
Re: G'Night all
Posts: 4170
paul_c Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 3:52 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:
Darran wrote:
Ha, I'm in work but leaving at four to go home and start having a few.

I'll probably only be arriving about 1930 or so.

Support is on at 8pm I think. You won't be hard to spot with that hairdo. I'll give you a wave from stage right. :-)

Just remember to introduce yourself. I think I frightened poor Paul when I just started speaking to him lol

Haha, that was funny aye. Although Ursina was funnier cos she didn't even say who she was until ages. She made me try and guess!
Re: G'Night all
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 4:41 PM Quote
paul_c wrote:

Haha, that was funny aye. Although Ursina was funnier cos she didn't even say who she was until ages. She made me try and guess!

Lol, I do remember the bewildered look on your face while you were desperately trying to come up with a name without insulting anyone. Wasn't very nice but a little bit funny :o)
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