
Re: Barcelona interview
Posts: 462
Ruudio Posted Sat 16 Jun, 2007 7:49 PM Quote
Haha yeah I just saw you - thats so cool =D
Re: Barcelona interview
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Sat 16 Jun, 2007 8:08 PM Quote
hehehehe I see you!! I dont know where I a going to check again and trying to translate what the man is saying
Re: Barcelona interview
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Sat 16 Jun, 2007 8:27 PM Quote
and the man says something like:
Travis arrive to the stage walking between the audience when rocky´s music where playing.That´s good for a band clasificaed as a "melancholic" band
Playing live Travis are really fun and make you smile.

fran talks about the record and then

Before the show travis where talking with the fans, they are very familiar and nice people.

and then says something about travis were before Coldplay and keane.....
Re: Barcelona interview
Posts: 462
Ruudio Posted Sat 16 Jun, 2007 9:09 PM Quote
Thanks for the translation!
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