
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 3:14 AM Quote
I've always enjoyed Coldplay, including X&Y. Although i can understand why people don't like it, i think it is a good album. Possibly too long maybe, and a couple of poor tracks. I expect the new album will be very good as they've previously said it'll be no longer than 42 minutes long. Very good band. :)
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 30
Lafkadio Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 9:38 AM Quote
I love Coldplay. Plus, the best lullaby is Damien Rice, sleep don't weep. It's official.
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 302
TheInvisibleBoy Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 4:20 PM Quote
lol I just got in from buying a Coldplay live DVD from some Entertainment Exchange shop in Town that sells second hand CDs, DVDs and games. GOt all their CDs too, I think Coldplay are pretty cool. Some of my mates used to joke about saying I look like Chris Martin, then a couple of months ago during a short hair time I went to the toilet in a pub and a drunk guy stood there, looked at me and I was getting a bit uncomfortable then realised what he was doing. He just looked and said "You look like that guy from that band!" and I said joking "Who, Chris Martin?" seeing as though it was sorta joke with some mates and then to my surprise he said "Yeah that's him, the Coldplay guy!" lol. When I told them they had a right laugh.
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 5:31 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:

Chris Martin sucks the farts out of dead seagulls for kicks... FACT!!


Jesus Christ, I read this hours ago and am still laughing.
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 967
irenesfor Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 7:24 PM Quote
I love Coldplay but not so much as TRAVIS, I think that they are goods although some of their songs are a little bored.
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 9:46 PM Quote
i LOVEE coldplayyy!!!! one of my favourite bands!!!!
i don't know why people dislike them though...maybe you could tell me..
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 10:04 PM Quote
no street cred .
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 10:23 PM Quote
rebekah wrote:
i LOVEE coldplayyy!!!! one of my favourite bands!!!!
i don't know why people dislike them though...maybe you could tell me..

1) They are overplayed
2) They are (to me) overrated
3) Chris Martin is a soppy wankbag with an irritating voice
4) Who the fuck calls their child Apple?
5) There was that time everyone just went on and on and on about them and every soft soppy rock band got compared to them
6) All my points are starting to blend into eachother, but I had the displeasure of meeting him sort of, he was an arrogant tit.
7) I feel better about numbering this even tho they possibly shouldn't be numbered anymore. I'm fed up of people expecting me to like Coldplay. I'm fed up of them being forced down my fucking throat. They are one of the reasons I stopped listening to the radio. I'm very sorry, but Coldplay < Shite.

I'm sure someone else can add something to this that makes more sense than my anti-Coldplay ramblings.
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 14
jeeny_eire Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 10:35 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
rebekah wrote:
i LOVEE coldplayyy!!!! one of my favourite bands!!!!
i don't know why people dislike them though...maybe you could tell me..

1) They are overplayed
2) They are (to me) overrated
3) Chris Martin is a soppy wankbag with an irritating voice
4) Who the fuck calls their child Apple?
5) There was that time everyone just went on and on and on about them and every soft soppy rock band got compared to them
6) All my points are starting to blend into eachother, but I had the displeasure of meeting him sort of, he was an arrogant tit.
7) I feel better about numbering this even tho they possibly shouldn't be numbered anymore. I'm fed up of people expecting me to like Coldplay. I'm fed up of them being forced down my fucking throat. They are one of the reasons I stopped listening to the radio. I'm very sorry, but Coldplay < Shite.

I'm sure someone else can add something to this that makes more sense than my anti-Coldplay ramblings.

i sooooo dont agree with this...and think that coldplay are fucking amazing... but this is hilarious!!!!
4 is the funniest (and would agree with it but chris martin is a genius... and so has the right to call his child whatever!)

Coldplay are one of the best bands around, especially compared to this decades music!
i mean they can hardly be compared to someone like rihanna!
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 10:39 PM Quote
I don't believe that so-called geniuses can call their children what they want, kids still get bullied no matter who their parents might be.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on the Colplay are amazing point tho, as there is no way I can see this. Parachutes was a decent enough album, but for me it all went downhill from there. Maybe it's coz I like my music a bit more raw/ballsy.
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 11:06 PM Quote
Also, Dubz says Chris Martin sucks the farts out of dead seagulls. I believe this. And it's WRONG.
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Thu 10 Apr, 2008 9:21 AM Quote

Quote from Nevermind the Buzzcocks...

Every day Chris Martin writes the words Fair Trade on the back of his hand, probably with a felt tip made by 5 year olds in a sweatshop in Taiwan.

Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 10 Apr, 2008 1:43 PM Quote
I used to be a fan of Coldplay, however I have not listening to them in YEARS as they remind me on an ex. And bore the jugs of me now :)
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Thu 10 Apr, 2008 3:00 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
And bore the jugs of me now :)

whatta sentence
Re: Coldplay makes you sleepy
Posts: 594
rebekah Posted Thu 10 Apr, 2008 4:48 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
rebekah wrote:
i LOVEE coldplayyy!!!! one of my favourite bands!!!!
i don't know why people dislike them though...maybe you could tell me..

1) They are overplayed
2) They are (to me) overrated
3) Chris Martin is a soppy wankbag with an irritating voice
4) Who the fuck calls their child Apple?
5) There was that time everyone just went on and on and on about them and every soft soppy rock band got compared to them
6) All my points are starting to blend into eachother, but I had the displeasure of meeting him sort of, he was an arrogant tit.
7) I feel better about numbering this even tho they possibly shouldn't be numbered anymore. I'm fed up of people expecting me to like Coldplay. I'm fed up of them being forced down my fucking throat. They are one of the reasons I stopped listening to the radio. I'm very sorry, but Coldplay < Shite.

I'm sure someone else can add something to this that makes more sense than my anti-Coldplay ramblings.

oakkyy fair doos..i agree with you on 4...soo trueee!!!
but still hilarious!!!
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