BenFilbert wrote:
Awww, what a lovely write up. Sounds like a wonderful concert. :) Pleased they added Happy, and it's true they've very rarely played it since they've been back this past couple of years. :)
What's this thing about paper aeroplanes? Who decided to do this? What? When? Why? errr Where? Any more W questions? lol Sounds cool though. :)
We threw the airplains toward the stage when they sang 'closer closer lean on me now'.
Fran laughed happily during the song...*melts*
There is a Travis fan community website named 'FeelTravis' in Korea.
We were so excited that Travis kept the promise that they come back to Korea, so Korean fans all wanted to do some events for them.
So we talked about it, and someone suggested that paper airplanes at Closer, and throwing paper pieces at Flowers in the Window. And voluntarily, each person prepared for those...
somebody prepared paper pieces that 50 persons can use,
somebody folded 80 paper that, the people who wanted to prepare did it.
and the community users made some poster..
like this.
it explains how to make those things, how to do it, when to do it and etc...
we post this on every site Travis is related.
and we gave people those airplains and papers to people who came to the show and not prepared when we were waiting in the hall..
that's how we did it.