
Re: Life Philosophy
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Tue 31 Dec, 2013 12:51 PM Quote
"This too shall pass" - it reminds me that whatever horrible stuff is going on or how I FEEL at that will pass. It won't matter as much as I think it will. It kind of gives me hope. A bit like the whole "in five years time will this matter?" idea.

Re: Life Philosophy
Posts: 127
flc Posted Tue 31 Dec, 2013 6:07 PM Quote
Be honest and be yourself! ;)
Re: Life Philosophy
Posts: 209
cosmic Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2014 6:59 PM Quote
My current life philosophy is "Just get on with it"
Went through a really sad time Christmas just past and lost a really close relative very suddenly. He was still young and was taken too soon, our last conversation surrounded Nelson Mandela's passing (rather spooky for our last conversation to surround death) and he quipped that the world had to "Just get on with it" as he was slightly fed up of all the news coverage (meaning no disrespect to anyone). So on my relatives passing some days later, I just said "We've just to get on with it, it what he'd have wanted". Bloody miss him tho
Re: Life Philosophy
Posts: 209
cosmic Posted Mon 17 Mar, 2014 6:59 PM Quote
My current life philosophy is "Just get on with it"
Went through a really sad time Christmas just past and lost a really close relative very suddenly. He was still young and was taken too soon, our last conversation surrounded Nelson Mandela's passing (rather spooky for our last conversation to surround death) and he quipped that the world had to "Just get on with it" as he was slightly fed up of all the news coverage (meaning no disrespect to anyone). So on my relatives passing some days later, I just said "We've just to get on with it, it what he'd have wanted". Bloody miss him tho
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