
Re: Fopp
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Fri 29 Jun, 2007 5:08 PM Quote
When i was in a few months back, they were having a "warehouse clearance". Don't know if that's anything to do with it, but it certainly is a shame. The odd time i'd be in Glasgow getting stuff, i'd always go into FOPP and get about 3 albums i'd not been able to get elsewhere
Re: Fopp
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Fri 29 Jun, 2007 5:14 PM Quote
I used to buy a CD a week, from my fopp which I can see from here... partly to buy a cd, but mainly to eye up the REALLY fit fella who works at the counter. Mark. I'm gonna miss him. LOL.
Re: Fopp
1/3 of Suggestive Leg
Posts: 561
1/3 of Suggestive Leg Posted Fri 29 Jun, 2007 6:25 PM Quote
Now where will the cool kids work? There aren't enough jobs at google.
Re: Fopp
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Sat 30 Jun, 2007 1:37 AM Quote
Is it sad I just noticed my last receipt from FOPP is on my desk and I don't want to throw it out?

'Trouble' - Ray LaMontagne (for Father's Day)
'Weekend In The City' - Bloc Party (a steal at £7)
'Garden Ruin' - Calexico (an even bigger steal at £5)
House Of Flying Daggers on DVD (also £7)

Not as good as the time I strolled in on lunchtime and came away with 7 albums for something ridiculous like £23.

I've decided I may go buy a lottery ticket tomorrow, surely the music gods will allow me this win in order to save the Byres Road FOPP at least?
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