
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Yulia Nox
Posts: 2721
Yulia Nox Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 1:02 AM Quote
he's such a flirtatious boy
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 42
beatlejenn Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 2:01 AM Quote
well, Scorpios do ooze sexiness after all, right?
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 75
NewBaby Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 2:23 AM Quote
sometimes, or all the time, he kind of freaks me out. I wish they couldn't see me freaking out like I do at a Travis show. It's not pretty. The first time I saw them, we lucked out and got front row and I was singing along, loud, like a crazy person and dougie looks down and I sort of froze and was so embarrassed. It just seems like he is mentally filing away your face and is waiting for the day when he randomly passes you on the street and stops you and says something like, 'hey! you totally forgot the words to Why Does It Always Rain On Me! Oh yeah, I remember you!!!' ok, so this senario is pretty unlikely, but I just know it's gonna happen to me-because I do live in rural ohio, a place we are obviously bound to bump into eachother...
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 3:26 AM Quote
I was at the Lawrence show, and we got to go to the birthday party afterwards. I spotted Dougie first and, no surprise here, he was the only group member dancing at the party. His dances moves were very similar to the bass thrusts. I met him first, and we talked a little and took a picture with us. He gave me a hug and it was soooo sweaty. He apologized, and I said, "I guess it's easy to work up a sweat with all of that hip thrusting..." I wanted to ask him about the hips more but I was too embarassed. We talked about Kelly's new Coen Bros. movie, and how she just started displaying her Emmy. Damn, that woman is soooo lucky.

I know I already posted this :
... but listen during the :37 sec mark...
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 115
BeatleGirl11 Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 3:32 AM Quote
I totally know what you're talking about! Dougie kept smiling at me and my sister during the concert! Everytime we made eye contact with him he gave us a huge smile. And those suggestive moves while he was playing the bass was definitely a distraction....a good distraction, lol!
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 3:48 AM Quote
NewBaby wrote:
sometimes, or all the time, he kind of freaks me out. I wish they couldn't see me freaking out like I do at a Travis show. It's not pretty. The first time I saw them, we lucked out and got front row and I was singing along, loud, like a crazy person and dougie looks down and I sort of froze and was so embarrassed...

I KNOW! When he winked at me during Selfish Jean, I stopped jumping up and down, and blushed... well I don't really blush, my skins too dark. But I froze, turned to my friend and went, "He looked at me, didn't he just look at me? He winked at me right?" Then he'd roll his eyes at me the rest of the night, not in a bad way, the flirtatious way.
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 22
physalia Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 4:26 AM Quote
NewBaby wrote:
It just seems like he is mentally filing away your face and is waiting for the day when he randomly passes you on the street and stops you and says something like, 'hey! you totally forgot the words to Why Does It Always Rain On Me! Oh yeah, I remember you!!!' ok, so this senario is pretty unlikely, but I just know it's gonna happen to me-because I do live in rural ohio, a place we are obviously bound to bump into eachother...

LOL - My mind works exactly like this. While I was waiting in line for the Chicago show last week, he, Andy, and Neil came out from backstage to go to the bus, and walked right by me. I kind of just - squeaked. I said something ridiculous, along the lines of, "Dougie, you rock my world!" And now I'm afraid he's filed me away as the sort of incomprehensible spaz girl in Chicago :)

I felt better after the show though - many of the other people there were much nuttier than I was. And less sober. And so with more of the drool.
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 5:53 AM Quote
i've had a thought.....dougie's dancing and shakira's "hips don't lie" song...LOL...i'm just saying!! it would certainly make for a much more interesting video!...for the ladies at least! haha
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 115
BeatleGirl11 Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 6:23 AM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
i've had a thought.....dougie's dancing and shakira's "hips don't lie" song...LOL...i'm just saying!! it would certainly make for a much more interesting video!...for the ladies at least! haha

I personally love this idea!
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 4
aufachse405 Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 2:15 PM Quote
This thread is hilarious. About 6 years ago, I found myself standing right up front at a Travis concert in New Orleans, right in front of Dougie, and all of you are right---he makes eye contact like a HAWK. A friend and I waved and yelled "Dougie!!" at him, and he looked right at us and SMILED. I nearly died.

And Sunday @ the Travis show, Dougie grabbed my hand while they were walking through the crowd to the stage, and again, I nearly died. I couldn't even take any pictures the first few songs of the show because my hands were shaking so bad!!
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 527
emmahealy Posted Tue 31 Jul, 2007 8:08 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
Oh, I do!! I have a few videos...I may have posted one already, but I need to post the other...
I think a few of my guy friends have developed the man-crush on Dougie as well! lol!

I saw your postings girl.. serious hip movements from Dougie... made me rather weak at the knees...

thanks for sharing the video...
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Wed 01 Aug, 2007 2:03 AM Quote
I've had another thought...picture it:: Dougie dancing to The Rapture's "Get Myself Into It"...i think he'd like that song... can visit my MySpace page to hear the song...
goosey's page
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 41
noreply9 Posted Thu 02 Aug, 2007 6:15 AM Quote
I just wanted to add how much I love Dougie's hips!!! He's definitely a rival to Elvis, in my opinion. HE'S SUCH A CUTIE!!!
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 806
Tianyan Posted Thu 02 Aug, 2007 11:53 AM Quote
NewBaby wrote:
sometimes, or all the time, he kind of freaks me out. I wish they couldn't see me freaking out like I do at a Travis show. It's not pretty. The first time I saw them, we lucked out and got front row and I was singing along, loud, like a crazy person and dougie looks down and I sort of froze and was so embarrassed. It just seems like he is mentally filing away your face and is waiting for the day when he randomly passes you on the street and stops you and says something like, 'hey! you totally forgot the words to Why Does It Always Rain On Me! Oh yeah, I remember you!!!' ok, so this senario is pretty unlikely, but I just know it's gonna happen to me-because I do live in rural ohio, a place we are obviously bound to bump into eachother...

I don't know why this amused me so much, but it did...hahah! Yeah, you need to be careful...he will HUNT you DOWN! Hahahah...
Re: Ohhhh, Mr. Payne
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Thu 02 Aug, 2007 3:38 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
I've had another thought...picture it:: Dougie dancing to The Rapture's "Get Myself Into It"...i think he'd like that song...

@ Fran's B-day get together, Dougie was the ONLY one dancing to the music playing. *Sigh* It was so adorable. Like his stage moves, his dancing has a lot of hip action.
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