
Re: They say...
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 4:31 PM Quote
dee wrote:
DAKOTA wrote:
We're a buncha druggies, pass the codeine please. ;)

codeine is the bestest...
aw man back in the day i used to be a strung out child on codeine drops

I've never actually taken that one. Vicodin on the other hand. Mmmmmm.

I have learned that a bunch of eyeball avatars in a row adds to the dramatic impact of any thread. ;)
Re: They say...
Posts: 1608
dee Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 4:34 PM Quote
it's ash wednesday, day of abstinence..technically i shouldn't be allowing myself hot toddies, not til after midnight hits anyway...

hey Joe feel better soon, btw how's Dom getting on?
Re: They say...
Posts: 625
Joe Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 4:36 PM Quote
He's doing alright. Taking a break from his studies at the moment. He's got a job and a couple more interviews. He's staying at his girlfriend's flat during the week and coming home at the weekends (no doubt to get his washing done :D ).

As for me, I've got a man cold.
Re: They say...
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 5:17 PM Quote
DAKOTA wrote:
We're a buncha druggies, pass the codeine please. ;)

I get a bad rash from codeine, so that's off the menu.
Re: They say...
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 5:20 PM Quote
I am allergic to codeine and also almost every prescription painkiller I've ever taken. Thankfully perkeset and darvaset are OK. I popped those bad boys like candy when I had a baby and kidney stones in one week.
Re: They say...
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 5:25 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
I am allergic to codeine and also almost every prescription painkiller I've ever taken. Thankfully perkeset and darvaset are OK. I popped those bad boys like candy when I had a baby and kidney stones in one week.

Ouch, that sounds bad!
I found out about my allergy when I broke a collar bone in a bicycle crash. It's pretty painful to scratch when you're one big bruise.
Re: They say...
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 5:30 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
I am allergic to codeine and also almost every prescription painkiller I've ever taken. Thankfully perkeset and darvaset are OK. I popped those bad boys like candy when I had a baby and kidney stones in one week.

My husband cannot take any of the "-ocet" drugs. Makes him sicker than a dog. When he had wisdom teeth removed he said it was a walk in the park compared to the nausea from the drugs. Me, I can take anything and it has no effect on me. I have to take more than the average person to get results. I have no idea why, because I'm not a big person. They gave me some pain meds after I had my c-section and I couldn't tell one bit of difference, so I just gave up taking them.
Re: They say...
Posts: 487
haz Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 5:53 PM Quote

i learned not to fall asleep while still connected to your iPod. the interior of my right ear is murdering me today.
Re: They say...
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 5:59 PM Quote
Turtleneck wrote:
weirdmominaustin wrote:
I am allergic to codeine and also almost every prescription painkiller I've ever taken. Thankfully perkeset and darvaset are OK. I popped those bad boys like candy when I had a baby and kidney stones in one week.

My husband cannot take any of the "-ocet" drugs. Makes him sicker than a dog. When he had wisdom teeth removed he said it was a walk in the park compared to the nausea from the drugs. Me, I can take anything and it has no effect on me. I have to take more than the average person to get results. I have no idea why, because I'm not a big person. They gave me some pain meds after I had my c-section and I couldn't tell one bit of difference, so I just gave up taking them.

Me too. I was on some painkiller (I forget) when I broke my ankle a few years ago. I had THREE days to live in a splint with three breaks and a dislocation. I could FEEL the bones moving around! Uggh, and my mom wouldn't let me take more than what it said on the bottle, even though the pain wasn't remotely dulled so I didn't even bother asking after a while and just sucked it up. hehe.

Last night I tried some medication last night for this wretched cough I have now and it didn't work at all. Hah. The excedrin did get me to sleep, but I still have the damn cough. I'm popping cough drops like they're candy. :(
Re: They say...
Posts: 509
varz Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 6:35 PM Quote
Joe wrote:

By the way, anyone else see that they've confirmed Ledger's death was acciental? Apparently he was taking 6 different prescription drugs and had a really nasty case of bloody bad luck. Poor sod. Shit way to go (as if any way to go wasn't shit).

Yeah, poor guy. God knows why the poor dude was on more than 1 benzodiazepine... Looks like it was a nasty mix of drugs, poor poor Heath.
Re: They say...
Posts: 509
varz Posted Wed 06 Feb, 2008 6:42 PM Quote
haz wrote:

i learned not to fall asleep while still connected to your iPod. the interior of my right ear is murdering me today.

Aaah, that is never a good idea.
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