
Re: *POP*
Posts: 559
Harmony1206 Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 11:57 PM Quote
Els* wrote:
oh thats so great that your going with your mom to dublin. i need to take a vacation with mom. lucky you. i saw that travis are playing in oslo, does that not work for you?

I hope she'll love the city as much as I do. And of course, that she'll have a great time. It's the first time we're going on vacation together since I've become an.. ehrm.. adult. heh

Norway is mad expencive and I don't know anyone there, so Copenhagen would be much much better.
Re: *POP*
Posts: 88
coldplay Posted Thu 24 May, 2007 11:58 PM Quote
Els* wrote:
coldplay wrote:


they let you in here rudolfo? :p

i dont remember you but im here
so i cant wait to see the video section
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