
Re: Summer work !!
Posts: 173
Peculiar Posted Tue 25 Mar, 2008 5:06 PM Quote
Agency work could be the way forward. I got taken on as Bar Staff for one in Glasgow even though I had no experience. I now usually work at the football grounds and horse racing. the good thing about it is that you can work when you work and turn down shifts you don't want. The bad side is that it's usually minimum wage and not always that reliable.
Re: Summer work !!
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Tue 25 Mar, 2008 5:52 PM Quote
deebee wrote:
Aude wrote:
So I'll try temping agencies!! And I'll let you if I manage to find something!
Now the question is... where???
I desperately in love with Ireland but I've already been there so, I'm thinking of the UK. We'll see!
For now, I must concentrate on boredome.. errh...I mean...studies!
'night everyone and cheers again.

If you're going to go to England, my advice is to head south ( Devon, Sussex, Cornwall) The downside is it's a bit more expensive. Scotland is beautiful but the weather has got a mind of it's own!

East Sussex is cool !
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