
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 231
wdiarom Posted Thu 25 Jun, 2009 2:27 PM Quote
singme0430 wrote:

..I dare say I still would like Fran to see this, though Fran will be like, 'I don't look like that!!!!' or '?!!!' if he sees this drawing. xD

He will sure love it!!! (and the rest of the band will do it too) your drawings are great!!! it would be great if Alex could post the link to the gallery he built for you so, if Fran sees this, he could be able to see the other drawings too...

Love that umbrella!!! :)

Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 3859
BenFilbert Posted Thu 25 Jun, 2009 2:47 PM Quote
Fran's opinion of Lee's drawings: ;)
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 522
singme0430 Posted Thu 25 Jun, 2009 4:40 PM Quote
wdiarom wrote:
singme0430 wrote:

..I dare say I still would like Fran to see this, though Fran will be like, 'I don't look like that!!!!' or '?!!!' if he sees this drawing. xD

He will sure love it!!! (and the rest of the band will do it too) your drawings are great!!! it would be great if Alex could post the link to the gallery he built for you so, if Fran sees this, he could be able to see the other drawings too...

Love that umbrella!!! :)

*blushes* Thank you so much, Vane!! You are always sweet! *hugs!* :D

BenFilbert wrote:
Fran's opinion of Lee's drawings: ;)

Thanks a lot Ben, this thread made me smile! :) I'm truly grateful to Fran. ;) Not only for the brilliant music but also for his kindness!
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Thu 25 Jun, 2009 4:55 PM Quote
Oh, this is my new favorite! You are so talented! I love it!
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Thu 25 Jun, 2009 5:43 PM Quote
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Thu 25 Jun, 2009 9:35 PM Quote
wdiarom wrote:
singme0430 wrote:

..I dare say I still would like Fran to see this, though Fran will be like, 'I don't look like that!!!!' or '?!!!' if he sees this drawing. xD

He will sure love it!!! (and the rest of the band will do it too) your drawings are great!!! it would be great if Alex could post the link to the gallery he built for you so, if Fran sees this, he could be able to see the other drawings too...

Love that umbrella!!! :)

I've added this drawing to the gallery too, here's the link: Lee's Slide Show
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 21
supercat Posted Thu 25 Jun, 2009 9:57 PM Quote
BenFilbert wrote:
Fran's opinion of Lee's drawings: ;)

:O !!! Lee that must have made your day when he posted that
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 522
singme0430 Posted Fri 26 Jun, 2009 4:12 PM Quote
TheBoyWithAName wrote:
wdiarom wrote:
singme0430 wrote:

..I dare say I still would like Fran to see this, though Fran will be like, 'I don't look like that!!!!' or '?!!!' if he sees this drawing. xD

He will sure love it!!! (and the rest of the band will do it too) your drawings are great!!! it would be great if Alex could post the link to the gallery he built for you so, if Fran sees this, he could be able to see the other drawings too...

Love that umbrella!!! :)

I've added this drawing to the gallery too, here's the link: Lee's Slide Show

Thank you again for making a slide show and putting it on the TravisLeague, Alex!!

supercat wrote:
BenFilbert wrote:
Fran's opinion of Lee's drawings: ;)

:O !!! Lee that must have made your day when he posted that

INDEED. Thank you! :)

Thank you, Nikki and Monica!!
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 3965
bogusblue Posted Sat 27 Jun, 2009 3:54 AM Quote
Oh, the kilt is fantastic, LEE! Brilliant! :o)
Re: A drawing!!
Posts: 522
singme0430 Posted Sat 27 Jun, 2009 3:03 PM Quote
bogusblue wrote:
Oh, the kilt is fantastic, LEE! Brilliant! :o)

Thank you so much, Alma!! ;)
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