
Re: Ass whipping
Posts: 1018
Sunny Posted Sun 23 Sep, 2007 9:35 PM Quote
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) wrote:
However if anyone does indeed have such videos. My email is :)

Okays *makes a note*

Re: Ass whipping
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 24 Sep, 2007 3:52 PM Quote
isma wrote:
Haha I'm rather excited to see them! Whooo :)

OOh George Best Plus and Take Fountain would be awesome . Thanks!

The full album of Take Fountain is up there but don't download George best till I get home, around 7pm there are a few tracks still to come ;)

btw writing this in a pub in Dublin, ain't technology wonderful!!!

Nemo me Impune Lacessit

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