
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 34
donnamarsh3 Posted Tue 25 Mar, 2008 9:17 PM Quote
I listened to Travis generally on the radio and stuff, but in 2002 I went to my first Travis concert in Brighton and had the best night of my life(nearly).This is where it all began. I was pregnant at the time and so was my brother's girlfriend. She was being really, really loud and Fran stopped singing to ask her to shut up. We laughed for months about that! Been to 3 more gigs since then, own all the albums, got signed selfish jean single. Totally love them!!
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 42
lost-angel Posted Wed 26 Mar, 2008 11:26 AM Quote
(Sorry Alisha)

Its interesting for me becuase mine was purely accidental. and my reactions were instantaneous. (They have undeniable charm, dont they?)

Im delighted to hear im not the only one who thinks that day was particularly memorable. I may not remember the exact date but i definitely remember how it felt.
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 501
iraida Posted Wed 26 Mar, 2008 2:58 PM Quote
the boy with a cryptic name wrote:

I was in an English classroom at secondary school and our teacher played Driftwood for us to study the 'lyrical devices'

Awww that´s nice, we use Mr David Robert Jones in our classes ... yeap Bowie is damn good !!!
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 15
connieonnie Posted Wed 26 Mar, 2008 3:53 PM Quote
It was late 2001 when my friend was going through my CD's (remember when you use to have hundred of CD's in your car?)He told me I needed to buy Travis. I trusted my friend and bought Good Feeling, The Man Who & The Invisible Band. I decided to listen to them in chronological order. I will never forget the first time I heard Fran scream "All I Want To Do Is Rock" it was instant love. I am so glad I listened to them in order it made me love them that much more.

Actually the first song I ever heard was their cover of Britney Spears I just did not know it was them. Also Loved it.
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 959
fenchurch Posted Wed 26 Mar, 2008 5:10 PM Quote
It all started when i broke my wrist. i was in the A&E room for hours and hours and the tv kept showing the video for Flowers in the Window. the first time i didn't like it much (that was probably cos of the pain i was in) the second time it was growing on me and by the third time i was in love.
however, back then i was small and didn't have any money so i only got the albums over the last two years. i remember sitting by the radio back then thinking "please play that song!!!!"
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 169
genia_gvan Posted Wed 26 Mar, 2008 5:53 PM Quote
well, I remember I was watching MTV and then I watched Why does it always rain on me?, and said "that sounds good", But I did't knew who they were (I think it was 1999). I knew they were Travis about two years later, in 2001, and I just fell in love with them when I listened Sing.

Oh you made me remember!!! good good post!
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 654
heysupernova Posted Wed 26 Mar, 2008 7:19 PM Quote
1999. MTV. Why does it always rain on me?.
thank you God.
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Thu 27 Mar, 2008 1:39 AM Quote
13, i think. away from home for the first time on my own, spending three weeks by the sea at a summer camp, getting caught out in the rain...lots.
made amazing friends while trying to translate Why Does it Always Rain on me into irish while strolling home in the pelting rain from the beach in a thunder storm.
up until that point they were just pretty songs on the radio every now and then, after that it was what started a friendship and got me totally hooked.
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 108
alexandria_z Posted Thu 27 Mar, 2008 2:53 AM Quote
Summer after Grade 7, so about 2002. I saw "Why Does It Always Rain On Me" on Pop-Up Video, thought it was absolutely ridiculous and went out the next day and bought "The Man Who". Best decision of my life. :-P
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 21
wee Posted Thu 27 Mar, 2008 2:48 PM Quote
1999 - first saw them on the old MTV show, "120 minutes" they were interviewed and played a few videos. Then a week later or so I saw them open for Oasis at the State Theater in Minneapolis. (Travis and Oasis - what a show!) I was instantly hooked! And at this show they had another drummer filling in for Neil because he was off as his wife was about to give birth.
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Thu 27 Mar, 2008 3:32 PM Quote
June 1997, aged 15, one a ferry bound for Germany with a School Orchestra. I can still remember hearing Travis on a tinny radio in my cabin, and asking my mate John who that was. Must've been U16 girls. Got home and bought that plus All I Want to Do Is Rock singles. Then got Good Feeling for my 16th birthday in September from one sister and Be Here Now from the other sister.
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 1892
deebee Posted Thu 27 Mar, 2008 5:38 PM Quote
donnamarsh3 wrote:
I listened to Travis generally on the radio and stuff, but in 2002 I went to my first Travis concert in Brighton and had the best night of my life(nearly).This is where it all began. I was pregnant at the time and so was my brother's girlfriend. She was being really, really loud and Fran stopped singing to ask her to shut up. We laughed for months about that! Been to 3 more gigs since then, own all the albums, got signed selfish jean single. Totally love them!!

Hey, I was at that gig and I remember him telling someone to shut up. Now I know who to blame, haha! I don't think much of the Brighton Centre as a venue and I missed The Concorde in Feb because i don't live in the Uk anymore, boohoo!
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 32
FreakyMaru Posted Thu 27 Mar, 2008 7:55 PM Quote
ah it's so entertaining reading all of your stories!

my addiction is VERY recent. My sister flew to the Argentinian festival to see The Killers but she came back as a MEGA Travis fan, and she listened to band 24/7. She pretty much got me addicted...I knew of the band's existance, but never really care about them, until I heard The Boy With no Name. I was so hooked up with Selfish Jean and My Eyes that I fell in love with them. We bought the whole CDs and DVDs they have, and now we can't breath without them :)
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Rain on the brain
Posts: 497
Rain on the brain Posted Thu 27 Mar, 2008 8:38 PM Quote
One day, 1999 if I'm not wrong, I was watching Mtv and they introducted a video and a song (Why does it always rain on me) explaining in a few words the meaning of the song, and I thought, cool, and I heard the song and I liked it a lot, I didn't pay much attention to the video though, I was just listening to that song. I had the melody in my head for some days and I thought, next time I see this song I have to remember the name of the band, I want to listen to other songs. I found the video again, and again I forgot to look at the name of the band, I just remembered the name of the song because it was in the chorus. Again for the third time, and then I haven't heard the song or seen the video anymore. And I kept looking for this band for a long time, and never found who the singer was for this rain song. (I had no internet at the time, and I was 14 years old)
In the meanwhile, I used to have a pen friend in England and she would talk about a band that was quite famous there, called Travis. And I would think: "what kind of stupid band chooses a name like that..." and I decided that I didn't like them, I thought, I don't even want to know more about this band, why should they call themselves Travis, well I don't know why, if I have to explain why I didn't like that name, I don't know. Anyways, year 2001. Again, home on my own, mtv switched on. Nice video of people fighiting with food, and I thought, this is cool, nice band, and I liked the video so much, I thought, now I want to know who this funny band is, this song is spectacular and the video is great! End of the song, name appears: Travis. And I was so disappointed of myself, that I used to think that was a stupid band without knowing them. And I thought: ok maybe this is their only nice song I'm sure their other songs are not this great. Some months later, I see another video on mtv, Side. And I fell in love with this song and with the video. Ok I was wrong, I have to listen to the other songs of this band. And I got The invisible band and I liked all the songs. I would listen to the album again and again. So one day I was at a local record store and I went looking for other albums of this band, and I see an album called "The man who", I read the names of the songs, and there I read, number 7: Why does it always rain on me? I was shocked, that was the song I wanted and look there, it was a Travis song, and for two years I didn't even want to hear a song from them! In that moment I decided that they were my favourite band. I bought all the albums and so it started.

Then, the funny thing is, when I bought the Singles dvd, I watched at the video for Writing to reach you, and I was like, hey, wait a second, I remember this video.. the children and everything.. so I realised there that the first song I heard from Travis was not Why does it always rain on me, but Writing to reach you. I couldn't remember the song though, but I very well rememebered the video.
Re: Travis and you. Where did it all begin?
Posts: 34
ChineseBlues Posted Thu 27 Mar, 2008 10:27 PM Quote
Seeing the video for "Why Does It Always Rain on Me?" in 1999. A beautiful song.
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