
Re: Travis: Maxidrom Festival, Moscow
Dypebooggep Posted Wed 01 Jun, 2011 5:10 PM Quote
Yeah! Thank you so much, guys! I very love you and your songs, I was at Maxidrom on 28 May. It was the first time when i saw you real and i sincerelly happy ^____^ You are the best for me!) Come again, we will be waiting for you!

Sorry for my russian)
With love and respect,
just Catherine
Re: Travis: Maxidrom Festival, Moscow
Dypebooggep Posted Wed 01 Jun, 2011 5:16 PM Quote
Yeah! Thank you so much, guys! I very love you and your songs, I was at Maxidrom on 28 May. It was the first time when i saw you real and i sincerelly happy ^____^ You are the best for me!) Come again, we will be waiting for you!

Sorry for my russian)
With love and respect,
just Catherine
Re: Travis: Maxidrom Festival, Moscow
Posts: 3
irbis Posted Fri 03 Jun, 2011 1:29 PM Quote
Almost a week gone after Travis gig in Moscow, but memories are still fresh. Believe us, Maxidrom was a huge event for all Travis fans.
As I wrote before, May 28 has officially become Travis Day in Russia.
Thank you, guys, for visiting Russian and delivering such a super-amazing gig. We really appreciate that.
Just a few weeks prior to May 28 we had no idea that Travis could come to Russia, and then *boom*, there came the news about your appearance at Maxidrom 2011.
For those, who were at your concert for the first time, it was the time of their lives. A dream come true.
Yeah, some were maybe rubbing their eyes and did not believe that they are seeing you on stage but the truth is Russia was not so spoiled as Europe or America, where Travis are frequent guests. It was your just second gig in Russia, for God's sake! So don't think that Russia was a little bit too hysterical. We are normal, more or less)
Fran, Dougie, Andy, Niel, Claus, you were awesome, simply awesome. Just no words to describe your performance.
You were, you are and you'll always be awesome.
Just don't forget about your fans in Russia.
You said once, that Travis are not for people, they are with people.
Then be with us often then once in three years! Please?

Best regards and from Russia with love,
Travis fan forever
Re: Travis: Maxidrom Festival, Moscow
Posts: 2
4ir Posted Mon 06 Jun, 2011 8:50 PM Quote
Thank you once again for a wonderful show! I listen to Travis more than 10 years and I think your music is really sincere (not sure if it sounds right in English) and kind, it affects people. I guess even the craziest Korn fan could feel that warm atmosphere.
Come again, you're always welcomed in Moscow.

I've got a question: Are there plans for a new Travis record?

P.S. Sorry for possible mistakes.
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