
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 6:25 AM Quote
AberdeenShare wrote:
I agree with this guy
My spanish is bad, but one sees that these persons are very aggressive, i believe that you as moderators should have more control on the topics in Spanish or prohibit them
(there are translators in google)

Just because a bunch of guys don't get along doesn't mean threads in Spanish should be prohibited. That would be terribly unfair to the big majority of spanish speaking fans who don't have issues with eachother and love to express themselves in their native tounge.

It's not a matter of language, it's a matter of arguments between people. It happens in Spanish, English, German, Chinese or any other language. Let's not generalize. This particular case involves mexican people.

Maybe I'm wrong, if I am I apologize, but since apparently you're not part of the discussion, you shouldn't take sides or just go and state a member needs to be banned. It's a huge thing to say and I think it's up to TWT to decide that.

Yo no sé bien cuál es el problema, recién lo empecé a seguir estos días, no sé quién tiene razón, quién no. Pero la verdad, discutirlo de esa forma tan agresiva en un foro público... muchachos, estamos grandes! Para mí no está mal que se peleen si hay cosas que no les caen bien del otro, es lo más normal del mundo y no todos podemos llevarnos bien, pero hay formas y lugares...

That's my humble opinion :o)

As usual, I apologize for my poor English...
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Travis Web Team
Posts: 289
Travis Web Team Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 10:06 AM Quote
RaZzZ wrote:
Just a little favor:

I know its hard to moderate this kind of boards, specially now that people is writting in spanish, but i would like you to consider more control over the forum.

hello RaZzZ, and everyone concerned about this issue.

we're sorry to hear that you feel the need to write to us about your recent experiences on the board here at Travisonline.

Unfortunately, as we think you realise?, it is all but impossible for the web team to moderate threads in a language they are not fluent in.

Melissa mentions the use of onlline translation tools to moderate these threads, but these are simply not accurate enough to give us a good idea of exactly what is going on and what should be done about any given issue.

In any personal disagreement between members on the forum we always simply ask that if people can't get along? then they ignore each other for the general good of the forum - it's tiresome for other members of the community to have to wade through threads like these in a forum which is meant to be about Travis.

As we can't properly moderate Spanish threads there are only a few options available to us...

1. We make a rule that only English can be written on the boards and stop all threads in Spanish?

2. We find a spanish speaker who also speaks/writes excellent English, is already a long time and trusted member of the site, who would be prepared to volunteer to moderate these threads, and is mature and responsible enough to do this without becoming too heavy handed or power crazy!- and to be honest we would rather not go down this route as we've never needed to before.

3. We usually find that the community is mature and responsible enough to sort out their problems without having to resort to heavy moderation from some official source and we think most people want it that way?

Can the member whose name is anti razzz please use another member name here at Travisonline to post under- as this name does represent antagonistic behaviour towards another individual on the board.

We are not banning anyone at present, and on that note we are always very suspicious of new member profiles created recently who post in threads backing up any side of an argument and asking for someone to be banned.

We hope you can sort out this issue between yourselves and we can all move on ?

Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 1382
jesusaremus Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 10:22 AM Quote
Travis Web Team wrote:
RaZzZ wrote:
Just a little favor:

I know its hard to moderate this kind of boards, specially now that people is writting in spanish, but i would like you to consider more control over the forum.

hello RaZzZ, and everyone concerned about this issue.

we're sorry to hear that you feel the need to write to us about your recent experiences on the board here at Travisonline.

Unfortunately, as we think you realise?, it is all but impossible for the web team to moderate threads in a language they are not fluent in.

Melissa mentions the use of onlline translation tools to moderate these threads, but these are simply not accurate enough to give us a good idea of exactly what is going on and what should be done about any given issue.

In any personal disagreement between members on the forum we always simply ask that if people can't get along? then they ignore each other for the general good of the forum - it's tiresome for other members of the community to have to wade through threads like these in a forum which is meant to be about Travis.

As we can't properly moderate Spanish threads there are only a few options available to us...

1. We make a rule that only English can be written on the boards and stop all threads in Spanish?

2. We find a spanish speaker who also speaks/writes excellent English, who is already a long time and trusted member of the site who would be prepared to volunteer to moderate these threads, and is mature and responsible enough to do this without becoming too heavy handed or power crazy!- and to be honest we would rather not go down this route as we've never needed to before.

3. We usually find that the community is mature and responsible enough to sort out their problems without having to resort to heavy moderation from some official source and we think most people want it that way?

Can the member whose name is anti razzz please use another member name here at Travisonline to post under- as this name does represent antagonistic behaviour towards another individual on the board.

We are not banning anyone at present, and on that note we are always very suspicious of new member profiles created recently who post in threads backing up any side of an argument and asking for someone to be banned.

We hope you can sort out this issue between yourselves and we can all move on ?

Well, i think is finally ending this issue, i don't see any need to make a rule about just speaking english, 'cause unfortunately, there's always people coming, and not all of them know english, so, i think we (at least personally i'm doing it) are going to ignore the bad behavior on the member. So i choose number 3.
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 3:55 PM Quote
Travis Web Team wrote:

3. We usually find that the community is mature and responsible enough to sort out their problems without having to resort to heavy moderation from some official source and we think most people want it that way?

We hope you can sort out this issue between yourselves and we can all move on ?

Ahhh... I love this forum!!!
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 1969
galletitabonita Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 4:18 PM Quote
mee too, #3

Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 5:47 PM Quote
Another vote for nr. 3
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 282
tonybony Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 6:26 PM Quote
# 3 yeeah
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
the boy with a cryptic name
Posts: 2310
the boy with a cryptic name Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 7:00 PM Quote
I also vote for number 3...

Unless we allow:

4. We build up a large mob of boardies who agree to side against anyone of TWT's discretion. Hence the rogue posters get beaten away with a deluge of one-sided comments :D

PS. TWT, you have been busy today! Server problems and boardie mediation - whatever next? :)
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 334
TALIA Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 7:07 PM Quote
uhmmm I thought we were already getting over this?
this discussion is going nowhere and it's completely non sense.. just stop it!

so I vote 3, I've been a bordie for a long time and there had always been different opinions, but ppl usually use their common sense and avoid this kinda discussions.. so hope this time we do the same..

ya calmense, luego porque no nos quieren a los mexicanos.. y especialmente en este foro :/

Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 1382
jesusaremus Posted Fri 16 Nov, 2007 10:12 PM Quote
TALIA wrote:
uhmmm I thought we were already getting over this?
this discussion is going nowhere and it's completely non sense.. just stop it!

so I vote 3, I've been a bordie for a long time and there had always been different opinions, but ppl usually use their common sense and avoid this kinda discussions.. so hope this time we do the same..

ya calmense, luego porque no nos quieren a los mexicanos.. y especialmente en este foro :/

Hallo talia! como estais?
Pues ya, ya se acabo, ya mejor hablemos de otra cosa XD. porque es cierto, jaja no nos quieren, y sorry si te moleste con lo que decia, pero bueno, habemos de otra cosa, tu sacaste fotos o videos del concierto?
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Sat 17 Nov, 2007 12:07 AM Quote
Travis Web Team wrote:
RaZzZ wrote:
Just a little favor:

I know its hard to moderate this kind of boards, specially now that people is writting in spanish, but i would like you to consider more control over the forum.

hello RaZzZ, and everyone concerned about this issue.

we're sorry to hear that you feel the need to write to us about your recent experiences on the board here at Travisonline.

Unfortunately, as we think you realise?, it is all but impossible for the web team to moderate threads in a language they are not fluent in.

Melissa mentions the use of onlline translation tools to moderate these threads, but these are simply not accurate enough to give us a good idea of exactly what is going on and what should be done about any given issue.

In any personal disagreement between members on the forum we always simply ask that if people can't get along? then they ignore each other for the general good of the forum - it's tiresome for other members of the community to have to wade through threads like these in a forum which is meant to be about Travis.

As we can't properly moderate Spanish threads there are only a few options available to us...

1. We make a rule that only English can be written on the boards and stop all threads in Spanish?

2. We find a spanish speaker who also speaks/writes excellent English, is already a long time and trusted member of the site, who would be prepared to volunteer to moderate these threads, and is mature and responsible enough to do this without becoming too heavy handed or power crazy!- and to be honest we would rather not go down this route as we've never needed to before.

3. We usually find that the community is mature and responsible enough to sort out their problems without having to resort to heavy moderation from some official source and we think most people want it that way?

Can the member whose name is anti razzz please use another member name here at Travisonline to post under- as this name does represent antagonistic behaviour towards another individual on the board.

We are not banning anyone at present, and on that note we are always very suspicious of new member profiles created recently who post in threads backing up any side of an argument and asking for someone to be banned.

We hope you can sort out this issue between yourselves and we can all move on ?

Regards TWT
And thanks for the response...
Many users agree with the point number 3, nevertheless there are people who does not understand and the external problems come to express them to the forum. I believe that it this´s badly.

Also, I like that the TWT have more control over of some topics, because sometimes some users use the forum for chatting, flood, spam etc, and it is really troublesome.

The point 2 also is a GREAT idea, and i think that the staff should choose one spanish moderator to avoid these troubles.

That is what i though from the outset, the board has generated much flood and sometimes even have doubled posts, issues where we talk about the same thing, where I think one is enough

TWT Thanks again, and I hope they consider the suggestion
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 118
el_gemelito Posted Sat 17 Nov, 2007 2:01 AM Quote
opcion numero 3

creo ke mejor se evita tirar mala onda
aka todo es un circulo vicioso
y el circulo solo tiene un lado!!! asi ke el ke empezo toda la mal onda la debe terminar..

en una lucha de orgullo es dificil ke alguien sea vencedor
pero ejemplo, Sr. Raziel, no puede pretender decirles a los del web team que moderen comentarios porke leyendo lo que tú has escrito hacia los otros miembros te sacarian del board antes de gastar en un moderador, porque no hay muchas malas ondas mas de los que estabamos cansados de recibir ofensas de parte tuya.

ultimamente no has molestado mucho
de hecho, y como corresponde, hablando solo por mi persona
no has dicho nada en contra mia, y fijate que ha resultado! porque yo respondo, no ataco.

He leido malas ondas hacia tu persona, si, entendible porque quizas no todos tienen la misma capacidad de tolerancia, pero moderadores... mejor aludir a la humanizacion del board, pensar las cosas y opinar de temas que valgan la pena.

si he cometido alguna ofensa gratuita hacia quien sea del board, he aquí mi disculpa, pero si he respondido a alguna hecha a mi persona, lamentablemente debo responder, soy inmaduro pagando con la misma moneda, eso lo sé, pero tambien soy consciente de que admitiendo los errores se da el primer paso a la solución... asi que espero logre de a poco mejorar mi tolerancia.

ojala que este bien
y toda la gente que entra al foro
logremos reubicar este espacio que amablemente se nos brinda para poder conocernos, comentar buena musica y tener la oportunidad de acercarnos a la banda que mueve nuestros oidos.

opcion 3 como dije anteriormente...
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 27
Selfish_arg Posted Sat 17 Nov, 2007 4:52 AM Quote
I'm just asking why this kind of topic in this section of the Board... it should be on General Chat, this is not about the band...

I understand this is too dificult to moderate topics in other language, but we're a comunity, there's no need to make any suggestion to TWT about a personal problem...
And because it is a comunity, if someone is having trouble with someone other, just avide it, don't answer...

I hope you all can understand, my english is not very good
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 368
melissa Posted Sat 17 Nov, 2007 5:20 AM Quote
Travis Web Team wrote:
RaZzZ wrote:
Just a little favor:

I know its hard to moderate this kind of boards, specially now that people is writting in spanish, but i would like you to consider more control over the forum.

hello RaZzZ, and everyone concerned about this issue.

we're sorry to hear that you feel the need to write to us about your recent experiences on the board here at Travisonline.

Unfortunately, as we think you realise?, it is all but impossible for the web team to moderate threads in a language they are not fluent in.

Melissa mentions the use of onlline translation tools to moderate these threads, but these are simply not accurate enough to give us a good idea of exactly what is going on and what should be done about any given issue.

In any personal disagreement between members on the forum we always simply ask that if people can't get along? then they ignore each other for the general good of the forum - it's tiresome for other members of the community to have to wade through threads like these in a forum which is meant to be about Travis.

As we can't properly moderate Spanish threads there are only a few options available to us...

1. We make a rule that only English can be written on the boards and stop all threads in Spanish?

2. We find a spanish speaker who also speaks/writes excellent English, is already a long time and trusted member of the site, who would be prepared to volunteer to moderate these threads, and is mature and responsible enough to do this without becoming too heavy handed or power crazy!- and to be honest we would rather not go down this route as we've never needed to before.

3. We usually find that the community is mature and responsible enough to sort out their problems without having to resort to heavy moderation from some official source and we think most people want it that way?

Can the member whose name is anti razzz please use another member name here at Travisonline to post under- as this name does represent antagonistic behaviour towards another individual on the board.

We are not banning anyone at present, and on that note we are always very suspicious of new member profiles created recently who post in threads backing up any side of an argument and asking for someone to be banned.

We hope you can sort out this issue between yourselves and we can all move on ?

just try it!!
It's a good idea
Re: A sugestion To Travis Web Team
Posts: 168
2bm Posted Sat 17 Nov, 2007 5:13 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
AberdeenShare wrote:
I agree with this guy
My spanish is bad, but one sees that these persons are very aggressive, i believe that you as moderators should have more control on the topics in Spanish or prohibit them
(there are translators in google)

Just because a bunch of guys don't get along doesn't mean threads in Spanish should be prohibited. That would be terribly unfair to the big majority of spanish speaking fans who don't have issues with eachother and love to express themselves in their native tounge.

It's not a matter of language, it's a matter of arguments between people. It happens in Spanish, English, German, Chinese or any other language. Let's not generalize. This particular case involves mexican people.

Maybe I'm wrong, if I am I apologize, but since apparently you're not part of the discussion, you shouldn't take sides or just go and state a member needs to be banned. It's a huge thing to say and I think it's up to TWT to decide that.

Yo no sé bien cuál es el problema, recién lo empecé a seguir estos días, no sé quién tiene razón, quién no. Pero la verdad, discutirlo de esa forma tan agresiva en un foro público... muchachos, estamos grandes! Para mí no está mal que se peleen si hay cosas que no les caen bien del otro, es lo más normal del mundo y no todos podemos llevarnos bien, pero hay formas y lugares...

That's my humble opinion :o)

As usual, I apologize for my poor English...

I agree with what she sais. After all, aren't we all there because of our love for the band? It's is very childish to start having arguments with one another.
As far as my experience in other boards goes, when people started having problems amongst themselves, they talked about it OUTSIDE the forums. And if they couldn't get along anymore, they'd just ignore what the other posted..

I also believe that banning those threads in spanish is a bit disrespectful for those who speak the language. Would you like it if you were a fan of a spanish band(or for that matter, any band in any language) and was not allowed to speak in english? I don't think so.. Besides, there are many who aren't fluent in english, or -like me- are still learning, and find it difficult to write in english all the time (besides, what's the point in writing in english if you're talking to somebody from your country xP)

all in all.. I forgot what point I was trying to make X_x
those who're having arguments due to personality clashes.. please stop it.. It's childish, makes no sense, and you forgot the reason why you joined this place.. (want a clue? starts with 'T' and ends with 'ravis')
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