
Re: lets start a nice new thread
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 6:59 PM Quote
lmao okies I get ya's all now!!!

grr @ silly board! lol
Re: blah
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 7:20 PM Quote
Andrew wrote:
Peewee wrote:
Why? Where is the RIGHT place to post? :-/
(confuddled by this whole not posting in right place)

I've been trying to post a new thread for the last 5 minutes and every time I do it posts as a reply to whichever existing one's at the top. Most annoying as I've tried 3 times now.

Was the new post intended for the Travis section or General? 'Cos when it happened to me I wanted a new post in the travis section, but it ended in a random Gchat thread. Just trying to work out whether it's a 'one way' glitch.
Re: lets start a nice new thread
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Mon 04 Jun, 2007 7:22 PM Quote
It was a new post intended for GCHat which kept appearing as replies to whatever happened to be at the top when i tried to post.

It seems that changing the thread title sorted it, very odd.

Although I know that on the comments on peoples pages something similar happened for me, like trying to post the same thing over and over didn't work but if I changed the text it would post no problem
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