
Posts: 73
gromit373 Posted Tue 13 Oct, 2009 3:09 PM Quote
i'm back!! after prob a couple-month-long hiatus -- it's been a super-busy time of dissertation crunch, moving countries, and of course farewell drinks... glad to be back, have missed the travisinians!

to start, just a little something from fran on his neighbourhood in Berlin. to anyone who's been there, you know the little green men he's talking about :)


"We live in the old Eastern part of Berlin and in our little area alone there are over 60 playgrounds.

"And the thing is, they're really thoughtful playgrounds - it's a great place for kids.

"You do see stuff from the Soviet times, there are lots of big monuments of all these people surging forward holding flags.

"Even the Green Man at road crossings has a hat on."

Fran Healy on living on the Soviet side of Berlin, in the Sun, "The man who's hot for Berlin," by Chris Sweeney, 24 Sept 2008
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