
Re: Shittiest
Posts: 82
Digsy Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 6:09 PM Quote
quite scary

but as it is a caricature

and i prefer the pencil one too
Re: Shittiest
Lemon Grinner
Posts: 4469
Lemon Grinner Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 6:11 PM Quote
hewsy10 wrote:
His features are supposed to be exaggerated / distorted. That's what a caricature is! It was instantly recognisable to me even before I read who it was supposed to be. It's far from 'shitty'.

Aye exactly.
Re: Shittiest
Lavena (thomyorkescaresme)
Posts: 45
Lavena (thomyorkescaresme) Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 8:06 PM Quote
hewsy10 wrote:
His features are supposed to be exaggerated / distorted. That's what a caricature is! It was instantly recognisable to me even before I read who it was supposed to be. It's far from 'shitty'.

My husband is a caricature artist, so yes, I know what the word means. And knowing the definition of it makes this piece no less shitty. Shitastic even!
Re: Shittiest
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Thu 21 Jun, 2007 9:24 PM Quote

Here is another one, wotcha think?
Re: Shittiest
Posts: 2
hewsy10 Posted Tue 26 Jun, 2007 11:32 AM Quote
Without trying to be offensive, I'd be interested to know if your husband hates it too. Let me know ...

All I'm saying is that the likeness is there. There's no denying it. I think the shading / rendering is nice and smooth. I'd buy it!

I would say that last image has more of a Marti Pellow feel to it.
Re: Shittiest
Posts: 806
Tianyan Posted Sun 01 Jul, 2007 1:00 PM Quote
kevinnn wrote:
i like his nice white teeth

Re: Shittiest
Posts: 51
lishag Posted Sun 01 Jul, 2007 6:20 PM Quote
The first picture more resembles Chester Bennington of Linkin Park :P
Re: Shittiest
Posts: 731
alyrtle Posted Sun 01 Jul, 2007 8:57 PM Quote
Lemon Grinner wrote:
The tongue thing is right!!

haha yeah it is
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