
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 3:57 PM Quote
LOL I loved reading that, thanks Alex :)

As for this >>>> 8. Hugging is reserved for sexual foreplay.

No way, I hug everyone!lol
Everyone needs a huggle! :)
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 4:11 PM Quote
Haha I think I need to clear up this dating/hugging-thingy a bit ;)

I don't think it's something strange to go out on a coffee or so with a friend and then hug him/her. ;)
Also I'm a very cuddly person, so I could definetely hug the whole bunch of you without thinking it would lead to foreplay, lol! Don't be afraid of me!!!

But if someone I not so so very well would ask me out on a coffee, I might think that she's interested in me.
Or if an acquaintance of the opposite sex wanna to go to the movies with me, than that's second base!!! Lol!

Haha actually I think these statements are a bit prejudiced it's not a list of rules of how to live our lifes ;)

I think it's okey if you decide to hug mr Zetterberg Nikki :D
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 4:15 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
You Swedes need more hugging in your life!
What about kisses?
Here the normal behaviour is to give people you know a kiss on the cheek when you meet and when you leave. Unless it's a more formal situation, then you shake hands.
I kiss (on the cheek) everyone I know when I arrive somewhere and when I leave.

No, NO, NOO, that's definetely foreplay! ;)

Haha just kidding! We never kiss each other on the cheeks over here, but if someone from another culture would do it, then we'd probably play along, even though we'd feel silly doing it :P
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 4:42 PM Quote

Hahaha This is soooo cool

Germans actually kiss twice on the cheeks, Swiss ones do it 3 times :)

And as for tonight - a guy - friend - asked me out for dinner - actually it was coffeee -but since we both just have time at about 6ish- that would be a date in Sweden right? or even more?

Geee :)

I love the Swedens must be reaaaaaaaaaaaally easy to get a date there - just go into the next starbucks :D

Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 4:47 PM Quote
TheBoyWithAName wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
You Swedes need more hugging in your life!
What about kisses?
Here the normal behaviour is to give people you know a kiss on the cheek when you meet and when you leave. Unless it's a more formal situation, then you shake hands.
I kiss (on the cheek) everyone I know when I arrive somewhere and when I leave.

No, NO, NOO, that's definetely foreplay! ;)

Haha just kidding! We never kiss each other on the cheeks over here, but if someone from another culture would do it, then we'd probably play along, even though we'd feel silly doing it :P

LMAO!!! Ditto! My french friend always goes in for a snog ahem I mean a kiss on the cheek..I have got used to it now but ya very strange at first. Esp when you don't know if they are going for a kiss on one cheek or BOTH!?! lol

Nope, my British kissing until the second date! lol
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 4:57 PM Quote
It's scary when they switch cheek! I'm thinking like: "What?! Is he going for the mouth now?!?" :O

We don't have starbucks Nell, but yeah we just have to walk into Ikea to get ourselves some TLC! :D
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 501
iraida Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 5:02 PM Quote
TheBoyWithAName wrote:

3. The reason we take the ferry to Finland is:
a: duty free vodka
b: duty free beer
c: to party need to get off the boat in Helsinki, just turn around and do it again on the way back to Sweden.

That´s what I call a real trip XD
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 5:03 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
You Swedes need more hugging in your life!
What about kisses?
Here the normal behaviour is to give people you know a kiss on the cheek when you meet and when you leave. Unless it's a more formal situation, then you shake hands.
I kiss (on the cheek) everyone I know when I arrive somewhere and when I leave.

It's a normal behaviour in Poland as well.
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 5:21 PM Quote
TheBoyWithAName wrote:
It's scary when they switch cheek! I'm thinking like: "What?! Is he going for the mouth now?!?" :O

We don't have starbucks Nell, but yeah we just have to walk into Ikea to get ourselves some TLC! :D

You're thinking "What?! Is HE going for the mouth now?!?" :) Men don't kiss each other on the cheek to say hello! :D

but otherwise :) maybe one's lucky :D

and you go into Ikea for a first date? Seriously? Hahaha like: "Hey if this works, we can already choose our common bed!" :)

haha ....Gee you guys are fast!

I printed this list and show it to my - well - coffee-thing -I've got tonight - not a date though -I hope :) haha :)

you're guys are gorgeouse :)

Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 6:56 PM Quote
Nell wrote:
TheBoyWithAName wrote:
It's scary when they switch cheek! I'm thinking like: "What?! Is he going for the mouth now?!?" :O

We don't have starbucks Nell, but yeah we just have to walk into Ikea to get ourselves some TLC! :D

You're thinking "What?! Is HE going for the mouth now?!?" :) Men don't kiss each other on the cheek to say hello! :D

but otherwise :) maybe one's lucky :D

and you go into Ikea for a first date? Seriously? Hahaha like: "Hey if this works, we can already choose our common bed!" :)

haha ....Gee you guys are fast!

I printed this list and show it to my - well - coffee-thing -I've got tonight - not a date though -I hope :) haha :)

you're guys are gorgeouse :)

Don't they? In some countries they do, right? :O
Haha you gotta be kidding me? Why would you wanna show your friends how boring Swedes are? Lol!
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 4822
TheBoyWithAName Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 6:58 PM Quote
iraida wrote:
TheBoyWithAName wrote:

3. The reason we take the ferry to Finland is:
a: duty free vodka
b: duty free beer
c: to party need to get off the boat in Helsinki, just turn around and do it again on the way back to Sweden.

That´s what I call a real trip XD

Absolutely! We sure know how to party! :D
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 8:02 PM Quote
I'm laughing out loud in my office xD.

Here men and women kiss people on the cheek. Here it's normal to do it once, on one cheek. I even kiss my boss. It's normal.

I met a Colombian girl the other day. She says that argentinian guys always joke with the kiss thing and they always tell her that the normal thing is to kiss them on the mouth... not true! Lol.

But yeah, if I had met any of you on the street before knowing this I would have kissed you on the cheek, lol! Now I know it's not normal and I shouldn't do it :oP
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 9:41 PM Quote
TheBoyWithAName wrote:
iraida wrote:
TheBoyWithAName wrote:

3. The reason we take the ferry to Finland is:
a: duty free vodka
b: duty free beer
c: to party need to get off the boat in Helsinki, just turn around and do it again on the way back to Sweden.

That´s what I call a real trip XD

Absolutely! We sure know how to party! :D

A few years ago I was on one of these cruises from Helsinki, where the ship actually goes to Tallinn, but you're not even allowed to go ashore if you're on a cruise. So there we were, floating at the harbour, waiting for the morning, when they would let those people out who weren't there for just a bit of fun and let some people in for the return trip. It was really grim, my cabin was horrid and small and food was nothing to write home about. But, it was a class reunion, so it was nice to see all those people after so many years and dance to some 80's hits (preformed by a live band).

The whole experience just reinforced my dislike of ferries.
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 487
haz Posted Thu 12 Feb, 2009 9:53 PM Quote
50 facts too much, and that's a fact.
Re: 50 Facts About Swedes
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Fri 13 Feb, 2009 12:15 AM Quote

Are you kidding me?
The whole restaurant laughed today!
But I actually had to explain that I'd know someone who's actually fine with hugging :) haha

cool you guys are funny - I like that :)

now on the list of things i wanna do in my life: Go to Sweden: Smile at total strangers on the street, ask someone out for a cup of coffee - in the Ikea-store :) Party on the fairy to Helsinki :)

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