 the other day :)
Re: Sad News
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 9:38 PM Quote
Ah I see. I love Sleepy Hollow, although it tends to freak everyone else out lol
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