
Re: Vienna, anyone?
Posts: 11
chromecoveredclone Posted Wed 02 Mar, 2011 6:31 PM Quote
cooud i have fran healy/travis concert everyday for the rest of my life, please? i loved all of his stories, and the 'setlist' was WOW! :):):)
foley was funny too haha.

some photo from me:
Re: Vienna, anyone?
Posts: 3
chipmunk Posted Wed 02 Mar, 2011 8:01 PM Quote
I really loved the show, felt kinda like "home".. cos Travis songs have been accompanying me for such a long time. and somehow, Fran's/Travis songs always make me feel happy, like: aaaww, good, at least SOMETHING is still going right in this world =) their music is something i can always rely on and come back to...and i guess I'll still be going to Travis gigs when i'm grey and old :D

i think the setlist was great! and during the gig i was thinking that there are really a loooooot of great songs to chose from, so Fran could have continued for hours playing all songs the audience wanted him to sing.
Re: Vienna, anyone?
Posts: 3
chipmunk Posted Wed 02 Mar, 2011 8:03 PM Quote
Re: Vienna, anyone?
Posts: 52
Ladybug Posted Fri 04 Mar, 2011 8:46 PM Quote
Thanks for sharing your pics, everyone! :)

So there were (at least) five boardies there? Wow, that's not so bad for a Vienna gig - a small one, at that. We should try to get a mini boardie convention together next time ;)
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