
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Sat 22 Mar, 2008 11:19 AM Quote
I keep dreaming about Maths these days. I integrate in my sleep. *sigh*
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Sat 22 Mar, 2008 12:12 PM Quote
Other than being pregnant? lol
I have this returning dream of my ex dying. Not cool, as he's still one of my best friends! These dreams scare me to death. They seem to be so real!
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Sat 22 Mar, 2008 4:17 PM Quote
I woke up this morning and told my husband that I had a weird dream. His reply was, I'd be worried if you hadn't.

I rarely remember them for more than half a minute
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Tue 08 Apr, 2008 2:27 PM Quote
Last night I dreamed that I was at a theater with a friend. I went into the restroom. (I have a lot of public restroom dreams. Maybe I drink too much water before bed or something?) Anyway, the toilet was very, very small and very low. But the stall was huge! I was wondering, why all that room for a tiny potty? So, I find the button to flush the toilet and I found out why the large stall. It was also a shower. I hit the wrong button. Instead of flushing the toilet, I got a shower. I was soaked. I came back to my seat all sopping wet and everyone was staring at me like I was a freak and pointing at me because I was stupid enough to push the wrong button.
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 440
minnesotamary Posted Tue 08 Apr, 2008 3:03 PM Quote
Last night I dreamt that I had my baby and immediately took him in for chiropractic treatment (my husband is a chiropractor in real life). The weird thing was that he got treatment from a dog (terrier-mix if I remember correctly)! Now they say pregnant women have vivid dreams, but this one was just out there!

Off the subject (but speaking of dogs), have ya'll heard of doga (dog + yoga)? I think it's a little much to have your dogs do yoga.
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Tue 08 Apr, 2008 3:51 PM Quote
minnesotamary wrote:
Last night I dreamt that I had my baby and immediately took him in for chiropractic treatment (my husband is a chiropractor in real life). The weird thing was that he got treatment from a dog (terrier-mix if I remember correctly)! Now they say pregnant women have vivid dreams, but this one was just out there!

Off the subject (but speaking of dogs), have ya'll heard of doga (dog + yoga)? I think it's a little much to have your dogs do yoga.

lol...maybe that's how you really think of your husband :)
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 440
minnesotamary Posted Tue 08 Apr, 2008 3:54 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
lol...maybe that's how you really think of your husband :)

Hmpf! Let's see if YOU get any more chiropractic treatment the next time you see him!
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 08 Apr, 2008 3:55 PM Quote
I thought you meant a cross between Dog and Yoda...

Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 440
minnesotamary Posted Tue 08 Apr, 2008 3:56 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
I thought you meant a cross between Dog and Yoda...

LOL!!!!! Now, that I can live with :)
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 303
Delia24Oct07 Posted Tue 08 Apr, 2008 8:22 PM Quote
My dreams are always that weird, that I am so confused when I wake up, I nearly forget to get up then!

A few nights ago I dreamed about a country, which was very hidden and the borders where controlled by evil people. I was one of the spies they send from another country to tell about the situation. I climbed on a hill in the wood and saw a small cave with people living in there, very nice and peaceful people they were. Then suddenly, the evil people arrived and began to shoot arrows at the others and they held their hands in front of them and all the arrows keep sticking in their hands.

It was very frightening. I always dream such crap, most of them I like very much because they are that interesting, but that one was really shocking.
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 1969
galletitabonita Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 1:42 AM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
I thought you meant a cross between Dog and Yoda...


hahaha, it looks like the dog of my profile's pic ^^
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 30
Lafkadio Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 8:24 AM Quote
I had a dream about Eero Heinonen ,the bassist of The Rasmus, dying. I weeped.
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 236
wendongotta Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 3:51 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
I thought you meant a cross between Dog and Yoda...


omg i love that pic!!!
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 967
irenesfor Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 6:39 PM Quote
Yes!! Lately, I have a very strange dreams... One night I dreamt that I was in a train and in my city there would be 3 days of TRAVIS's concerts and they sang "Dear Diary", but the name was other...
Another night I dreamt with missiles, rats, that I was in a video game... O.o
Hahaha, bye!! Cheers!!
Re: have you had any weird dreams lately?
Posts: 236
wendongotta Posted Wed 09 Apr, 2008 6:51 PM Quote
irenesfor wrote:
Yes!! Lately, I have a very strange dreams... One night I dreamt that I was in a train and in my city there would be 3 days of TRAVIS's concerts and they sang "Dear Diary", but the name was other...
Another night I dreamt with missiles, rats, that I was in a video game... O.o
Hahaha, bye!! Cheers!!

lol i wish... 3 whole days of travis in concert... that is heaven lol
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