
Re: Guantanamo to be closed
Posts: 1190
frandougeil Posted Sat 24 Jan, 2009 6:07 PM Quote
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:

About the Middle East situation, I agree with you, Sue. I can't believe he just said that. WTF is he talking about!
There are at least 1300 palestinians killed...

It's a bloody massacre. At least one third of the dead palestinians were children, women or old people.
And Obama's talking about the threat of Hamas... give me a break!
Palestina has the same right to exist as Israel.

yuP!exactly..this issue bothers me a lot there's no need to apologise.everyone should feel bothered.

The fact that 1 in 3 of the civilians killed are children is just inhumane.Israel go around bombing places that they know tenants those innocent civilians!!Reason being Hamas are taking shelter in those places..but in the end none of the ones killed are Hamas targets..only one Hamas leader was killed..but in sacrifice were the many women and children lives loss!

If they like fighting against each other,why not have a war amongst themselves?!Who's the one trying to destroy whose land and who's the terrorist now?!
Re: Guantanamo to be closed
Posts: 2003
AbsGinger Posted Sat 24 Jan, 2009 8:03 PM Quote
Nell wrote:
Heard Obama wants the Gaza-Stripe (as we call it) to be a country of its own....

Gaza AND the West bank i hope.
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