
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Fri 23 May, 2008 10:50 PM Quote
ashleyb wrote:
Moray wrote:
His mum died of a face lift. I found that hilariously tragic, if I can be so morbid. I can't feel sorry for someone who died from volountary cosmetic surgery, for purely vanities sake.

I just burst out laughing reading that first sentence, then shamefully realized someone did die, which is not exactly a laughing matter... *blushes*

You heard of the Darwin Awards?? Death is a funny matter sometimes!!
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 811
ashleyb Posted Fri 23 May, 2008 10:56 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
ashleyb wrote:
Moray wrote:
His mum died of a face lift. I found that hilariously tragic, if I can be so morbid. I can't feel sorry for someone who died from volountary cosmetic surgery, for purely vanities sake.

I just burst out laughing reading that first sentence, then shamefully realized someone did die, which is not exactly a laughing matter... *blushes*

You heard of the Darwin Awards?? Death is a funny matter sometimes!!

I confess I have not. Would you care to enlighten me? I have a feeling I'll enjoy hearing about them.
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Fri 23 May, 2008 11:03 PM Quote
ashleyb wrote:
Lemon Grinner wrote:
ashleyb wrote:
Moray wrote:
His mum died of a face lift. I found that hilariously tragic, if I can be so morbid. I can't feel sorry for someone who died from volountary cosmetic surgery, for purely vanities sake.

I just burst out laughing reading that first sentence, then shamefully realized someone did die, which is not exactly a laughing matter... *blushes*

You heard of the Darwin Awards?? Death is a funny matter sometimes!!

I confess I have not. Would you care to enlighten me? I have a feeling I'll enjoy hearing about them.

Darwin Awards - "Honoring those who improve the accidentally removing themselves from it!"

In other words... people who accidently kill themselves by doing stupid things :D
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 811
ashleyb Posted Fri 23 May, 2008 11:13 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
Darwin Awards - "Honoring those who improve the accidentally removing themselves from it!"

In other words... people who accidently kill themselves by doing stupid things :D

hehe, I think I'll be busy for a while reading up on the site... Thanks!
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Fri 23 May, 2008 11:42 PM Quote
ashleyb wrote:
Lemon Grinner wrote:
Darwin Awards - "Honoring those who improve the accidentally removing themselves from it!"

In other words... people who accidently kill themselves by doing stupid things :D

hehe, I think I'll be busy for a while reading up on the site... Thanks!

Haha, have you read this one?!

There are some right idiots on this planet...
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 806
Tonie Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 3:21 PM Quote
Nikki wrote:
get this...he didn't even ONCE acknowledge the crowd. WTF is up with that?!? Not even a "Hello Detroit!" I've never been to a concert where the band/artist didn't say a single word to the crowd. It was bizarre. He’s an a-hole.

I agree. It's not just the music that you go to a gig for. Like you said, Fran has got it down to a fine art - the interaction with the crowd, and it really brings an extra something to the evening. But he's not the only one.

Elbow are also brilliant for this. Guy Garvey is a self proclaimed great raconteur. And modesty aside, he's so right. He opens his mouth to speak and the temperature in the room tangibly rises (if that's possible!). He really is the whole deal.

Add to this list, from my own experiences, Duke Special, Stephen Fretwell, David Ford, Joel from Athlete. And no doubt everyone knows artists who take that little bit of trouble to talk to the paying audience who keep them in business....

It doesn't cost anything for Kanye West, Brandon Flowers, or whoever to greet their fans and show appreciation. Shame on them.

Tip of the day (not that I think you'll need it): If this does get your goat, avoid Barbara Streisand. I know someone who paid £100 to see her live at the O2. She actually read her "banter" from an autocue. Like, how difficult is it to say "Good Evening London"????? Especially on her wages!!!

Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 123
Jennny Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 3:49 PM Quote
Aletways wrote:
Nikki wrote:
So I went to see Kanye West last night with my cousin. I don’t really care for his music, but went to be with my cousin because she’s been to a lot of concerts with me. The "Gold Digger" song is pretty catchy, but the rest of what I heard was pure rubbish. N.E.R.D (whoever they are) and Rihanna opened for him. She was alright. I like the "Umbrella" song. People were really, really into it, but eh...we were really high up and I just felt out of place and was getting high from people smoking some serious weed, lol. The only part that was cool was Kanye's set. But get this...he didn't even ONCE acknowledge the crowd. WTF is up with that?!? Not even a "Hello Detroit!" I've never been to a concert where the band/artist didn't say a single word to the crowd. It was bizarre. He’s an a-hole.

The Killers when they played after Travis in the Yeah! Festival last year in Buenos Aires did the exact same thing. They lost soooo many points to me after that. And I assure you, people were dancing, jumping, moshing, doing pogo, cheering...All the typical things we do! Brandon Flowers never said hello or thank you or something like that. He spoke just a couple of times to say a few words about a few songs and that was it. I never felt like I was watching an iceberg on stage before that! And the fact that Travis had just played really didn't do The Killers any favour.

I've also seen the Killers live once and must admit that Brandon wasn't actually too talkative. But I see it more like he's just slightly shy and maybe people see that as arrogance..? Anyhow, at the gig in Helsinki they played 'Exitlude' and I took that as a thank-you. Though, I don't know about the festivals you saw them at.
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 4:12 PM Quote
I hate when that happens! And Kanye is a right prick anyway. Seen him being interviewed on tv etc and he is official a KNOB!!! :)

I remember going to a Stereophonics concert and they didn't say a peep, was disgusted! What is with that! Show some love to you fans please! *sighs*
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 5:15 PM Quote
I can't recall which female singer thanked "Mexico" while she was singing in another place.
Needless to say ppl were pissed off.
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 1006
Aletways Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 6:13 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
I can't recall which female singer thanked "Mexico" while she was singing in another place.
Needless to say ppl were pissed off.

LOL!!!! That's the best one so far xD .

To me Jamie Cullum is the best when it comes to connecting with the crowd. I remember feeling like we were talking in a bar or something! He's amazing live, way much better than the records.
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 906
spid Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 6:13 PM Quote
When I wnet to see RObbie he had a great time talking to the audience. If I only wanted to hear the songs I could put on a CD! Travis are great in that you feel really contected to them. It's a rare trait and one that makes them extra special.

P.S. Abs can you remember DM? I seem to remeber DG talking to us and MG, am I correct?
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 8:20 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
I can't recall which female singer thanked "Mexico" while she was singing in another place.
Needless to say ppl were pissed off.

This was even worse when a Spanish minister went to visit El Salvador troops and he said: ¡Viva Honduras! instead of ¡Viva El Salvador! He said he made a mistake because he was in Honduras the day before... Stupid man!
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 8:28 PM Quote
Monica wrote:
AbsolutPurple wrote:
I can't recall which female singer thanked "Mexico" while she was singing in another place.
Needless to say ppl were pissed off.

This was even worse when a Spanish minister went to visit El Salvador troops and he said: ¡Viva Honduras! instead of ¡Viva El Salvador! He said he made a mistake because he was in Honduras the day before... Stupid man!


We had a culture minister who gave a speech for an artist because he was being honored but that stupid minister called him someone else's name !
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 8:35 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:

Darwin Awards - "Honoring those who improve the accidentally removing themselves from it!"

In other words... people who accidently kill themselves by doing stupid things :D

Oh this one's good. I quote:

"The telephone company was replacing above-ground telephone lines with buried lines. In one sparsely populated farming area, if lines crossed a country road they would dig a trench halfway across, so rural traffic could continue through. Then they would fill in the trench, and dig a trench on the other side.
One morning, local farmers called the sheriff to report a smashed-up pickup. Inside were two ranch hands who were last seen the previous night, heading home after last call. You see...

On their way to the bars, the men had decided to play a prank. They stopped their pickup, and moved the flashing warning signs from the trenched side to the good side of the country road. Crime scene analysis later confirmed that they were the culprits who moved the flashing stands. Investigations also revealed that at the time of the accident, they were driving at an excessive speed with an impressive amount of alcohol in their systems.

No crime scene analysis is capable of determining whether the ranch hands forgot their prank, or chose to see what would happen if they hit that trench at a high rate of speed in the middle of the night.

No good prank goes unpunished. "
Re: How arrogant can one person be?
Posts: 1006
Aletways Posted Sat 24 May, 2008 8:47 PM Quote
Monica wrote:
AbsolutPurple wrote:
I can't recall which female singer thanked "Mexico" while she was singing in another place.
Needless to say ppl were pissed off.

This was even worse when a Spanish minister went to visit El Salvador troops and he said: ¡Viva Honduras! instead of ¡Viva El Salvador! He said he made a mistake because he was in Honduras the day before... Stupid man!

LOL!!!! I love how everyone repeats after him, poor people!!!
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