
Re: A question for Mr. Fran Healy
Posts: 330
daytimeoyster Posted Wed 26 Mar, 2008 2:35 PM Quote
milos wrote:
I think i remember an interview with Fran where he said he feels uncomfortable when he hears his voice because he can't believe that's what he sounds like or something similar.

I think everyone feels uncomfortable when hearing their own voice.
that's why I wonder if Fran would listen to his songs or not
Re: A question for Mr. Fran Healy
Posts: 144
Alisha Posted Fri 18 Apr, 2008 1:54 PM Quote
daytimeoyster wrote:
Just out of curiosity

Would you listen to your own songs for leisure?

suddenly thought about this earlier today
and now I'm really interested in this question
would you PLEASE give me the answer?

I wish I could pratice what I preach more, as lately according to my strenght of will the "information-diet" program is working (no blogs, no sleeves, no interviews or old stuff) but strangely enough, as it was one year now that I wasn't working on anything about Travis, I had to watch and encode a couple of beta tapes this morning at work, one of them was an interview of Fran and Dougie from 2004 (november if I am correct), so unwillingly as an heroin-addict who's doing rehab I watched it as it was encoding (here and there) and well, there's the answer to this question, as Fran said:

[...] contrary to popular belief bands do not actually listen to themselves once they've recorded the record cause they've listened to death when they were making it [...]

hope i've been of some help...
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