
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 10:37 PM Quote
Travis Rocker wrote:
AbsolutPurple wrote:
but of course ! i'm Joan of Arc for you to know

okay say if there was life after death how would it be in your view?

a Travis messageboard
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 1241
kim2007w Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 10:40 PM Quote
ignore me i have just have humpteen glasses of wine and am feeling rather shit at moment and i am typing the first thing that comes into my head and in the morning i will regret it all
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Travis Rocker
Posts: 412
Travis Rocker Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 10:41 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
My two cents.

I don't believe, nor do I disbelieve, but I hope that death is not the end.

so would you say your open minded about it?
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Travis Rocker
Posts: 412
Travis Rocker Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 10:43 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
kim2007w wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:


When you die it's just like going to sleep... except you wake up deid.

and that was deliberate before anyone starts going on about how can you wake up dead

i see you are full of the joys of spring

Feck all to do with the joys of spring, I'm actually in a very good mood these days, The question was asked I answered, just because I don't believe in the afterlife or the soul or spirits or whatever tree hugging hippy shit is fashionable this week, doen't mean I'm morbid, I do hope I'm wrong and people do go somewhere nice with big fluffy pillows and meet their dead pets and loved ones but I really don't think so...

can you explain why you dont believe in the afterlife?
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 2578
Esteban Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 10:44 PM Quote
Travis Rocker wrote:
Esteban wrote:
My two cents.

I don't believe, nor do I disbelieve, but I hope that death is not the end.

so would you say your open minded about it?

Would you consider it open-minded?
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 1241
kim2007w Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 10:45 PM Quote
i am now completely confused
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 10:46 PM Quote

Science has already disproved all sorts of things, before electrcity was discovered people thought it was gods,

Also when your brain is dead, it's dead end of story.

but again I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 144
alramon13 Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 11:04 PM Quote
I don't understand how you can see a dead person. I never have, i don't really want to. It would scare the living daylights out of me. But i will tell you my experience and i know some of you have heard this story...but since you asked, i will tell it again. I have this thing about people not believing and i must say to those folks, please believe, cause it is real.

My story is i was once really close to someone in my lifetime and he died of a brain tumor. I held him in my arms when he died and when you are that close to a person that passes on it's as if the gates of heaven opens up and its a whole new world, a peaceful place. As i sat there, his heart beat slower and slower until there was nothing left, and he takes his last breath, the blood stops flowing, you immediately feel as if the person is not in this body anymore. I stared at his body watching how the blood stops and the lips turn blue. All that is left is a shell. We all have souls and they do leave the body. Two days after his death, and like that of jesus christ (i believe in the resurrection) i slept for days because i had not slept much for 2 weeks, i stayed with him even tho he was in a coma, he could hear me and sometimes i could see tears coming down from his eyes. I'm not sure if that was pain or the thought of leaving this earth, the nurse assured me he could not feel pain...i was pumping morphine into him. i don't know, but if it was pain, i was there feeding morphine to him through a tube that was timed to dispense the pain killer, i didn't want him to be in pain so i did this. I also did not want him to be afraid and alone.

On the 2nd day after his death, i awoke from a deep sleep, sat up, and something passed through my body, it was a smoky entity, and it was him, i could smell him on me and if you have ever been married or had a love that you lived with, you know what i am talking about, the smell is in their clothes, on their pillow...well he told me that we had to leave me now and wanted to say goodbye and not to be afraid that he is safe and that we do live on...not to be afraid to die, we spoke no words...yet, i could hear ever word he was saying to me. I believe this was his gift to me. I will love this man for all eternity. Next month, july, marks the 15th anniversary of his death.

I made a promise to him before he died...i shall never marry again. He shouldn't have asked this of me and i shouldn't have answered. But how do you answer someones dieing wish. All you want is this person to die in peace and i truly believe he did. You just can't think about what a promise such as this can do to you for the rest of your life. I don't really believe in marriage any more. I don't think that many that walk this earth knows what forever is.
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Travis Rocker
Posts: 412
Travis Rocker Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 11:04 PM Quote
Esteban wrote:
Travis Rocker wrote:
Esteban wrote:
My two cents.

I don't believe, nor do I disbelieve, but I hope that death is not the end.

so would you say your open minded about it?

nope my minds made up

Would you consider it open-minded?
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Travis Rocker
Posts: 412
Travis Rocker Posted Fri 01 Jun, 2007 11:49 PM Quote
alramon13 wrote:
I don't understand how you can see a dead person. I never have, i don't really want to. It would scare the living daylights out of me. But i will tell you my experience and i know some of you have heard this story...but since you asked, i will tell it again. I have this thing about people not believing and i must say to those folks, please believe, cause it is real.

My story is i was once really close to someone in my lifetime and he died of a brain tumor. I held him in my arms when he died and when you are that close to a person that passes on it's as if the gates of heaven opens up and its a whole new world, a peaceful place. As i sat there, his heart beat slower and slower until there was nothing left, and he takes his last breath, the blood stops flowing, you immediately feel as if the person is not in this body anymore. I stared at his body watching how the blood stops and the lips turn blue. All that is left is a shell. We all have souls and they do leave the body. Two days after his death, and like that of jesus christ (i believe in the resurrection) i slept for days because i had not slept much for 2 weeks, i stayed with him even tho he was in a coma, he could hear me and sometimes i could see tears coming down from his eyes. I'm not sure if that was pain or the thought of leaving this earth, the nurse assured me he could not feel pain...i was pumping morphine into him. i don't know, but if it was pain, i was there feeding morphine to him through a tube that was timed to dispense the pain killer, i didn't want him to be in pain so i did this. I also did not want him to be afraid and alone.

On the 2nd day after his death, i awoke from a deep sleep, sat up, and something passed through my body, it was a smoky entity, and it was him, i could smell him on me and if you have ever been married or had a love that you lived with, you know what i am talking about, the smell is in their clothes, on their pillow...well he told me that we had to leave me now and wanted to say goodbye and not to be afraid that he is safe and that we do live on...not to be afraid to die, we spoke no words...yet, i could hear ever word he was saying to me. I believe this was his gift to me. I will love this man for all eternity. Next month, july, marks the 15th anniversary of his death.

I made a promise to him before he died...i shall never marry again. He shouldn't have asked this of me and i shouldn't have answered. But how do you answer someones dieing wish. All you want is this person to die in peace and i truly believe he did. You just can't think about what a promise such as this can do to you for the rest of your life. I don't really believe in marriage any more. I don't think that many that walk this earth knows what forever is.

that is a very moving story thank you for shareing it with me, im deeply sorry to hear of your loss
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 303
Mikko85 Posted Sat 02 Jun, 2007 12:19 AM Quote
I've seen a ghost. But I'm not gonna jump in saying it was definately a dead person, because how should I know?! What I saw was a bloke at the top of a flight of stairs where I used to work. It was a residential home and first thing me & my colleague noticed was that it wasn't one of the residents, so that was a bit weird. Then he scuttled off to the right, out of view. Except that was impossible because there was a solid wall there and it just physically wasn't possible to walk off in that direction, you'd literally hit a brick wall. Didn't even dawn at first. The wall was added quite a few years after the house was originally build to separate it into a semi.

Was solid, like a real person, not in the least scary & at midday. Two of us saw him so I know I'm not mad. Was just interesting, you get home after seeing something rationally you know is impossible, and far from thinking 'woah, now I know there's life after death!' you've just got loads of questions you know won't ever be answered.

Pretty dumb really. You get people saying 'you're so lucky, I'd love to see a ghost' (and just as many who don't believe a word of it!!) and I'm just thinking....why? Doesn't answer any questions. I have no idea if there's life after death, and don't really intend to find out for a few years yet!!

Would be nice, but sitting on a cloud for the rest of eternity might get a bit boring. Hope they've got Sky Sports in heaven.
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Sat 02 Jun, 2007 12:20 AM Quote
I think that whatever your view on the subject, that is your destiny. For instance, if you believe you come back as something else, then that's how you'll come back- and if you don't believe in it but believe in heaven or hell, then that is your destiny
Re: do you believe in life after death?
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Sat 02 Jun, 2007 12:35 AM Quote

...i believe in death after life, so live on little ones, live on!!!!

*coffeeshop audience clap*

i thank you.
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 144
alramon13 Posted Fri 08 Jun, 2007 12:13 AM Quote
Yeah yeah...i'm bring this back up but i was taking a break and watching Oprah. The subject was survival. This guy who apparently was on a flight to the middle east or somewhere...not sure...and a bomb went off and split apart the plane. The first half exploded and was in flames. The guy sat in the middle of the airplane. Apparently he must've been close to the back...i didn't catch that. He said he was lucky because the position he was in, well he managed to escape the flames and he had a piece of luggage that the flight attendant gave him shit about, but that piece of luggage saved him from the blast, he was able to shield his face with it. He said he barely made it to the one door that was not blocked...the other emergency exit was up in the air as the plane was knocked sideways or something, but that they were lucky that this door was not blocked by debri and such. Well there were explosions and he made it the door only to be knocked back into the plane and by that time, he couldn't tell if he was alive or dead or dieing. He said someone walked up to him that was burning before his eyes and he could see the person's face and he said that the person looked puzzled, like he didn't know he's body, including his face was covered in flames and he thought, is that me. Am i burning and i don't know that i'm burning. He managed to force his way out of the plane running as fast as he could and was in the clear and he i i alive, my body hurts, but i feel okay. He said that the clothes on his back were burned, but his body didn't seem to be burned. It was hard for him to breath because of the smoke, but he collected himself enough to try to help others. Oprah asked him if that it was devine intervention. And well the guy said know, that's not what he believed in...meaning he's not religious. Then he said that while he was in the plane watching these people burn up that some of the people's aura's were brighter than others. He said that he could see the spirit being carried up. He now believes that we do not die and that we live on and our spirits are released from our body once it is dead and is now very spiritual. He said he wants to be one of those people whose shines brighter.

I just wanted to share this with y'all. It was very interesting listening to this man as he told his story. It was much like the feeling i had being close to death. I wonder if doctors and nurses feel or see this?
Re: do you believe in life after death?
Posts: 73
cosmicwonder Posted Fri 08 Jun, 2007 12:17 AM Quote
Travis Rocker wrote:
okay heres my theory on it, i think there is life after death and there is the next life. i believe wen we die we stay on this planet and we see dead people this may sound like aload of tripe to some of you but this is my take on it. then when we are in the next life we cant see the living.

personally i dunno, i believe there is something. but i dont want to think that far ahead. i think we go up to the great gig in the sky and ... live with the loved ones that passed on before us ... etc.
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