Thank you so much again Ana and Ben, both of you are too humble! :P Your ideas did help me complete the comic!
Thank you very much, dear boardies, As Always!! You all are always so kind. :) I'm so grateful for all your support! I can't express well how much I thank you because of my poor English, but I THANK YOU! :)
bogusblue wrote:
Oops, I see the another thread first, and I posted on that one xD. I saw it, and I thought 'how is possible that no-one has posted any kind comment on LEE's thread???!!!'. I'm so stupid! xD As for the comic and the drawings, they're brilliant, LEE! :o)
It was me that was being stupid, Alma!! xD Blame my double posting. ;) Thank you so much anyway! *hugs!*
TheBoyWithAName wrote:
Haha really funny Lee and I love the coloured drawing of Fran! :) Well errmphh can I borrow them to mine/your little project over at the Travis League? ^^
You don't need to get my permission whenevr I upload drawings! Of Course you can!! ;) Thanks a lot again for the project Alex! It's amazing my drawings are on the TravisLeague!